How the teenagers of different moon signs behave?

Children do have temperaments. Some are quiet, while others are full of energy. It can be a lot of work if you do not understand the nature of your child quite well. An important article that talks about the traits and tendencies of teenagers based on their moon sign.

How the teenagers of different moon signs behave?


Teenage or Adolescence can be a tricky phase of time for both the parents and the kid. An age group between the ages of 13 to 19 years is a phase of life where with fun doubts and confusions may cloud our young minds preventing them to think straight and look at the obvious. It is a very critical stage as kids in this age group are neither young nor old to understand the complication of life. This is the time both the parents and the children need to be most cooperative with each other else a misunderstanding today may create a drift in between the parents and the children forever.

Any day in the life of a teenager is no less than an episode straight out of the melodrama series which is filled with drama, laughter, action, comedy, tragedy, love, heartbreaks, and thriller and so on and so forth. Even though each parent has gone through teenage years but every teenage has a set of different requirement and other social factors such as society, culture, technological advances influencing the new generations, peer pressure, and many others.

According to Vedic astrology, teenage kids from different zodiacs have different teenage experience. Some become extremely stubborn and rowdy whereas others stay calm and understanding. In the following article we will discuss the various teens of the 12 moon signs and how will they behave.

  1. Aries

As Aries moon sign is ruled by Mars, the Aries teenagers are going to be aggressive, independent in nature. They have quite a young and full of life attitude since Aries is a moving sign. They like to take the lead and hate to be stuck in one place. They tend to easily get into a fight rather they look for an opportunity to start one. Aries teenagers are known to be courageous and mentally and physically strong kids. They have a keen interest in sports.

Lucky day for Aries teens will be Tuesday and Thursday and the Lucky color will be Red and Yellow. For career options, these kids can explore a career in the field of army, and defense or armed forces, police, sports such as football, wrestling, hockey, cricket and many more, hotel management, electronics or mechanical fields, real estate, construction, career related to wood and its dealings.

  1. Taurus

With Venus as the Lord of the moon sign, Taurus teens are pretty shy and introvert. They are peace-loving kids who like to stay away from trouble to maintain the peace of their mind. Taurus teens are known to be extremely talented and hyper-creative children. These easygoing teenagers are practical people who can tend to turn stubborn and adamant at various points of time. They are really possessive about certain things in their life such as their bond with their family and they can go to any extent when feel threatened to protect their clan.

The lucky day for a Taurus is Friday and Saturday and the lucky colors will be white and blue. Good career choices for Taurus teens will be related to the Fashion industry, jewelry industry, hotel industry, clothing industry, textile, IT & software field and people who are dealing with media.

  1. Gemini

As for the Gemini Teens, they have been blessed with a sharp memory and are extremely talkative. They have a gift of good communication skills which they bring to use effectively. Ruled by the Twins, Gemini shows a dual personality which means they neither like being alone nor being confined. These kids love spending time with family and friends and are highly practical. Though they like hanging out with family and friend, they are known to have emotional quotient, which means they do not get emotionally attached to things easily. They are highly calculative or have an analytical approach and give a lot of thought before doing or taking an action. They are pretty impulsive and unreliable. During the teen years, Gemini suffers from a lack of direction in life.

Lucky Day for Gemini is Wednesday and Saturday and the Lucky colors for teen Gemini will be Green and Blue. Career prospects for Gemini will be profiles related to accounts, brokerage, calculations, banking, and finance, Chartered Accountant, writing painting, drawing, publication, and printing.

  1. Cancer

The young Cancerians are generally known to be extremely emotional and sentimental. They are highly creative kids and love trying out new things. Pretty outgoing and loving in nature, Cancer teens are spontaneous and moody. They are born nagger and have a habit to be finicky about things they might not like. But even after having an unstable nature, Cancer teen s are extremely faithful to either friend family or their love.

The Lucky Day for Cancer teens will be Monday and Tuesday and the lucky colors will be Milky White and Red. Goof career options for Cancer teenagers will be related to the production of dairy products, speculative acts such as share trade, gambling, etc., profiles related to beverage and liquid related industry, sales, purchase, merchant navy, import, export, banking, pilots and many more.

  1. Leo

Leo Teens can be called a whole package. They are fiery, stable, strong headed and aggressive in nature. They are born leader and love doing things on their own. With Sun as the Lord of the moon sign, they are pretty independent soul and are highly energetic. They love living life king size. They are passionate and creative and love trying out new things. They are quite generous people and will not stop at anything to get their loved ones out of any kind of unpleasant situation or troubles even if it means extreme inconvenience and discomfort for them. On the downside, they can be egoistic, impatient, aggressive, arrogant and pretty dominating. Kids born under the Leo moon sign may get name and fame as young as in their teen years.

The lucky days for Leo moon sign will be Sunday and Thursday and the lucky colors would be pink and yellow. Professions that may suits a Leo teen are high government posts, clerical job, profiles related to the judiciary system of the country, sports, politics, high authoritative position or rank in the Government, Municipal Corporation, commanders and many more.

