Sun will transit Cancer during 16 July - 17 Aug 2022, affecting matters such as domestic happiness, materialistic comforts, emotional happiness, overall security, etc. in our lives. Read this article to learn how this phase will be for you.
Sun will transit Cancer during 16th July – 17th August 2022. This transit will most impact matters pertaining to domestic happiness, mother, materialistic comforts, emotional happiness, and overall security. It will also endow some individuals with the opportunity to sketch their own boundaries for sharing their inner emotions with others, or to help others overcome their challenge of feeling shy and be more confident in sharing their emotions and ideas with others.
Sun is the significator of father and fire and Moon is the significator of mother and water; this transit, therefore, may bring significant changes in everyone’s life.
The transit of Sun in Cancer will take place in the 4th house of domestic happiness and comforts for you. Sun is the lord of the 5th house of love, romance and children; and the transit carries the promise of progressive results for you in matters of your career. If you are working in the government sector, you will be blessed with a good reputation for your good work. Those who are aspiring for new job opportunities will also be blessed with the fulfillment of their desires. Independent entrepreneurs will be successful in creating a hold over the market with their innovative ideas and actions. They will be successful in their respective fields.
Your personal life will be dominated by aggression. Dominance will affect your personal and family life creating misunderstandings and conflicts in personal relationships with loved ones. You should take care of your health, especially during the transit, as you may be prone to general ailments because of negligence. Follow a good diet and exercise regime for improved immunity and physical fitness.
The transit of Sun in Cancer will take place in the 3rd house of courage, communication and sibling for you. Sun is the lord of the 4th house of domestic happiness and stability, so you will be blessed with courage, strength and physical vitality during this transit. Your professional life will be beneficial in general and you will be able to hold a stable professional profile with your hard work and efforts. Independent entrepreneurs will introduce new plans for marketing and sales for their products, which will bring them good gains and reputation in their work profile. Employees in the service sector will get good opportunities for a change in their job profile. Even a change of place on the work front is clearly visible.
As for your personal front, you will sync with others in harmony and mutual understanding. You will be blessed with stable decision-making abilities; but at times, there can be conflicts with your partner, spouse or loved one due to the lack of proper communication. It will be good to spend some quality time with your partner and family. Short travel is visible on the cards.
The transit of Sun in Cancer will take place in the 2nd house of family, finance and speech for you. Sun is the lord of the 3rd house of courage, communication and sibling. You will have financial stability during the transit and your personal life will be prosperous – you will have all the materialistic comforts that money can buy. But your mental peace will be disturbed as you will not maintain the decorum of speech, causing conflicts with your partner. So, think before you speak, especially during this transit. Professionally this period will be good for you as it could bring perks and promotions for those in the job sector. Even those connected with any government project can expect good gains in their professional ventures.
You can expect gains financially from friends or you may be able to retrieve money stuck in past ventures. Take care of your health by following a proper diet as there may be acidity, mouth ulcers or general health problem due to the consumption of unhygienic food.
The transit of Sun in Cancer will take place in the 1st house or ascendant of self, personality and nature for you. Sun is the lord of the 2nd house of family, finance and speech. The transit period will be favourable for you. Professionally, it will be good for salaried people who may expect a promotion, increment of salary or designation. There will recognition for your hard work. Independent entrepreneurs will take the right attitude of guiding their employees /colleagues and taking correct professional decisions that will yield good gains. Those associated with the family business will see good gains too and mutual understanding with each other.
Your personal sphere will blossom with feelings of love and warmth for your loved ones as Cancer is the most nurturing sign of the zodiac. You will be conscious of the needs of your family and you will take every step to make them happy; but do not tread over anyone’s personal space. It will be wise not to ignore your personal needs as ignoring yourself may make you a little anxious. Take good care of yourself in terms of your health and vitality.
The transit of Sun in Cancer will take place in the 12th house of expenditure, loss and foreign land for you. Sun is the lord of 1st house or ascendant which is the house of self, personality and nature. This transit will bring progress in all aspects of your life. Your professional front will see favourable results if you have foreign connections or work with overseas clients, who will be impressed by your work strategy. You will not only be able to crack some good deals that will bring good profits but you will also be appreciated for your hard and good work.
If you are a salaried employee, you will have a very good and profitable time during this transit. Avoid any kind of conflict or it might tarnish your public image. Communication with your clients can lead you to beneficial foreign connections and professional gains. You will see a prosperous phase in your personal life during the transit. This period can bring forth good opportunities for romance and you may plan some travel to spend quality time with your partner and family. But the chances of enjoying this time with your loved ones may be disrupted if you are not careful about your personal belongings. Your health will require extra attention to balance your physical stamina and immunity. Maintain a healthy diet regime, exercise and meditate as well.
The transit of Sun in Cancer will take place in the 11th house of gains and fulfillment of desires for you. Sun is the lord of the 12th house of expenditure, loss and foreign land. This transit will bring you progress in both personal and professional arenas. You will have a good relationship with your partner and family; you will be appreciated by all for your perfectionist attitude towards maintaining a good balance in every relationship. You will be able to grab attention at social gatherings and make new friends with your good humour and witty behaviour.
