(Moon Sign Based)
Mercury’s transit in Leo will improve your communication with others by making you observe & analyze others. You will take prompt actions to make the best use of opportunities & impress others with your working skills. When Mercury retrogrades in Leo, your relationships with partner & family will face confusions. When Mercury turns direct, it can make you progressive with your intelligent efforts or impulsive with egoistic behavior.
Mercury’s transit in Leo will improve your communication with others by making you observe and analyze others. You will take prompt actions to make the best use of opportunities & impress others with your working skills.
When Mercury retrogrades in Leo, your relationships with partner & family will face confusions. When Mercury turns direct, it can make you progressive with your intelligent efforts or impulsive with egoistic behavior.
This analysis is based on Vedic Astrology that uses Moon Sign for accurate predictions. If you are not aware of your Moon Sign, FIND OUT INSTANTLY through the form below.
Meanwhile the retrograde Energy of Mercury will affect the relationship and communication both on personal and professional front between 5 August to 29 August 2024 due to lack of commitment and busy schedule. This period will give clashes of opinion, reassessment, and force to out of comfort zone so that you will work on new ideas and plan.
The transit of Mercury in Leo indicates that it is the correct time to improve your communication with others by observing and analyzing people and events to take prompt actions to make the best use of opportunities and impress others with your working skills.
The transit of Mercury in Leo suggests that the use of communication skills in your personal relationships without the trace of ego is very supportive in maintaining harmony in personal relationships.
Mercury represents communication, technology and decision-making; and when Mercury turns retrograde in Leo and Cancer, it will create a certain level of confusion as to how you perceive/interpret any information from your immediate environment.
Your speaking abilities, listening, negotiating, decision-making, documents, mails are some areas that are challenged during the mercury retrograde in between Leo and Cancer. Your personal relationships with your partner and family inherit the traits of confusion where your usual intelligent insight to discriminate the situation/arguments declines and your behavior is marked with ego issues with others.
Mercury is a conditional benefic/malefic planet which means that it will give positive/negative results when it aspects/conjuncts with benefic/malefic planets. So, the transit of Mercury can make you progressive with your intelligent efforts or impulsive which will depend upon the placement of Mercury in your horoscope.
Overall, when Mercury turns direct is the best time to make efforts with intelligent decision making based on your existing situation/relationship to make the best use of your resources for your gains.
Mercury’s transit in Leo will give you good professional gains, cordial personal relationships with financial stability whereas Mercury retrograde in Leo will result in delay in gains over professional front, less cordial relationships with financial disturbance due to more expenses.
With Mercury transiting Leo in the 5th house of creativity, love and children, and the lordship of 3rd house of initiative and 6th house debt and disease would give you personal and professional prosperity with good health, but retrograde Mercury will require vigilance over your personal/professional and health matters with intelligent efforts.
You will have good achievements in your professional life where you will be appreciated for your dedication at work. You will be able to defeat your rivals with your ability and will be rewarded for your efforts with recognition and promotion on the job front and with good profits on the business front.
Personal relationships will be good where your love life will be prosperous as you will spend quality time with your partner/family that will keep you content and save you from unnecessary arguments.
What happens when Mercury retrogrades in Leo and Cancer, 5 August till 22 August 2024?
When Mercury turns retrograde in Leo and move towards Cancer, it creates a certain level of confusion as to how you perceive/interpret any information from your immediate environment. You may feel your vigor slacken – which may affect the usual quality of results you are expecting from your ventures & relationships. Avoid an aggressive tone of speech during this period & adopt a calm approach for communication.
Mercury’s transit in Leo will bring beneficial professional prospects, prosperous personal relations with underlying efforts for maintaining peace and prosperity whereas retrograde Mercury will create personal problems in relationships, health issues of mother and financial stringency due to expenses.
With Mercury transiting Leo in the 4th house of family stability and happiness, the lordship of 2nd house of family/finance and 5th house of creativity, love and children indicates beneficial professional prospects, prosperous personal relations with underlying efforts for maintaining peace and prosperity whereas retrograde Mercury will create personal problems in relationships, health issues of mother financial stringency.
The professional front will be prosperous for you with moderate gains as an independent entrepreneur where you will have to modify your professional strategy for profits from ventures but those who are working sales, marketing or education sector will have beneficial prospects.
Your relationships will have fluctuations in your personal relationships with your partner/spouse and family where arguments will start without any reason, so it is essential to keep calm with patience to balance your family happiness.
What happens when Mercury retrogrades in Leo and Cancer, 5 August till 22 August 2024?
Your speech, listening, negotiation & decision-making abilities, documents & mails are some areas that will get challenged during this transit. There will be problems in personal/family relationships; worries over your mother’s health. There may be technical issues with home appliances/vehicles that could add to your expenses.
