(Moon Sign Based)
This transit is believed to be an excellent one. Sun directly impacts the human body and its transit in Aries will impact people of different zodiac signs differently depending on planetary placements in your horoscope.
Sun exalts in Aries during this transit. According to the celestial system, it is the strongest astral body that represents power, authority and domination. This transit of Sun in Aries is positive as Mars, the lord of Aries, is friendly with Sun, so it brings happiness and growth in our life.
This forecast is based on Moon Sign. If you are not aware of your Moon Sign, find out instantly for free by filling the data below:
The impact of this transit has significant value on everyone’s lives and the result depends upon the planetary position in our birth chart.
You may feel great energy and your optimism level may rise. Sun rules your 5th house, the house of love life, children and speculation and will transit in 1st house, the house of ascendant.
It might affect your relationship due to being self-righteous and arrogant during this period.
You will gain authority and make decisions with great responsibilities as this transit brings good news and is favorable for your professional life. You will feel enthusiastic and energetic that will help you deal with some new challenges on the professional front.
By looking at the brighter picture, there will be gain for you from the government sector. You will enjoy a strong financial stability during this period.
You will also stay at the pink of your health as Sun’s transit in Aries in the 1st house is great for strong health and energy that will be required for recovery from any existing ailment.
This period will be moderate for your love life as due to your dominating nature, you may not enjoy your relationship. So, it is wise to give some space to your partner and try to have a healthy conversation with them to avoid any misunderstandings or conflicts.
Your great performance at work will give you reputation and strengthen your connection with your seniors. Sun governs your 4th house of domestic peace and prosperity and it transits 12th house, the house of loss and expenditure.
Due to your stubborn nature, you may fail to overcome hurdles in your life.
But this will be an excellent period for your professional life. Your focus and dedication towards your professional goals will advance your career profile and motivate you towards working with utmost dedication to acquire more luxury.
You will have a great financial status during this transit period. Your success at work will reward you with monetary gain.
The caution is to stay away from illegal way of making money. Avoid unnecessary expenses and focus on saving money as your expenditure is likely to go overboard than your income.
You are likely to share a great bonding with your mother. This transit might affect your mother’s health and brings unexpected medical expenses. This could act as a constraint for you in meeting monetary gains.
You will experience an increase in your income as work promotion or a salary hike is indicated. Sun rules 3rd house of communication, siblings, initiative, and short travel and it transits your 11th house, the house of gains and fulfillment of desires.
This is a progressive transit, and it brings fruitful results on the monetary front.
You will enjoy a good rapport with your boss or seniors and higher authorities during this phase. You may start working on your management skills to give your best at work. You may have lots of work in your platter which require priority-based planning for on-time submission.
Your confidence will touch new heights and you will gain reputation in society.
Your personal life will be full of joy and fun as you will spend some romantic evenings with your partner and go for dinner with your friends and family. This will strengthen your bond. You will remain in the pink of your health.
Your talent and zeal at work will impress your superiors and you may get higher positions of authority and new responsibilities. Sun rules 2nd house of family, finance and personal life and transits your 10th house of profession, stability and status.
This transit will prove to be extremely beneficial for you in many ways.
You will balance your personal and professional life very well. Your career will see a new growth. You will do your best to cash on career opportunities from foreign shores.
Your hard work will be praised by your seniors, and you will get promotion & salary increment. You will be capable of handling any professional challenges with ease, but do not let this success make you egoistic.
This is a progressive phase in terms of finances as you will get gains from government deals or from those in the government sector.
With a polite and humble approach, you will enjoy a great bonding with your spouse, partner and family. There may be outing or trip with your family member or partner just for fun.
This is a favorable period to start a new work as you will get the support of luck and fortune. Sun rules your 1st house of self, nature and personality and it transits your 9th house of luck, spirituality and long-travel.
This is a favorable transit period for personal growth but be cautious about what you speak.
This transit will bring auspicious result for you as your reputation in society will increase. Your hard work and efforts will be appreciated by your senior at work and people will come to seek advice from you.
Your charismatic personality and nature will make you the center of attraction.
You will do well at your work. Your passion and dedication towards work will enhance your professional life. But arrogance and harsh words may create hurdles.
Your personal life will see a great moment filled with romance and peace. You need to avoid any unnecessary argument with your loved ones as it might create conflicts with them. Also, you may take religious journeys or vacations with your loved ones.
Healthwise, this transit brings you relief from old diseases and ailments. But do take care of your diet.
You may get mixed results during this transit. Sun rules 12th house, the house of disappointments, loss, expenditure and hospitalization and it transits your 8th house of sudden loss/gain and obstacles.
This transition might not be that fruitful and peaceful for you.
There is a demand for you to work hard with strong efforts to glide through difficult situations as you might experience a setback in your health, social circle and financial prospects. This transit indicates discontent and complexity due to the placement of Sun in the hurdle house.
There might be unwanted problems cropping from professional front, so it is necessary to avoid egocentric attitude and try to be patient. You may also have to deal with unnecessary stress and tension.
You may have to deal with monetary loss and even your expenses will increase. The key to avoiding monetary loss is to avoid taking any financial decision in haste and weigh pros and cons before taking any major decision.