  1. Virgo

As mercury is the Lord of Virgo moon sign as per Vedic astrology, Virgo teen is of dual personality that is they are both introverts as well as an extrovert; depending upon the situation and their mood of the day. They have a strong and sharp memory. Even though these kids are spontaneous, they are cleanliness freaks and big-time foodie. They are excellent in communication and are highly practical with lower emotional quotient. They are highly stable and grounded for their age group. They can be highly calculative or analytical to their approach to life and things.

Lucky days for Virgo teens will be Wednesday and Friday and the lucky colors would be Green and White. Profiles that will suit Virgo are accounts, brokerage, calculations, banking, and finance, Chartered Accountant, writing painting, drawing, publication, and printing.

  1. Libra

When it comes to Libra teens, ruled by the Evening Star ‘Venus’, the teens are highly social, elite in their style, trendsetters, extremely cooperative yet diplomatic individuals with commendable grace and beauty. They like to lead a luxurious life and all about pomp and show biz. They are the ones who will look for love and romance at a young age. They are known to be good dressers and are passionate about food and shopping. They are fair-minded youngsters who believe in equality for all and cannot stand injustice in any possible way.

The lucky days for a Teen Libra will be Friday and Saturday and the lucky colors will be White and Blue. The occupation or job that suits the character of a Libra teen is those related to the Fashion industry, jewelry industry, hotel industry, clothing industry, textile, IT & software field and people who are dealing with media.

  1. Scorpio

Born under the rule of hot head Mars, Scorpio teens really stubborn, passionate and brave in nature. They can get extremely violent at time and it is the ruler Mars that can help guilty for this behavior of the young minds. Scorpio teens are truly friends and stay friendly with almost everyone unless things get on their nerve. They can become secretive jealous of someone for their own set of reasons and can get highly manipulative at times. They are the faithful types and can keep a secret. Scorpio young minds are highly ambitious and love teasing people around.

The lucky days for Mars ruled Scorpio Teens will be Tuesday and Thursday and the lucky colors will be red and yellow. The professions that will suits a Scorpio will be in the field of army, and defense or armed forces, police, sports such as football, wrestling, hockey, cricket and many more, hotel management, electronics or mechanical fields, real estate, construction, career related to wood and its dealings.

  1. Sagittarius

Blessed with a great sense of humor, Sagittarius teens are extremely generous, positive and adventurous in nature. They like the idea of freedom and are pretty idealistic in their approach to life. Sagittarius young guns can also become overconfident, impatient and inconsistent even though they may remain large at heart. Making friends is an easy breezy for Sagittarius teens.

The lucky days for Sagittarius teens will be Thursday and Sunday and the lucky color will be Yellow and Pink. The Sagittarius can choose a job profile from the following options in order to make the most out of the effort they will put in. these are jobs in teaching, management, law and justice, language, spiritual profiles such as in yoga and meditation, astrology and healing, education, and administrative role to name a few.

  1. Capricorn

The Capricorn teens are ambitious, realistic, extremely sensitive and practical young minds. The self-disciplined and self-controlled teenagers can become extremely shy or stubborn according to their mood as they have an issue of high mood swings. They have a very dark sense of humor for which they generally are misunderstood by many. They are also pessimistic in their approach to things and can be pretty self-centered whenever they want.

The lucky days for Capricorn teenagers are Saturday and Friday and the lucky colors will be Blue and Black. Professions Capricorn kids will have a bright future in jobs related to metal, oil, gas, leather, and rubber industry, mechanical or electronic goods related job, railway.

  1. Aquarius

In the case of Aquarius, Saturn is the lord of the moon sign hence the kid will be highly intellectual, good listener, extremely ambitious, and highly social in nature. They are the realistic lot with a practical attitude towards life. Self-disciplined and controlled, Sagittarius teens can be pessimistic, shy, stubborn, self-centered and moody given the situation and whenever they want. Even though they may have flaws, still they are the progressive bunch of young minds that have a humanitarian outlook.

The lucky colors for the Aquarius teenagers will be blue and black and the lucky days will be Saturday and Friday. Profile that goes well with the Aquarius characters are jobs related to metal, oil, gas, leather, and rubber industry, mechanical or electronic goods related job, railway

  1. Pisces

Pisces teenagers subsist in the world of their own and like to spend time alone. They have a little spiritual bent of mind. They love the idea of romance and love, watching shows and movies on various visual media, swimming or being close to water bodies. They are generous, impatient, positive, overconfident, intellectual, large-hearted, inconsistent and adventurous in nature.

The lucky days for Pisces teens are Thursday and Sunday and the lucky color is Yellow and Pink. The job profiles that compliment a Pisces teenager will be law and justice, teaching, language, management, astrology and healing, spiritual profiles such as in yoga and meditation, education, and administrative role to name a few

On the off chance if you are curious to know your moon sign and if which teen queen or king are you just log on to and get to your moon sign and get free horoscope reading done specially crafted for you.