Good to avoid any speculation over quick money-making ideas & check the paper or document twice before signing it. Control your expressions & communication with your loved ones for peace.
Mercury’s transit in Leo will bring your focus on your-self transformations with more vigor and personal development, good growth in your professional prospects will be visible with warmth in your personal relationship. Retrograde Mercury in Leo will bring obstacles in professional front, disturbance in personal relationships will be visible and you will be anxious during this period.
With Mercury transiting Leo in the 3rd house of initiative, sibling, speech, the lordship of 1st house of self, personality and nature and 4th house of family stability and happiness will bring your focus on your-self transformations.
Retrograde Mercury in Leo will bring obstacles in professional front, disturbance in personal relationships will be visible and you will be anxious during this period.
Your professional front will have the opportunity to get recognition, promotion, and increment in salary especially for those in the creative fields like writing. Your business prospects will get good profits by extending your relationships with your clients with additional efforts.
Your personal bonding will be strong with your siblings and your relationship with your partner will be harmonious and pleasant as you will make efforts to spend quality time with each other accompanied in social parties or short travels.
What happens when Mercury retrogrades in Leo and Cancer, 5 August till 22 August 2024?
This is a period when your relationships with your partner & family may carry confusion as your usual intelligence to discriminate between the situation & arguments will decline & your behavior will be marked by ego.
Negligence can disturb your professional projects. You may feel anxious as your plans would not go as per your expectations. You will have to find a practical approach to tie the loose ends in both personal & professional situations/relationships.
Mercury’s transit in Leo will bring fewer progressive results on the professional front, personal relationships will demand adjustments due to lack of mutual understanding. Retrograde Mercury in Leo will bring financial restrictions on the professional front. Your rude speech could bring conflicts with family members.
With Mercury transiting Leo sign in the 2nd house of family and finance, the lordship of 3rd house of initiative, sibling, speech, and 12th house expenditure, physical pleasures and loss will bring less progressive results on the professional front, personal relationships will demand adjustments due to lack of mutual understanding.
Retrograde Mercury in Leo will bring financial restrictions on the professional front. Your rude speech could bring conflicts with family members.
Your professional front will be moderate for you on the job front where there will be excess workload on the professional front where your efforts will not be noticed by your superiors. Your business front will not be able to yield the expected profit from your endeavors. Business prospects will be progressive for those working with overseas connections.
The transit of retrograde Mercury in Leo will not be progressive for your wealth prospects due to excess expenditure and there may be an increase in your monetary loss. Your personal and professional relationships will not work well due to lack of mutual understanding and lapse in communication due to ego.
Overall focus your attention with balanced approach in your personal and professional front and be more communicative with others for your own benefit.
What happens when Mercury retrogrades in Leo and Cancer, 5 August till 22 August 2024?
This phase would create a certain level of confusion as to how you perceive/interpret any information from your immediate environment. Your speech, negotiation & decision-making abilities will be challenged.
There will be financial restrictions & it’s not a good phase for your wealth due to excessive expenses. Lack of mutual understanding & communication will affect your personal & professional relationships. Try & maintain a balanced approach at home & work.
Mercury’s transit in Leo will bring monetary gains through professional ventures with good name and fame, personal relationships will be prosperous with harmony and understanding. Retrograde Mercury in Leo will lead to financial losses due to bad financial decision; problems in relationships may occur due to misinterpretations.
With Mercury transiting Leo in the 1st house of self, personality and nature, the lordship of 2nd house of family and finance and 11th house of income, gains and fulfillment of desires will bring monetary gains through professional ventures, personal relationships will be prosperous with harmony and understanding.
Your professional prospects will give you good profits and recognition at your workplace as seniors will appreciate your efforts in your professional ventures and your business front will give good financial status through earnings.
Your personal front will bring good chances for single natives to establish new relationships and couples may have cordial relationships that will be cordial where you will spend quality time with your partner in social outings.
What happens when Mercury retrogrades in Leo and Cancer, 5 August till 22 August 2024?
This transit will create a certain level of confusion in perceiving/interpreting information from your immediate environment. It will affect your decision-making abilities & your relationship with your partner & family as your usual intelligence to discriminate between the situation & arguments will decline.
There will be delay in payments/salary & wrong investments will disturb your finances. Personal relationships will not be satisfactory as your communication will be misinterpreted. Try to overcome your ego & accept your mistake.
Mercury’s transit in Leo will bring lack of beneficial professional prospects; personal relationships will be less prosperous, financial status will be unstable. Retrograde Mercury in Leo will bring obstacles to your health and your professional prospects will not be progressive and you may neglect your personal relationships.
