Sudarshan Yagna

Sudarshan Yagna is performed to invoke the Sudarshan Chakra for Protection and Victory. It is an herbal fumigation to get rid of all ills. Read about the benefits, method and favourable time to perform this yagna in this article.

Sudarshan Yagna


Invoking the Sudarshan Chakra for Protection and Victory

Sudarshan Yagna owes its origin to the Sudarshan Chakra, which is the most psychic weapon of Lord Vishnu (Preserver and Sustainer of the Universe). The word ‘Sudarshan’ is an amalgamation of two words – ‘Su’ (which means auspicious) and ‘Darshan’ (which means vision). So, ‘Sudarshan’ means auspicious vision.

The Sudarshan Chakra is manifested as an energetic wheel which moves at the will of God. It is a weapon that resembles a spinning disc with 108 sacred edges, owned by Lord Mahavishnu. It has also been described as ‘kaal chakra’ (the disc of time), which constitutes twelve rays and six centres. The twelve rays of this chakra represent the twelve months and the six centers represent the six seasons.

A few scriptures claim that Lord Vishwakarma (Divine Architect of the Universe) created this chakra from sun dust. This chakra stays either on Lord Krishna’s little finger or on Lord Vishnu’s index finger.

Why is the Sudarshan Yagna performed?

This is a fire ritual to seek the blessings of Lord Vishnu and evoke the protective aspect of the Sudarshan Chakra, as well as to evoke the victory aspect of this chakra over everything negative.

The Sudarshan Chakra is the most potent tool in the cosmos which can clear out everything that comes in the way of happiness, victory and achievement. When it is being invoked by the devotees, it is believed that it fulfils the wishes of the devotees.

Who officiates the Yagna?

This yagna is performed by a professional priest who has received his siddhi (spiritual capability) in Sudarshan mantra. It is performed to remove malefic effects of evil spirits, troubles caused by enemies and witchcraft. This yagna is performed for protection from evil forces, success in business, work, and personal life. When we perform Sudarshan yagna, the priest chants the mool mantra and makes it more powerful for the Deity to negate obstacles and to bless his devotees by fulfilling their wishes.

When to perform Sudarshan Yagna?

  • Ekadashi, Dwadashi and Poornima (i.e., 11th and 12th day of the lunar calendar and on Full Moon day).

Benefits of Sudarshan Yagna

  • Relief from evil eye and other powerful enemies.
  • Heals the body and rejuvenates it.
  • Rids health issues and death.
  • Removes evil entities.
  • Destroys sins and bad deeds.
  • Brings positivity, prosperity, wealth, abundance, and happiness.
  • Removes negative thinking.
  • Accelerates business and growth.
  • Helps overcome unfortunate accidents and natural calamities.
  • Victory over enemies and creates a protective shield.
  • Purifies the environment.
  • Removes obstructions and negative forces.
  • Victory in court cases and other litigation matters.

Why should you conduct the Sudarshan Yagna?

It pervades ten types of Mantrik effects which are listed below:

  • Marana (Death)
  • Uchchatana (Separation)
  • Mohana (Hypnotism)
  • Vidveshana (Misunderstanding)
  • Mantra (Enchantment)
  • Tantra (Spell)
  • Visha Prashan (Act of feeding poison)
  • Prayog (Manipulation)
  • Abhichara (Black Magic)
  • Krutima (Deception)
  • When we suffer from the afflictions caused by incurable diseases, sorcery, or enemies and offer prayers to lord Sudarshana, he comes in his fierce form to protect us.
  • Ancestral curses or Pitru Dosh can be removed by performing this yagna.
  • This yagna helps overcome obstacles that are blocking your path and helps reach goals.
  • If you are facing troubles in business growth, this yagna will help overcome them.
  • If you are facing financial difficulties, this yagna will remove them.
  • If you feel lack of confidence and motivation in life, this yagna will rejuvenate you.