There may be lack of harmony and peace in the relationship with your spouse/partner due to the aspect of Sun on relationship and finance. There would be more expenses on personal demands over family and health which will cause you unnecessary stress.
Be careful about your health during this phase as there is a chance of headache and high fever. Eat healthy and strictly shun unhealthy foods.
You may expect promotion and monetary benefits during this transit. Sun governs 11th house, the house of income, gains & fulfillment of desires and it is placed in your 7th house of partnership, marriage & business.
This is an auspicious time for you on the professional front as this transit may open the door to a new income source other than the regular ones.
Due to lack of mutual understanding and egoistic attitude, you might face problems in professional partnership. So, try not to be over-confident as it won’t be beneficial for your career growth.
You are advised to spend lots of time with your family and loved ones as some coordination issues are foreseen. Try to give some space to your partner as too many restrictions could cause break-up in the relationship. Also, you need to avoid temperamental differences and ego clashes in your relationship.
Follow a healthy diet and exercise regime for good health and try to stay hydrated by drinking plenty of water, especially during this transit. Stay calm and meditate more for mental peace.
You will get success in completing pending tasks and move ahead fearlessly to achieve your objects. Sun rules the 10th house of status and career and it is placed in your 6th house of disease, debt and rivals.
This transit will be favorable on the professional front, but you need to be cautious regarding health and personal relations.
Professionally, you will be unstoppable during this transit and chances of success are high. You may get your stuck money back. There might be a transfer offer for you on the work front and accepting this proposal is up to you.
Your confidence, willpower, physical and mental health would be in good shape, so march towards taking leads and chasing your dreams.
Due to aggression and clashes of opinion, you may not enjoy a sweet bonding in your personal relationship. This transit of Sun in Aries will impact many changes in your life and you may be incapable of handling those changes with a polite and friendly approach. All you need to do is to control your impulsive nature and stay calm.
Avoid using harsh words and move ahead with a polite approach to maintain harmony in your relationship.
You will be blessed with overall prosperity due to practical and optimistic approach in thought and action. Sun rules 9th house of luck, long travel & spirituality and it is placed in the 5th house of children, love & speculation.
Professionally, you will feel motivated and get guidance from seniors.
You will be capable of competing any pending task as Sun aspects your 11th house, the house of fulfillment of desires. Even with little efforts and hard work, you will get immense satisfaction.
You will have more work opportunities where your outstanding strategy will give you success and good reputation at work. If you are an independent entrepreneur, then you should take calculated risks to gain more profit.
You will have good gains on the financial front, and you will save more money during this transit.
There will be peace and harmony in your personal relationships. You may enjoy great bonding and sweet relationship with your spouse.
Avoid junk and fast food as it may lead to digestive issues.
You need to be attentive and put in more efforts to deal with obstacles on the professional front. Sun rules 8th house of hurdles, sudden loss/gain and is placed in your 4th house of stability, comfort & happiness.
You may face obstacles in your personal and professional life during this transit.
On the professional front, you need to be more practical and avoid shortcuts to get more success. More workload will keep you tensed and not motivate you to deal with challenges, so try to move ahead with priority-based planning and work accordingly.
On the personal front, you might feel a bit stressed or worried due to the bad health of your mother and dissatisfaction in your relationship with your partner.
Lack of mutual understanding may cause unnecessary arguments in personal relations. Avoid heated arguments and debates to maintain harmony in your relationship.
There will be a chance of monetary loss during this transit which might affect your mental peace and relationship with your partner.
Be careful while driving.
New opportunities will knock at your door which would bring happiness and growth in your life. Sun rules 7th house of marriage & partnership and is placed in the 3rd house of communication, initiative & siblings.
This transit will bring great achievement on your professional and personal front.
There will be some important changes in your nature and temperament that will bless you with more energy and a determination to complete any task in day-to-day life.
Your luck will favor you and you would be capable of communicating your ideas and strategies clearly to others.
The key to more success is to focus on your goal and work hard to achieve them. This transit will give you great earning if you put in honest effort, especially for those working with an overseas company.
This will be an excellent period on the personal front. You will enjoy a cordial relationship with your partner/spouse and family. There will be great mutual understanding between you and your partner that will strengthen your bond.
You will get mixed results during this transit. Sun rules the 6th house of disease, debts and rivals and its placement in your 2nd house of family and finance indicates that you need to work hard with a practical approach to get whatever you deserve.
You may not see a rewarding result on the career front. Your honest effort and hard work may not deliver recognition and acknowledgement at work.
This transit of Sun in Aries aspects 8th house of hurdles, so this transit will bring obstacles and hindrances in your growth.
If you are a businessperson, then you may not get much profit from your professional deals. Even on the financial front, your expenses may rise that will make your savings difficult.
Your personal relationships will not be a rosy hue of harmony. Choose your words very wisely as they might have some influence on your life. It is wise to talk less or talk politely with love. Avoid instances of confrontation and heated arguments with your partner.
You may also deal with stress in this period, so meditate to stay calm.
Sun is your ‘lucky’ planet ! A forceful Sun in the horoscope is a matter of great fortune. Your dignity, status and honour in this life time stem from Sun & its strength in your chart. more
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