Mars Transits Taurus, 12 July till 26 Aug 2024

(Moon Sign Based)

When Mars transits in Taurus, it will bring stability and strength in your outlook. You will look for options and sources to bring materialistic security and strength of affection in your relationships.

Mars Transits Taurus, 12 July till 26 Aug 2024


Mars is the planet that signifies fiery energy with determined strong will and passion. The significance of the transit of Mars is that it activates the fire energy of our physical constitution that is the core of our vitality and aggression.

The channelizing of the Marsian energy will give you motivation and ambition to achieve success in life; but in the absence of harnessing this energy, it may lead to anger and conflict based on its placement and strength in your horoscope.

This analysis is based on Vedic Astrology that uses Moon Sign for accurate predictions. If you are not aware of your Moon Sign, FIND OUT INSTANTLY through the form below.


When Mars transits in the Taurus sign it will bring stability and strength in your outlook, you will look for options and sources to bring materialistic security and strength of affection in your relationships.

  • Mars signifies land and Taurus is the earthy sign so transit in Taurus will bring good progress in the real estate sector, engineering and defense.
  • The transit of Mars in Taurus sign indicates that Mars here is blessed with overall patience and stability to work consistently so it will be beneficial to focus on the current task with full focus and action oriented force that will help any individual to complete the task on time.
  • The transit of Mars in the Taurus sign will give us freedom from the negative energy of Mars and makes us aware of our mistakes. We will respond to our personal relationships with love and mutual understanding avoiding any kind of dominance and appreciating others efforts and response.


How will this Transit Affect Your Life?


Mars transit in Taurus sign in the 2nd house of family, finance and speech will have the impact on the lordship of Mars in the 1st and 8th house of self and hurdle indicates improvement in challenges and your health.

The work front will improve with considerable strength due to your efforts and the ability to balance your actions to execute your work systematically by channelizing your energy in a constructive way to bring good coordination and relations with your colleagues.

Your relations on the personal front with your partner and family will improve with your efforts to control your anger and channelize your dominance to gain your partners support. You will be able to balance your relations both on the professional and personal front with your patience that is an alien to the nature of Aries.

Your health will prosper but it will be beneficial if you still follow the good dietary habits and exercise regime with yoga and meditation for good health.


Mars transit in Taurus sign in the 1st house of self, nature and personality will have the impact on the lordship of Mars in the 12th and 7th house of hurdles and partnership indicates progress after dire challenges.

Mars transit for Taurus will bring respite in challenges in the overall prospects of Taurus natives where your professional prospects will start improving and taking shape in an organized way with your efforts. You may generate good income profits with the support and coordination of your colleagues.

Your personal front will be have better ambience of love and mutual understanding with your partner and loved ones. Any ongoing conflict with your partner will be resolved very soon and there may be peace and prosperity on the personal front.

Take care of your health as medical expenditure that had been consistent will come to an end during this transit. Single bachelors will be able to find a suitable partner for themselves.


Mars transit in Taurus sign in the 12th house of loss, hospitalization and foreign settlement will have the impact on the lordship of Mars in the 11th and 6th house of gains and disease, rivals reveals improvements with your efforts but vigilance on the personal front is essential.

The professionals working in the health sector, works related to foreign companies or in general may feel respite in their professional arena but their problems will take a more time and efforts to get resolved completely due to the impact of Mars transit in the 12th house and the rise in expenses will keep persisting.

Create balance between your work and rest as to avoid fatigue and stress due to the over work on the professional front. The aspect of Mars on the house of marriage and partnership may bring clashes and hamper your relationships with your partner/ family due to your dominant nature as this may result in clashes with partner.

Extra vigilance will bring balance in your personal and domestic arena. Avoid getting dominant in your personal relations to keep away from ego clashes with your partner/spouse.


Mars transit in Taurus sign in the 11th house of gains will have the impact on the lordship of Mars in the 10th and 5th house of career and love, speculation indicates the auspicious results for Cancer.

Mars is the beneficial planet for the Cancer natives as it has the placement in beneficial house which indicates respite from the persisting problems like conflicting situations on the work front will improve, financial restrictions will be less, delay in promotion or increment in salary will start taking shape with transit of Mars in Taurus sign.

New aspirants will get good opportunities for job and students will have good focus on their studies with good results in competitive exams. Your personal arena will have the essence of the balance of your practical approach and love in your personal and family relations.

There could be get-together with relatives that are staying abroad and may come to meet you. You will be able to get speedy recovery from any health issues during this transit.


Mars transit in Taurus sign in the 10th house of career will have the impact on the lordship of Mars in the 9th and 4th house of luck and stability that will have its own achievement narrative.

Mars is very promising planet for Leo individuals and this transit will not only aspire your to work hard as your hard work will be appreciated and acknowledged by your superiors. Natives in the health care sector, armed forces will be able to score to the next level of progress in their professional designations.

Your personal/familial relations will have the conjugal bliss with your partner and good understanding with your family especially with your parents that will earn you their blessings.

Overall this is a fine transit for Leo as it will bring optimistic changes in your personality and your temperament to adjust with others without being selfish.


Mars transit in Taurus sign in the 9th house of luck will have the impact on the lordship of Mars in the 3rd and 8th house of initiative and uncertainties; it will bring an end to conflicts and new beginnings, new progress.

