Transit of Mercury for Pisces moon sign

Transit of Mercury for Pisces moon sign


The transit of Mercury for Pisces moon sign natives will revolve around the work life, by and large. This will be a period tom look around your work environment and gauge the opportunities to scale-up your career to newer heights.

Mercury rules the 4th and 7th house of Pisces sign, and when in 7th house it can actually bestow you with quite a handful of promising opportunities.

Your work environment will be decent and will be stimulating enough for you to focus on uplifting your career. You will have supportive and helpful surroundings, with the placement of Mercury in your 7th house, where colleagues and seniors will assist you in reaching your professional goals.

Your decision making ability, wisdom and mental tenacity will advance, with the said position of Mercury, in your natal chart.

However, opposite circumstances will prevail if Mercury occupies the lagna/ascendant house of Pisces moon sign. You will face challenges in your professional life and your decision making abilities will be severely impacted, as a result of this placement.

Partnership projects will not thrive and you will be too emotional to take effective calls in critical situations, thus facing difficult times, with Mercury’s abode in your first house.

Nonetheless, specific results will certainly vary with Mercury’s movement in your different houses, but larger outcomes will remain the same.

  1. Transit of Mercury in 11th house of Pisces

When: January 13, 2020

During the transit of Mercury in the 11th house of Pisces moon sign, in Capricorn sign, increase in financial gains are indicated, in general. You will get sudden financial gains from career, during this time. Practical approach will get you success and recognition at workplace. Pursuing a career in social media management or writing and publishing will give you more success, during this time. If you are already a part of the said domains, your prospects at work will brighten, with promotion, increments or even job change, for better. For business professionals, partnership projects will turn out to be pretty promising, during this time. You will share a good level of understanding with your work partners and colleagues, which will eventually reflect on your career gains, during this time. Unplanned travelling will be there, which will lead to professional growth, largely, monetary-wise. Arguments with colleagues must be avoided, in this period, else the pace of your work will be hindered.

  1. Transit of Mercury in 12th house of Pisces

When: January 31, 2020

Moving into your 12th house, in Aquarius sign, Pisces moon sign natives will get good gains from foreign connections. So, if you are working with a foreign company, client or country you are in for a promising period. In case you are planning to move abroad for work purpose, this time period will be highly suitable and beneficial for you. Luck will favor your expeditions, at workplace, during this time, so the make the best use of this period. However, there will be challenges at work, which will be largely unavoidable. While, seniors would be helpful, you will have a tough time dealing with your colleagues, who will be a little aggressive, during this time. You need to be very careful with regard to your relationship with your business partner(s). Investments in business must be avoided, at this time. Do not trust anybody, too quickly, now, and be specifically careful about revealing important information to a new business associate.

  1. Transit of Mercury in 1st house of Pisces

When: April 07, 2020

When Mercury transits in your ascendant or lagna house, you must avoid all sorts of negativity and embrace an optimistic approach for better results. There could be an increase in work pressure and unexpected workload could annoy you, at this time. But, you will have the support of your colleagues to share some work responsibility. Keep a check on your communication and avoid being too rude or harsh in your speech, to evade any troubles in your professional relationships. You will be aggressive, during this time, so it will be good to think before you utter anything and to review and recheck any written communication before hitting the send button, to avoid any hassles, in future. Overall, this a period of strain, marked with work prospects taking you away from your home or homeland. For business professionals, also, similar rules will apply, where you are required to avoid any high-scale investments in your venture. Arguments with business partner are also indicated, at this time, to be wary of it.

  1. Transit of Mercury in 2nd house of Pisces

When: April 25, 2020

During the transit of Mercury in the 2nd house of Pisces moon sign natives, in Aries sign, you will have good financial gains from your career. Increased profitability will be there if you belong to communication or writing related job. It is a better time period for independent professionals, who will not only witness good financial gains but also get to expand their network of clients, thereby expanding their name and fame. For engineering and research professionals, in particular, this will be a good time period, in terms of growth and financial gains. Research prospects in higher education is also good, at this time. You will be at your creative best and this this talent of yours will give you recognition at workplace. Arguments must be avoided, at this time, especially, in family-led business, else things can turn out to be highly unpleasant.

  1. Transit of Mercury in 3rd house of Pisces

When: May 09, 2020

Moving into your 3rd house, in Taurus sign, Mercury will offer you numerous short distance travel opportunities. This period will tend to take the Pisces moon sign natives far away from their homes through job change or transfer. New opportunities, at work front, will largely develop on global landscape, and it is advised to accept these. Internet and digital media related domains will offer you superior gains, during this time, so develop such skills to ascend your career. If you are a blogger, this will be a fruitful time period for you. Luck will favor those who are in business or those who are contemplating turning entrepreneurs. Suggestions from seniors will be really helpful, during this time. This will also be a good time to launch a new product or initiate a new professional practice. If you are part of a family-run business than it would be recommended to take suggestions of your elders while taking critical decisions pertaining to your trade. Overall, this will be a productive period and you will have impressive communication skills at this time, which will benefit your career.

