Perfect Guidelines For Taurus On A First Date

Taurus natives are romantic and emotional. However, they can also take you by surprise when they emote their gestures on romantic dates or special occasions. Follow these perfect guidelines that will help seize the moment and make it into a memorable date night for both of you.

Perfect Guidelines For Taurus On A First Date


It is said the easiest and the most difficult thing in the whole wide world is the expression of love in words. Just In case you feel the presence of a certain someone who is ready to turn any moment of sadness into the happiest of them all then he or she is the one for you. Never let him or her go!

Having a Taurus partner is a blessing in disguise. They might be good at expressing how much they love, adore, respect and care for you (being a bull) but deep down that tough exterior they are pretty sensitive and passionate soul especially when in love!

Taurus as a person is known to be extremely romantic, sensible, and emotional in nature. The main culprit behind it is that the planet Venus is the Lord of Taurus ascendant and it is known to represent qualities such as sensitiveness, emotions, love life, spouse, fragrance, art, and creativity, sexual life, love care affection, and dependability.

Venus controls the love life of any person especially those who have Taurus as their zodiac sign (ascendant). It is rightfully said that Venus has the strongest effect and influence on the life of Taurus Ascendants.

We all know that the first date is the most difficult of all the other dates you go on as it is known to be awkward, boring, nerve-wracking, and intimidating for many people. Here, we will discuss 5 Ideal Tips for Going On a Date for Taurus boys and girls separately to keep things on the positive front for them.

Color for Date!

Taurus Girls

Girls anyway are pretty concerned about the way they look in general. So, on a day as special as the first date, they should be extra careful about their looks so that it is a memorable date for both the partner. Those girls who belong to the Taurus ascendants (zodiac sign) should plane to wear the following colors:

  1. Cream
  2. Off White
  3. Citrine
  4. Sky Blue

So wearing a beautiful top or a kurta or a one piece in the above-mentioned colored with the matching accessories can steal the heart away of their partners. In case you plan to wear these color in the form of a top or a blouse, pairing it with dark blue denim or skirt with high heels or a wedge (in case you plan to wear a long or mid-length skirt).

Taurus Boys

Donning a beautiful Royal Blue or White colored Shirt or a Tee for that matter paired with black or Khakhi colored trouser or denim will surely blow away the mind of your date. Do pair it with the chrome finish wristwatch and a great perfume.

P.S.: Please make a note the above-mentioned colors needs to be worn above the waistline, which means it can only be worn as the top wear.

Venue You Need!

Taurus Girls

Going to a place with natural lighting and in the lap of mother nature will not only give o]]you the option of being more comfortable and free to openly talk to each but will also be a good change from your everyday mundane life. Therefore, the ideal venue for a Taurus girl should would a place with wide open fields that are surrounded by greenery. Probably venue spots such as

  • Meeting for a picnic in
  • Mini golf fields or a go
  • An open movie theatre to watch a movie under the stars
  • A sunset stroll on the beach
  • Take a walk at the wild side of the Zoo
  • Becoming a Tourist Guide for your Own City

Taurus Boys

Enclosed placed with a small section of open area is the kind of Venue that will be ideal for the Taurus Boys. Therefore places such as:

  • Restaurants and cafeterias with outdoor dining
  • Visiting an art gallery
  • Going to a gaming alley

The Flower Effect

Taurus Girls

Who said getting flowers is always the department of guys! Girls also can bring flowers for their partners, lovers or husband! Flowers are considered as the quintessence of love, grace beauty and elegance. Hence gifting the right color of flower to your man on the first will be ideal for making your date an unforgettable one. So girls should get Cream or Dark Blue colored flowers for their date to make a great First Impression. Following are a few of the suggestions for blue color flowers:

Blue Colored Flowers such as:

  • Iris
  • Cornflower
  • Hydrangea
  • Hyacinth
  • Aster
  • Lavender
  • Forget-Me-Nots

Cream Colored Flowers Such as:

  • Roses
  • Carnations
  • Freesia
  • Gerbera
  • Gladiolus
  • Tulip
  • Chrysanthemum

Gifting Flowers has always been considered the department of Buys or Men for decades now. Therefore, if a Taurus boy plans to get few flowers for his lady, make sure you get Ink and Pink colored flowers as it will help in creating an ideal first date with your partner.

White Colored Flowers Such As:

  • Cosmos
  • Rose
  • Carnations
  • Chrysanthemum
  • Lily
  • Gerbera
  • Gladiolus
  • Tulip
  • Veronica

Pink Colored Flowers such as:

  • Dahlia
  • Lily
  • Peony
  • Rose
  • Carnation
  • Chrysanthemum
  • Gerbera
  • Gladiolus
  • Tulip

Facing the Direction

In order to make sure that all goes according to the plan the direction in which you face your partner is also important. Therefore, make sure you sit in the right direction to make this an Idea date of your life.

Taurus Girls

For Girls of Taurus ascendant, they should sit facing towards the East Direction in order to be able to let the positive energy flow from all directions for a long term relationship.

Taurus Boys

As for the Taurus Boys, sitting facing towards the West Directions will work like a charm in turning your first date to your forever partner.

The Gifting Gesture

There will be nobody on this earth who would not appreciate or will deny the happiness one gets after receiving a gift. Therefore, it is highly advised that you get some sort of gift for your date so as to make it an ideal date and take a step ahead to make this move in a positive direction.


Taurus Girls

Girls should try and get a good bottle of perfume (strong fragrance) of a decent brand or a gift of a decent wallet will be an ideal first date gift.

Taurus Boys

Girls always love gifts, so make sure you get something innovative and creative with a touch of traditional must-haves on your first date. A gift of a diary or a journal filled with footers consisting of romantic poetries along with a heart-shaped gift (cushion or a key chain or any other object in the respective shape in white or pink color), and a bunch of white and pink flowers will do the trick. If possible try and write down few of your own poetries in the journal to make it even more especial and exclusive for your date.

Apart from all these, it is essential for both, the Taurus Boy and Girl to enjoy the company of each other and try to understand the likes and dislikes. Also, it is essential to hear to the other side and not just talk for the entire time as ‘a good listener maketh a good partner’. Try and do not over-exaggerate things in order to create your great first impression in front of your date. Enjoy your time and have a light-hearted conversation. Try and strike a connection that will last for a lifetime and make every moment count!

