Sun transiting Virgo is the third important transit occurring in the last quarter of 2022. It will prompt your rational & analytical thinking along with enhanced organizational capabilities. But this transit will be beneficial for some, while bringing a lot of challenges for others. Read this article to learn how you will be affected and how you can mitigate challenges, if any come your way.
The last four months of 2022 have four major transits, with Sun transiting Virgo as the third important transit occurring during 17 September - 17 October. This transit will prompt your rational and analytical thinking along with enhanced organizational capabilities. Also, the touch of ego in relationships cannot be ruled out.
Sun is the lord of the 5th house and it will transit the 6th house of Aries. During the transit of Sun in Virgo in the 6th house of your horoscope, it gives information about your health, rivals, job, and debts. The transit of Sun in this house will be very favorable and promising for you. Your professional life will be very good as you will be able to complete all your pending tasks by overcoming challenges, if any. Entrepreneurs will be able to expand their business because Read More
Sun is the lord of the 4th house for you and it will transit in the 5th house of Taurus. During the transit of Sun in Virgo in the 5th house of your horoscope, it gives information about your love relationships, children, attitude and speculation. The transit of Sun in this house will demand caution from you and there would be some tension as well. If you are an independent entrepreneur, your professional status will have the double fold of good opportunities that will Read More
Sun is the lord of the 3rd house for you and it will transit in the 4th house of Gemini. During the transit of Sun in Virgo in the 4th house of your horoscope, it gives information about your stability, family happiness, mother’s assets, and amenities in life. The transit of Sun in this house will affect your financial stability and domestic happiness. You may face a difficult time at work though, where you will have to handle several responsibilities at one time. You will Read More
Sun is the lord of the 2nd house for you and it will transit in the 3rd house of Cancer. During the transit of Sun in Virgo in the 3rd house of your horoscope, it gives information about your initiatives, short travels and younger siblings. The transit of Sun in this house will bring about a beneficial tread for you. As a professional, you will experience gains and benefits because of your efforts and abilities at work. You will have your focus fixed on your goals and Read More
Sun is the lord of the 1st house/own house for you and it will transit in the 2nd house of Leo. During the transit of Sun in Virgo in the 2nd house of your horoscope, it gives information about your family and wealth. The transit of Sun in this house will be a period that will demand caution at your end. This transit indicates that you need to be mindful about your speech and think twice before speaking as there may be backfire at all levels. It is best to try and tackle every Read More
Sun is the lord of the12th house for you and it will transit in the ascendant or 1st house of Virgo. During the transit of Sun in Virgo in the ascendant or 1st house of your horoscope, it gives information about your personality, nature, health, and overall aspects of life. The transit of Sun in this house indicates caution and modification for you. It will create challenges for most of you by bringing changes in your usual behaviour. Your routine habit of perfection may be replaced Read More
Sun is the lord of the 11th house for you and it will transit in the 12th house of Libra. During the transit of Sun in Virgo in the 12th house of your horoscope, it gives information about your house of loss and expenditure. The transit of Sun in this house indicates a mix tread of caution and positive approach in your ventures. Your professional approach will demand your careful scrutiny and efforts for success and gains as your rivals will be continuously busy making Read More
Sun is the lord of the10th house for you and it will transit in the 11th house of Scorpio. During the transit of Sun in Virgo in the 11th house of your horoscope, it gives information about your house of gains in income and elder sibling. The transit of Sun in this house suggests the mix tread of caution with positive approach in your ventures. You will experience progressive trends in your career as your success will depend on how you perceive the opportunity and move Read More
Sun is the lord of the 9th house for you and it will transit in the 10th house of Sagittarius. During the transit of Sun in Virgo in the 10th house of your horoscope, it gives information about your professional backup, status and career. The transit of Sun in this house indicates that you should keep a positive attitude and take proper action for overall progress. This transit will give you the extra energy and strength to accomplish all your professional ventures and you will Read More
Sun is the lord of the 8th house for you and it will transit in the 9th house of Capricorn. During the transit of Sun in Virgo in the 9th house of your horoscope, it gives information about your religious inclination, long journeys and your luck. The transit of Sun in this house reveals that you will have to use your intelligence to avoid fluctuations in all aspects of life. Your personal life will have to be balanced with a calm attitude and approach with your partner or loved ones as Read More
Sun is the lord of the 7th house for you and it will transit in the 8th house of Aquarius. During the transit of Sun in Virgo in the 8th house of your horoscope, it gives information about your obstacles in life, sudden gains and losses. The transit of Sun in this house indicates that you need to avoid high expectations and disagreements. Your professional life will not be a platter of delicious recipes that will bless the taste buds with contentment but it will be an arena Read More
Sun is the lord of the 6th house for you and it will transit in the 7th house of Pisces. During the transit of Sun in Virgo in the 7th house of your horoscope, it gives information about your long-term relationships, marriage, spouse, and business partner. The transit of Sun in this house indicates a period of caution and less progressive trends. Your personal relations with your partner/spouse will experience the strong effect of this transit; the relationship will not be Read More
Irrespective of your sign, if you follow some actions, as noted below, you will be able to mitigate the challenges that this transit will pose for you or enhance the benefits that it will bring your way.
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