Colour therapy really works when used well. Vedic astrology assigns a specific colour to each planet. Based on your Ascendant or Rashi, using colours that are beneficial to you, can help you immensely. Here we will discuss the power colour for Pisces sign.
Colors are one of the most beautiful things nature has given us. No matter how sad we are, or however gloomy a day could be, vibrant colors in any form; be it clothes, flowers, food, gifts, or anything that attracts our interest, are sure to brighten our day and make us happy.
There are specific colors that every one of us should wear or involve in and around us, as per our zodiac signs. Our zodiac signs say a lot about us, and it also brings to the forefront our deep secrets and our dark emotions and impulses, and our thoughts and emotions, our aims and aspirations, feelings, and also at times how we are able to handle different relationships. Since every zodiac sign projects different characteristics in its native, hence it is important that we align the color which is best suited for us as per our zodiac sign, so that our personality reflects the best features that our Power color elevates in us. This would only bestow a positive impact on anyone and everyone around us, so that the colors help us radiate their aura through us, thanks to the power they possess.
Vedic Astrology believes that every zodiac sign has its own power color, which is the luckiest for them. Using this power color, would definitely give the native an advanced form of energy to deal thing with, and also give him/her the positive vibes, luck, and fortune required to get ahead in life.
The largest planet of the Solar System, Jupiter, holds a very significant role in Vedic Astrology. Jupiter is the planet that gives us richness, wealth, makes us commanding, wise, spiritual, educated, generous, kind, and liberal in our thoughts. It is also the significator of wealth and also for children. With so many factors that are signified by Jupiter, it would mean that having a strong Jupiter would obviously shower a native with an abundance of almost all things necessary to live a happy, fruitful, and successful life. This in turn means that if a Piscean wears the color of the Jupiter, Yellow, he/she is bound to excel in life.
For the Pisces natives, the lucky gemstone or power gemstone is the yellow sapphire, and it would benefit the wearer in many more ways apart from the ones mentioned above. It would also strengthen an individual’s ability to handle indifferent situations, and help them take the right decisions when in a dilemma, be disciplined in life, and also define their life’s goals to attain maximum success.
Apart from Yellow being the most lucky color and also the power color for a Pisces native, there are colors which complement a Piscean well and would definitely give positive vibes if they are worn, used or surround them. For a Pisces, the colors Red and Pink would be lucky for them apart from yellow, as these are the friendly colors for the planets friendly to Jupiter. These colors would enhance the personality of a Pisces native, and help them in their endeavors in life, by providing them with positive vibes and blessings that would let them take the right decisions in every sphere of life.
Apart from having lucky colors and colors that are especially powerful for a particular zodiac sign, there are colors that one should avoid using, as per their moon sign. This should be given special importance if they are trying to do something that is extremely auspicious or are in a very important phase in life. The colors blue and Green should be avoided while you are planning to go for an important occasion as it would not help you in getting positive vibes from around you, and not support you well in your endeavor.
Now that you know, it would be easy to choose what to wear and which colors to surround yourself with, so that your life takes a happy turn and takes you towards success and joy.
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