  1. Transit of Mercury in 4th house of Pisces

When: May 25, 2020

Contentment in work live will prevail, as Mercury will get itself positioned in the 4th house of Pisces natives, in Gemini sign. This will be the time to take up good responsibilities at work front. This will be your first step towards a higher ranking position of much influence, at your workplace. You will get the favors from your boss, during this time, which will be seen in change in your position, at work, through promotion. But, as with higher responsibility comes more accountability, you will be required to multi-task, at this time. Your workload management will be rather good at this time, to accommodate the changes in volumes of work and related obligations. This time period will also favor your risk-taking abilities. If you have a unique idea, you must present it to your boss or business associates, as chances of getting acceptance are pretty high, during this time. Home-based businesses will grow multifold, in this period, and profitability from such ventures will increase.

  1. Transit of Mercury in 5th house of Pisces

When: August 02, 2020

This will be the period for emotional detachment from work and related matters. Being emotional is not going to prove beneficial for your career, during this time of Mercury’s transit in your 5th house. Though, overall, this will be a prolific period for Pisces professionals, still the results will not meet your expectations. Financial gains from business will be good, and this period will offer you profitable opportunities in this area. Similarly, service-class professionals will also observe good gains, in this period, through efforts and dedication. Chances of job change are there, which will be good, but the entire process could be a little slow or delayed. Communication with seniors will be good, but, relationship with colleagues will not be that good. You may have feelings of distrust and jealousy towards your partner, at this time. Be cautious of sharing important information with others at this time.

  1. Transit of Mercury in 6th house of Pisces

When: August 17, 2020

During the transit of Mercury in your 6th house, in Leo sign you may witness some troubles in your association with your boss. It will be rather difficult to please him, at this time, and you need to strictly follow his guidelines to avoid any damaging effect on your career. All sorts of arguments with your reporting manager or boss must be dropped, then and there, if you wish to save your job, at this time. Short distance travels related to job, will be there in high frequency and these may prove hectic for you, in this period. This could have a bearing on your health, so you are advised to take care of the same. For business professionals chances of long distance travels are anticipated, at this time. Creative approach will be helpful in this period, in ascending your career. Lady luck will favor you, during this time, so listen to the advice of your female colleagues. Business ventures will demand more investment from your end, but be careful in doing so and assess all the possibilities thoroughly. Career will bloom on foreign soil or through foreign connections, in this period.

  1. Transit of Mercury in 7th house of Pisces

When: September 02, 2020

In your 7th house, in Virgo sign, Mercury will bestow you with goodness of work life. You will have all the necessary supports and resources at your disposal for career growth and development, at this time. You will be blessed with refined intelligence and decision making abilities to work smartly and diligently, in your professional field. You will have good relationship with your business partners and exchange of ideas with them will prove rather beneficial for your trade. New ideas will fructify for both service and business professionals. You will have supportive colleagues, who will lend you necessary advice and even emotional support, whenever you will require it, during this time. This period will be specifically favorable for those working in construction or related work areas. If you are a newcomer, and looking to create a foundation for your career, this will be a good time to initiate your efforts in a creative and constructive filed for better results.

  1. Transit of Mercury in 8th house of Pisces

When: September 22, 2020

An interim break in career can transpire, during this time of Mercury’s transit in your 8th house. To put it in other words, this will be a good time take a small pause from your busy schedule. At work, balanced approach with colleagues is deemed essential, in this period. Otherwise, chances of disputes and trivial arguments may create unrest in work life. Business gains from partnerships are indicate, during this time. New partnerships can be initiated, but background checks, documentations and sorts of verifications must be dealt with caution and alertness. Pisces moon sign natives can explore opportunities in foreign countries or wit foreign clients/companies, as it is expected to give greater benefits, in this time period. Transit of Mercury, in 8th house, in Libra sign, will be highly beneficial for home-based ventures and freelancing professionals. You may also revive an old family business, during this time, as planetary positions are such that it will give you good profitability, in the long term.

  1. Transit of Mercury in 9th house of Pisces

When: November 28, 2020

Moving into your 9th house, Mercury will influence your analytical genes. Your research abilities will increase, which will pave way for success in professional field. But, you have to be detached and impassive while taking work-related decisions, else you may incur losses in career. Practical approach will bring in good amount of success, in this period. Logical thinking in matters related to business or work will bring in growth at work front. Arguments with seniors will ensue, so be very careful in such dealings and communications. Unplanned short distance travels could be a little stressful for you, during this time. So, pick your journeys wisely, at this time. Care over health during such work trips is essential, during this time. There will be an increase in responsibility at work, but not on the lines which must have expected. This will be kind of forced on you, but you have to bear with it, for the time being.

  1. Transit of Mercury in 10th house of Pisces

When: December 17, 2020

During Mercury’s transit in your 10th house, some old or forgotten business ideas or work projects will be revived. Creative abilities will help ascend the business and work prospects. This inventive talent will help you in prospering at the chosen work area, provided to stick to the righteous path, during this time. Business will be a more gainful preposition for Pisces natives, during this time. For service professionals, also, this will be a good time. Where supportive and harmonious work environment will help you to grow and blossom in your professional life. Sudden chances of promotion could arise, so be ready for the happy surprises and keep on doing the good work that you are already doing. With increase in responsibility, you may also go away from home to take on more influential positions in your organization. Overall, this is a favorable time for career growth, where you will also have the support of your seniors and boss, also. Higher progress, in particular, will be attained by those, who are into some government related job or trade.