You will be committed to your partner. There may be conflicts and unnecessary arguments over petty matters due to ego clashes, but that could be avoided with ease. Professionally, for those in the job sector, the period will be good and there will be opportunities that will bring you fame and an increment in your job profile. Independent entrepreneurs must be careful and vigilant about monetary resources and any kind of investment will not be beneficial for your professional success. You will have to follow a good diet and exercise regime as you may face some minor digestive problems during this transit.
The transit of Sun in Cancer will be in the 10th house of profession and status for you. Sun is the lord of the 11th house of gains and fulfillment of desires. You will get excellent results during this transit due to the good directional strength of Sun in the 10th house. You will earn a good name, fame and recognition in your professional arena for success in all your ventures due to your intelligence and hard work. The transit will also be very supportive in helping you make new strategies at work to meet all commitments before time. Independent entrepreneurs will also bring forward some innovative ideas to move forward with definite decision, in coordination with associates, which will earn good profits.
Your personal relationships will prosper as you focus more on your family; but your partner may feel neglected. So be more attentive to your partner for augmenting personal happiness. Avoid any unnecessary clash with your partner and try to maintain a balance with all your loved ones with equal importance.
The transit of Sun in Cancer will be in the 9th house of luck and fortune for you. Sun is the lord of the 10th house which is the house of profession and status. The transit will bring you auspicious results for all your personal and professional ventures. Professionally, you will see the high note of success as you will not only perform well but will get the due recognition for your good work. If you are looking for your first job opportunity or looking for a change or promotion, you will see desired results. Your personal life will proceed with mutual understanding with your partner/spouse and you are likely to gain appreciation from all family members for your efforts at maintaining personal relations.
Your positive frame of mind may motivate you to join a non-profit organization that works for charity to help the less privileged ones. You would also like to contribute a share financially and physically for peace and happiness in the lives of others.
The transit of Sun in Cancer will be in the 8th house of hurdles, sudden gains and loss for you. Sun is the lord of the 9th house of luck and fortune; and you will see progressive but moderate results during this period. Your workplace will operate at a very competitive frequency that may make your colleagues come forward as your rivals; they may even conspire to tarnish your image. Avoid any kind of speculative movement in your professional ventures that may make you responsible for acts that are not undertaken by you. Remain vigilant as far as your professional front is concerned.
Personally, this transit will be beneficial for you on only one clause - when you will not try to jump into the personal space of your loved ones. You will try to understand the deep feelings and aspirations of your near ones and will try to organize yourself in accordance with their wishes, which will bring back peace and harmony in your personal relationships.
The transit of Sun in Cancer will be in the 7th house of marriage and partnership for you. Sun is the lord of the 8th house of hurdles, sudden gains and loss; and you will see fluctuations in results in general during this phase. Professionally, this period will give you a feeling of insecurity, both as an independent entrepreneur or salaried person. You will have to be very cautious with respect to your professional rivals. There will be a sense of uncertainty with regard to your professional gains (which will be moderate despite your hard work) and relations with your superiors. Business associates will be tricky as they will try to prove themselves to be more accurate in their professional acumen than you.
Your personal life will not be rosy either, as you will have your basket of personal relationships lined up with conflicts. There may be arguments in marital/love relationship. If you are married, you will be hurt by your partner’s remote attitude. Those who are single must postpone their commitment to their partner during this transit.
The transit of Sun in Cancer will be in the 6th house of debt, disease and competition for you. Sun is the lord of the 7th house of marriage and partnership; and you will be blessed with strength and determination in your attitude during this phase. You will be successful in your professional ventures due to your determined attitude and innovative ideas. Even for those in the service sector like legal services, judiciary and income tax, this period promises positive results. If you are in the government sector, you will see progressive professional gains that will strengthen your financial aspect. Overall, your professional profile will see a growth because of your efforts and hard work.
There will be mixed emotions in your personal front. For the married, there may be conflicts with partner due to other commitments. It will be beneficial for you to devote some special attention and time to your partner for the sake of a healthy and loving relationship. Avoid any speculation with respect to your partner’s emotions as your partner may not agree with you and this may cause friction between you both.
The transit of Sun in Cancer will be in the 5th house of children, love and romance for you. Sun is the lord of the 6th house of debt, disease and competition; and you shall experience mixed results during this transit. Your professional life will undergo fluctuations whether you are an independent entrepreneur or an employee. Be careful with your professional dealings and your behaviour at the workplace as your success will depend upon your actions and reaction towards any given situation or your associates. This transit will not be a blessing in your love life as there may be conflicts and lack of mutual understanding with your partner. You will not take the initiative to communicate with each other to clear any misunderstanding that may emerge due to personal ego. The transit will be supportive and favourable for those who are wise, patient and aspire to work in the field of education. You are likely to get your dream placements or opportunities, but your success will be affiliated with your hard work.
If you observe the following actions, you will find that they have healing properties and will neutralize the negative results. You can incorporate some of these actions in your life to get maximum gains from this transit.
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