Science behind Sudarshan Yagna

  • Use of fire: Agni (Fire) is the first natural force which was created by the Creator; and it happens to be the most important discovery by man.
  • Mantra (science of sound): The human audible range is 20 hertz - 20,000hertz. A harmonic scalpel, which doctors use for surgeries, vibrates at more than 50,000 hertz and can cut and repair the blood vessel. So, sound has immense impact on human beings. Ultra-sound can capture the body’s image; likewise, mantra (incantation) has its own effect and vibration on human beings. It has a constructive effect on the mind and thoughts.
  • Inverted Pyramid shaped Agni Kund: For the yagna, an Inverted Pyramid shaped Agni Kund or Havan Kund is mostly used as it facilitates controlled generation and multi-directional dissipation of energy. The priest puts herbs along with ghee in the fire and chants respective mantras. When ghee is added to the fire, it produces energy. It is like using fuel in a vehicle to run it.

Fire + Fuel = Physical Energy
Fire + Mantra = Divine Energy
(It influences your subtle consciousness)

  • Use of herbs: Selected wood like mango wood, sandalwood or banyan tree wood is used for the fire to ensure less carbon dioxide. To counter the pollution in the environment, in Yagna, sandalwood paste, saffron, musk, camphor, incense, ghee, brahmi, giloyi, mulethi, saunth and other herbs are used, which purifies the environment. Phytochemicals are released that not only makes the environment aromatic but also destroys bacteria and viruses in the air. Thus, yagna is herbal fumigation. It is the most important ritual through which science and spiritualism are brought together.

Yagna, therefore, is a preparation of herbs that is offered to the holy fire, inflamed by specific wood, along with the chant of distinct mantras (Vedic Hymns). This medicinal smoke significantly removes human pathogenic microbes, helps in purifying the air and have anti-epileptic, anti-pyretic, anti-fungal, and antibacterial effects, amongst numerous other benefits.

The regular chanting of mantras helps in purifying the mind. Improvement has been noticed with respect to digestion, hypertension, mental agitation, and sleep after the chanting of mantras.

How to perform the Yagna?

  • Invocation: It starts with the invocation to Lord Sudarshan Chakra Yantra Sthapana followed by the Pooja.
  • Aachamanam: The procedure is to sip the holy water while reciting mantras to purify the body, spirit and soul.
  • Vigneshwara Pooja: It involves worshipping Lord Ganesha, requesting him to give the courage to fulfil this yagna without any obstacles.
  • Pranayamam and Sankalpam: Purification of breath and taking a vow to please Lord Sudarshan Chakra.
  • Kalasa Shuddhi: One has to fill the kalash with water and during the process of yagna this water will be consecrated with divine energies. The priest then sprinkles this blessed water throughout the house and on everybody.
  • Agni Prathistahapana: The Havan Kund is started by chanting Agni Mantra and placing the fire into the Havan Kund.
  • Dikpaala and Sudarshan Chakra Yantra Pooja: It is performed along with Panchopachara Pooja where the priest pours the preliminary offerings into the Havan Kund by invoking the God. Then he chants mool mantra of Sudarshan Chakra and several other mantras by offering Ahuti to the Havan Kund. The Ahuti symbolises food for the Divine God.
  • Mantra Jap (recitation): The following mantra is recited.
    ‘Om Sudarshanaye Vidmahe, Maha Jwalaya Dhimahi, Tanno Chakrah Prachodayat.’
  • Recitation of Sudarshan Kavach: Priest chants Sudarshan mantra for shielding and protecting.
  • Poornahuti: It is the most important ritual in all yagna where all family members and concerned persons should be present in front of the Kund. The priest will put important ingredients in a piece of cloth, tie it and offer it to the Havan Kund by dipping the cloth in ghee.
  • Donation: You feed the poor after the Yagna to receive good karma and blessings. Also, enjoy the feast with your family members and loved ones. You can also offer the donation as per your convenience.