With Mercury transiting Leo in the 12th house of loss, expenditure, the lordship of 1st house of self, personality and nature and 10th house of career and status indicates lack of beneficial professional prospects; personal relationships, financial status will be unstable.
Your professional front will not be beneficial for your job prospects where your consistent efforts will not give you the aspired recognition by your superiors where you will try to change your job location for better prospects. Your business ventures will not yield gains as expected due to tough competition from your professional rivals.
Your personal will be less progressive and your mutual understanding in personal relationships will not be balanced which will make it necessary for you to make adjustments on the personal front keeping your ego on low profile.
What happens when Mercury retrogrades in Leo and Cancer, 5 August till 22 August 2024?
This period will be challenging for your health, so be mindful. Your professional prospects will not be beneficial despite efforts due to increased expenses. Personal relationships will undergo conflicts due to lack of communication & ego hassles & also because there will be a certain level of confusion as to how you perceive/interpret any information from your immediate environment.
Important to keep a balanced approach, patience & open communication with others.
Mercury’s transit in Leo will bring happiness and understanding in your personal relationships, professional prospects will be beneficial with gains and reputation with financial stability. Retrograde Mercury in Leo indicates financial instability due to unprofitable investment that will bring loss on the professional front with wrong decisions. Personal relations will suffer due to ego and lack of understanding other perspectives.
Mercury transiting Leo in the 11th house of income, gains and fulfillment of desires, the lordship of 9th house of luck, long travel and spirituality and 12th house of loss, expenditure indicates personal and professional prosperity.
Mercury’s retrogression in Leo will bring professional setbacks and clashes in your personal relationships.
Your professional front will make progress in your ventures with good growth on the job front and good profit on the business front that will give good monetary gains and recognition for your efforts on the professional front.
Personal relationships will be strong and beneficial where you will earn the unconditional support of your siblings and all your personal relationships will have good understanding and bond with you.
What happens when Mercury retrogrades in Leo and Cancer, 5 August till 22 August 2024?
This period will see clashes in your personal & familial relationships because of ego, with disagreements erupting without reason. It will be the consequence of Mercury’s retrogression in Leo, which creates a certain level of confusion in how you perceive or interpret information from your immediate environment.
You will face financial stringency in professional life due to negligence of ventures as your negotiation & decision-making abilities will be challenged during this period. Adjusting to situations & relationships, dedication & hard work will be your success mantra during this transit.
Mercury’s transit in Leo will bring obstacles in your professional life where completing your work will be an important priority, personal relationships will have lot of communication problems due to ego hassles. Mercury’s retrogression in Leo will increase your professional problems due to repeated mistakes on the work front; misunderstandings will increase in personal relationships.
With Mercury transiting Leo in the 10th house of career and status, the lordship of 8th house of uncertainties, sudden loss and gains and 11th house of income, gains and fulfillment of desires indicates obstacles in your professional life, misunderstandings in personal relationships with lot of ego hassles.
Mercury’s retrogression in Leo will increase your professional problems, increase in ego clashes in personal relationships.
Your professional front will be full of fluctuations where you will not get any recognition for your extra efforts on the work front and there will be less or no profits from your endeavors. Do not make any speculative movement in your professional front in regard to money matters as it can lead to loss.
Your relationships indicate problems in your love/family relationships as it is likely that ego issues will be the core reason of strong arguments with your partner that will have a negative impact on your personal happiness.
What happens when Mercury retrogrades in Leo and Cancer, 5 August till 22 August 2024?
Increase in problems at work due to repeated mistakes, increased misunderstandings in personal relationships. This transit will create a certain level of confusion in how you perceive/interpret information from your immediate environment. Your speech & perceptiveness will be affected.
There will be confusion in your personal relationships as your usual intelligence to discriminate between the situation & arguments will decline. It will be beneficial for you to balance your emotions & approach in a practical manner while handling any situation or relationship.
Mercury’s transit in Leo will bring new opportunities on the work front with good profits from your ventures by winning over your professional rivals. Your personal relationships will be cordial with mutual understanding.
Mercury’s retrogression in Leo will bring forth obstacles in your job front with lack of mutual understanding with your professional partner, personal relationships will be hampered due to ego and less mutual understanding.
With Mercury transiting Leo in the 9th house of fortune and the lordship of 7th house of marriage, partnership and 10th house of career and gains indicate professional gains and mutual understanding in your personal relationships.
Mercury’s retrograde in Leo will bring forward challenges in the professional front along with ego and less understanding in personal relationships.
Your excellent professional skills to connect with your colleagues to submit your commitments on time will win you the approval of your superiors on the job front. Your business prospects will give you good profits and you will share strong connections with your professional partner that will be beneficial for your progress.