Mars in the 3rd house of siblings and 8th house of initiative and uncertainties will get in transit in the 9th house of luck and father indicates good understanding in relationships with your father/mentor will be progressive. Your siblings will give you support in all respects either it is any professional venture on the work front or balancing relationships on the personal front.

You will start moving in the intellectual sphere and earn good professional status that will give you with the potential of carrying your pursuits well. The professional front will demand your analytical assessment to solve complicated situation on the work front.

Pay extra vigilance to paper work and check your documents before signing it.


Mars transit in Taurus sign in the 8th house of uncertainties and hurdles will have the impact on the lordship of Mars in the 2nd and 7th house of wealth and partnership indicates relief from uncertainties and sudden problems.

Mars transit is in the 8th house so it will bless the Libra natives with relief from challenges on the work front. Your professional front will be progressive as you will win over your professional rivals with your hard work and diplomatic tactics.

You will have to be vigilant over the health of your spouse, and money related matters. The aspect of Mars over the 2nd house of speech reminds you avoid any recklessness in your speech that won’t lead you anywhere in your personal relations; however be cautions of those friends that are always trying to take benefit of your encouraging nature.

Maintain decorum in speech and behaviour to avoid any conflict and respect the partnership space of your partner and loved ones.


Mars transit in Taurus sign in the 7th house of partnership will have the impact on the lordship of Mars in the 1st and 6th house of self and rivals where the transit will provide breathing space from conflicts at both personal and professional front.

Mars with its transit will tread in your 7th house of partnership which indicates that you will get progressive results in your personal and marital relations but at certain situations the conflicts with partners may not resolve due to partial clarity and lack of full self control.

So vigilance in behaviour will be appreciated in the personal arena. Your professional relations will be secure and your professional partnership will flourish due to the aspect of Mars on the 10th house of career and you will have the required energy to do magic tricks against the current professional obstacles that will bring good opportunities related to future gains related to professional prospects.


Mars transit in Taurus sign in the 6th house of rivals and health will have the impact on the lordship of Mars in the 5th and 12th house of love and loss will not give variation in gains even after increased efforts.

Mars is comfortable in the 6th house as it is the significator of the 6th house which indicates that your rivals will try to cash your incoming challenges in professional life for their personal benefits but will not be able to tarnish your image.

You will believe in your hard work more, than your destiny and constant effort will give you gains in future. Mars aspect on the 9th and 12th and the ascendant gives you the will mark your grace and patience of adjusting in your personal relations that will bring balance in any conflicting situation.

You will win any pending legal issues; students will have success in their competitive exams. You will have good physical immunity and good health but keep a tab in overindulgence of food consumption.


Mars transit in Taurus sign in the 5th house of love will have the impact on the lordship of Mars in the 4th and 11th house of stability and gains indicates improvements and progress in your ventures.

The transit of Mars in the Taurus sign indicates that the Capricorn natives will have good opportunities in your professional front as an independent entrepreneur/ or as an employee in service, then you will enjoy a very good relationship with your superiors / professional partner.

You will enjoy more clarity about your work and designation that will be progressive in nature. Family member’s/partner/spouse, attitude will be quite cordial towards you and harmony in the personal relations is indicated. You will be positive in your bonding in your personal relations.

Avoid being harsh with your children as special attention is required to divert their excess energy in to positive ventures. Be vigilant over your health as Mars has an aspect over the 8th house that could affect your health with disadvantage.


Mars transit in Taurus sign in the 4th house of stability will have the impact on the lordship of Mars in the 3rd and 10th house of efforts and career that will give the favourable results in personal and professional front during this transit.

The transit of Mars in the 4th house of stability will be favourable for good bonding and good health prospects of your mother but with sudden conflicts that can appear due to dominance in your behaviouir. The 4th aspect of Mars on the 7th house of personal partnership may make you possessive about your partner where you will try to rule your partner’s personal space that may not be appreciated by him/her.

The workplace will be loaded with extra work due to increased professional activity and opportunities that will be beneficial for you to plan a new strategy of work to complete all chores in time. The transit of Mars will bless you with a clear perspective about your career ventures and you will be able to move forward in career with extra confidence and added responsibilities.


Mars transit in Taurus sign in the 3rd house of initiative will have the impact on the lordship of Mars in the 2nd and 9th house of family, finance and Luck that will bless you with the goodness of health, increase in wealth, and prosperity in relations.

The transit of Mars in Taurus sign in the 3rd house will give you respite in conflicts that you were facing with your siblings where you will be able to resolve all your conflicts with clear communications that will make it easier for all to understand each other.

You will pay full attention to your personal life with efforts to make them happy and contended. You will have considerable stamina full of vibrant energy that will boost your capability in your efforts with good skills sets in your professional front set in with straight talk in a positive note will bring good gains and reputation on your professional front.

Mar’s lordship of the 9th house may make you religiously inclined and you may win the support of your father with his advice that will be beneficial for your prospects in life.


Remedies to Mitigate Challenges during this Transit

You may follow the tips below to lessen the negative impact of this transit.

  • Donate blood if your health permits.
  • Donate Jaggery and peanuts to laborers.
  • Wearing a copper bracelet on your right hand will help you progress in life.
  • Donate red clothes to an orphanage or old age home.


Natal Mars Report

Natal Mars Report is one of the most useful reports as it acquaints you with your Natal planet, whose affect would remain throughout your life. more

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