The signs Libra and Scorpio signify the western direction. It stands for Vrishabha in the Ayadi varga. The affliction to these signs with reference to disease can be noted in the solar year chart of 1995, the year when the disease spread among humans in epidemic proportions. The disease originated in Britain signifying the western direction. The affliction caused to these signs indicates the outbreak of cow / cattle related disease in the western world.
The 6th lord Mercury is in Gandantha. The 8th (Scorpio) denotes the direction of west occupied by the 12th lord in retrogression in the asterism of Mercury. The 2 signs Libra and Scorpio signify the west and both are afflicted. The 8th lord Mars is in debility casting its 4th aspect on Libra and Rahu who is posited there. The other sign of the west, Scorpio is afflicted by Saturn. Moon, the signifactor of Cows occupies the 6th opposed by Mercury. Neptune is in opposition to Mars which is afflicting the western direction. The epidemic spread from cattle to humans in the western world.
Outbreak of Avian flu
This happened twice in the past, first time in 1996 and later in 2004. In 1996, the first outbreak was in China while in 2004, it broke out in Indonesia and Vietnam and then spread to other places.
The following is the Solar year chart of 1996, when the Avian Flu or the bird flu that usually affects birds, spread to humans in epidemic proportions. The outbreak first started in China.
Sun 0 Ar 00' 01.13" Aswi 1
Moon 2 Aq 43' 57.16" Dhan 3
Mars 21 Pi 32' 22.59" Reva 2
Mercury 16 Ar 09' 42.70" Bhar 1
Jupiter 23 Sg 09' 24.20" PSha 3
Venus 15 Ta 12' 25.39" Rohi 2
Saturn 6 Pi 55' 34.54" UBha 2
Rahu 23 Vi 09' 09.10" Hast 4
Ketu 23 Pi 09' 09.10" Reva 2

Last Updated on July 20, 2023

Jayasree Saranathan