Remedies to Reduce Stress in Married Life

Sometimes, the stress in marital life can drive two individuals in different directions. This article discusses the different planetary combinations of a happy marital relationship along with helpful Vedic remedies that are powerful to reduce the stress in a marriage.

Remedies to Reduce Stress in Married Life


A new phase of life starts with the step of getting married and deciding to share the rest of your life with your partner. A huge transition in life occurs with Marriage, and everyone who is bonded wants to have a strong foundation to move ahead in life with their respective partners. But we also know that there can never be any journey which does not have a single challenge. Marriage is a very long journey and we come to realize a lot of new things about our partner, which we would not have noticed before marriage. If you want to experience a smooth journey in marriage and don’t want to take the wrong side, turn, or get lost in the journey of marriage, then be ready with your personal landmark (The Dasa period) and with the signing starts (Nakshatra and birth sign), as your street light with the help of Vedic Astrology.

An accurate prediction about your love compatibility can be arrived at only when certain parameters are studied, for which we require the exact birth details as mentioned in the form below.

If you haven’t done your Kundali Matching and are worried about your married life, then Vedic astrology has the required solution for you with various Vedic remedies. Remedies related to the planetary positions based on the horoscope, will give you insights about how the planet wants you to work on your married life. With the help of Vedic astrology, you can know which planet is giving trouble in your married life and how to overcome that problem.

The Planetary combination which gives problems in married life:

There are certain combinations which would give you a tough time in your married life, and sometimes couples even get separated because of the planetary combinations as well. The harmony in married life will get affected because of the following reasons:

  • The malefic effect on the seventh house gives stress in married life.
  • There will be a lack of harmony in between the partners if the first House and seventh house has the inimical planet with them, or, if malefic planet aspects the first and seventh house, there will quarrels in between the partner.
  • The eighth and twelfth house governs the sex and bed pleasures. The placement of Saturn, Ketu or Mars will give bad results. The malefic planets will not give satisfaction in sex life.
  • When the seventh Lord is placed in the fifth house or the ninth house, there will be a break in the marriage. This combination will give disharmony in your married life.
  • Venus and Mars’ conjunction will give a tough time in a relationship. Extramarital affairs will cause a break in the marriage.
  • Seventh house Lord’s placement in the sixth or the eighth house will give separation from spouse.
  • The debilitation of the seventh Lord will not give happiness in married life.
  • The placement of a retrograde planet in the seventh house is not considered auspicious for married life.
  • The placement of 6th, 8th or 12th house will affect and give uncertainty in married life.
  • The sustenance of marriage will get affected if the Up-Pada Lord and the second house from the Up-Pada lord are afflicted.
  • The presences of Mangal Dosa will give troubles in married life and there will more challenges come into life after marriage with Mangal Dosa.

Remedies to improve married life:

Being born in a specific moon sign with a particular Nakshatra, we all have a certain kind of energy within us. With the energy of Planets and Nakshatra, we implement our intelligence in a particular direction, which will lead us towards happiness or sorrows. Our relationship also gets affected if the time period is running related to the malefic planets in our horoscope. But with the Vedic remedies and Mantra, we can convert the negative energy related to that so that we will able to understand the situation and save our precious relationship.

  • Understand the nature of the seventh Lord and perform the auspicious work related to that planet.
  • If the malefic aspect is in the seventh house or the planet itself placed in the seventh house, then worship the Lord connected to that planet.
  • If you know the Nakshatra Lord of your seventh house Lord, then keep the image of that God and Goddess in a couple form. For example, if your seventh house lord is Sun in the Ashlesha Nakshatra, whose deity is “the Serpent.” With this clue, you understand that donating in the snake habitat or saving the snakes will pacify the negative energy related to the seventh lord Sun.
  • The Mangal Dosa exists with a high amount of martial energy which signifies anger, so you need to keep track of your anger and avoid eating spicy food which gives a boost to your anger.
  • Wearing Opal gemstone will improve the Venusians quality in your life and the malefic effect on your Venus will get reduced after wearing the Opal Gemstone.
  • Chanting the Vishnu Shastra Naam (Thousand names of Lord Vishnu) will give good results in married life. Each syllable in the Vishnu Shastra Naam is connected to each quarter of the Nakshatra. If you chant this, all the malefic effects of the planets will be nullified with the positive energy of the Nakshatra.
  • Goddess Parvati and Lord Shiva signifies the Sun and Moon in the Vedic Astrology. Worshipping Lord Shiva with Goddess Parvati, will give protection from the bad placement of planets in your seventh, eighth and twelfth house.
  • Avoid the color of the planet which gives affliction to your seventh house of married life. It will be good to donate the things related to the planet with that color.