Personal relationships will be cordial and affectionate with good understanding in your personal relationships where there will be love, affection and understanding with your partner. You will take care of the feelings of loved ones with the feeling of responsibility.
What happens when Mercury retrogrades in Leo and Cancer, 5 August till 22 August 2024?
This transit may create conflicts with your professional partner; hence vigilance will be necessary during professional deals. You will face conflicts in your personal & marital relations as you will fail to discriminate between the situation & arguments.
Do not take up anybody’s responsibility towards any commitment for a person or situation. Also, avoid getting involved in any commitment, at any level, if you do not want to connect with the person or situation.
Mercury’s transit in Leo will bring obstacles and challenges on the work front despite hard work and efforts, personal relationships will have disputes with your partner, health issues due to stress. Mercury’s retrogression in Leo will is likely to give you an increase in challenges on the personal and professional front.
With Mercury transiting Leo in the 8th house of uncertainties and hurdles, the lordship of 6th house of debts, disease and rivals and 9th house of fortune, spiritual inclination and long travel will give professional. Challenges on the work front despite hard work and efforts, personal relationships will have disputes with your partner, health issues due to stress.
Your professional front will initiate you to work hard but your hard work will give you results less than your expectations and with delay that will cause you frustration.
Your personal relations will face the challenger of conflicts on the personal level due to professional commitments that will not be prosperous for your progress.
Health issues due to lack of rest and stress will give you low vitality and physical fatigue due to workload and bad eating habits.
What happens when Mercury retrogrades in Leo and Cancer, 5 August till 22 August 2024?
Health issues due to lack of rest & stress will cause low vitality; you will experience fatigue due to workload & bad eating habits. There will be challenges at work front & disputes in love life as your speech, listening & decision-making abilities will be challenged by this transit.
Also, the transit will create some confusion in how you perceive/interpret any information from your immediate environment. It will be beneficial for you to include your associates at work & your loved ones at home & in your friend circle in the decision-making process.
Mercury’s transit in Leo will bring obstacles in your personal relationships where your friends are likely to create troubles in your relationships. Your professional front will face lapses in your work performance due to lack of concentration. When Mercury retrogrades in Leo, you are likely to face turmoil and setback in your personal and professional front.
With Mercury transiting Leo in the 7th house of marriage and partnership, the lordship of 5th house of love, speculation and children and 8th house of hurdles and uncertainties will bring the phase of conflicts in your relationships and loss in your professional ventures.
Retrograde Mercury in Leo is likely to aggravate the conflicts in your personal relationships if they are not handled with care.
Your professional ventures will not yield positive results even after putting maximum efforts due to distraction in your concentration as it will not earn you gains and appreciation from your superiors /associates.
Your personal front will face problems in relationships due to ego issues and you will need to adjust with efficiency for the success and harmony in your personal and familial relationships.
What happens when Mercury retrogrades in Leo and Cancer, 5 August till 22 August 2024?
Your professional ventures will not yield positive results even after great efforts as your focus will waver. This will cause a setback in your career. Ego issues will disturb your personal relationships. There will be a delay in marriage prospects.
It is best to maintain clear conversation with your loved ones & professional associates/partners to bring ease in your situations & relationships.
Mercury’s transit in Leo will bring fewer progressive results on the professional front where there will be challenges to earn profits from your ventures, personal relationships will have the absence of happiness. Retrograde Mercury in Leo will bring feelings of conflicts on the domestic front with increased vigor and the professional front may face challenges of being cheated by others.
With Mercury transiting Leo in the 6th house of debts, disease and rivals, the lordship of 4th house of stability and home happiness and comforts and 7th house of marriage and partnership, it will not be beneficial on the personal and professional front that may affect your health. Retrograde Mercury in Leo will bring feelings of conflicts on the domestic front and professional front may face challenges.
This is the time to concentrate on your professional responsibilities rather than encouraging your rivals to oppose you and create obstacles in your work as your professional front will be marked by office politics.
In love relationships, misunderstandings with your partner will likely arise in your personal environment; however, it is recommended that you make efforts to cool the conflicts. If you talk to each other calmly, your love/marital relationship will get better.
What happens when Mercury retrogrades in Leo and Cancer, 5 August till 22 August 2024?
Disturbances in your domestic & marital relationships; health related expenses; professional setbacks. At work, you may feel that you have been cheated by others. There can be some confusion in how you perceive/interpret information from your immediate environment.
It is better to maintain clear communication with your loved ones & professional partners; adopt a balanced & practical approach in this period.
Irrespective of your zodiac sign, you can observe the following to overcome or mitigate the challenges during this transit.
Mercury in your horoscope holds the responsibility for your intellect, nerves and how you use your wit and senses to make the most out of your life. more
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