Saturn transit in Capricorn: The impact on Leo moon sign

Saturn transit in Capricorn: The impact on Leo moon sign


Saturn is a strict teacher which teaches us the value of hard work, determination, morals and discipline. It is the lord of ‘Karma’ and rewards us according to our deeds. If you are under Saturn’s influence, you need to put in extra effort, work meticulously and consistently to achieve the desired objectives.

Saturn will transit in Capricorn on 25th January 2020 and will be there for nearly 2.5 years before making a move to Aquarius on 30th April 2022.
During this period, Saturn will test your patience and ideologies to pay you back for your deeds.

Where will Saturn be in your birth chart, during its transit in Capricorn?

• Saturn will transit through the 6th house of a Leo ascendant and will rule its 6th and 7th

• Saturn will aspect the 3rd, 8th and 12th house of a Leo moon sign.


Saturn will transit in the 6th house of the Leo moon sign, to offer good job opportunities but be careful of your rivals

Saturn’s transit in the 6th house of a Leo ascendant will be a mixed bag of offerings. While it will be a beneficial period for those employed in the service sector, things will not be good for business professionals. Your opponents and colleagues could pose a threat to your progression, but
Saturn’s influence will guide you in the right direction to win them over.

  • Service class professionals may expect a success and contentment during this transit period.
  • For business professionals Saturn’s transit will not be an auspicious period. You may not be able to start a new business or expand the existing one. You might also incur financial losses between 25th January 2020 and 30th April 2022, so, trade with caution.
  • You will face tough competition in your respective fields, during this period, as your enemy will be active. But Saturn will assist you in finding the correct way to overpower your competitors.
  • On the personal front, you need to be cautious of your actions and speech, as there are chances of disputes with the spouse.
  • If unmarried, there could be hurdles in finding the right partner and love life will also suffer.


Saturn will aspect your 8th house to give you unexpected financial and health crisis

Your 8th house signifies bad ‘Karmas’, sudden events, such as unexpected gains and losses, accidents, chronic illnesses and depression. When Saturn aspects this house during its transit in Capricorn in the birth chart of a Leo ascendant, it results in miseries. You will be under a lot of financial stress during this period. Your health will also feel the pressure of the overall unrest in your life.

  • Sudden losses will be the most significant outcome of this transit for the Leo moon sign. These losses could be financial, emotional or spiritual.
  • Recurring income from business will take a hit. Saturn will also cast its spell on your claim to ancestral property.
  • There are chances of embracing a bad habit, so chose your allies wisely.
  • Chronic ailments may distress you, during this transit period. Health problems related to joints might get severe.
  • Saturn’s aspect on your 8th house, during the transit, also signals struggle in the life of your spouse.


Saturn will aspect your 12th house to increase your expenditure and hinder your chances of foreign settlement

For 2.5 years, beginning 25th January 2020, when Saturn will be transiting in Capricorn, you will face unnecessary expenses with minimal savings. This is the time when you will have little or no control over your expenditure. Thus, it is advised that you start saving today to curtail the influence of Saturn on your financial status, during the upcoming transit period.

  • Expenses will rise and savings will diminish as Saturn will start transiting in Capricorn.
  • Foreign travel and settlement will not be possible during this period. Even if you have to travel abroad (or personal or professional reasons), it will be a waste of money and resources.
  • Those in import/export business will feel the pressure of Saturn’s transit on their profitability and success.
  • A feeling of detachment from native place might set in, which can give emotional stress to the Leo ascendant.
  • You will be mentally exhausted during this period and thus, will be vulnerable to infatuations and addictions. Be alert and maintain your sanity to avoid any drastic effects of this transit period on your life, in the long term.


Saturn will aspect your 3rd house to enhance your relationship with your siblings, but you need to mind your tongue

Saturn’s aspect on your 3rd house isn’t exceptional but you will have certain opportunities to rediscover yourself and to mend ways with your siblings. It will be an excellent time to go on a small family trip to rejuvenate and strengthen the bond. You might also undertake domestic travel for work purpose and it will prove beneficial.

  • Domestic travel undertaken during the transit of Saturn in Capricorn will give favorable outcome to Leo ascendants.
  • This will be a great time to toughen your relationship with your siblings. If there had been any misunderstandings between you and them – it will be sorted out during this period.
  • Media and journalism professionals will have a successful period between 25th January 2020 and 30th April 2022.
  • Your communication and creative skills will improve. If utilized properly you can make a successful career in the related areas.
  • You need to keep a check on your aggression, especially when you speak. Think before you speak and avoid being rude at all times, when talking to somebody - it might ruin your association with them.

Overall, Saturn’s transit in Capricorn will be a passable phase for Leo moon sign. A Leo ascendant will be able to stay ahead of competition and get new job opportunities. Though business prospects will suffer. There will be support and compassion between you and your siblings. Health will need attention but nothing drastic is on the cards.

