Transit of Sun for Capricorn moon sign.

Transit of Sun for Capricorn moon sign.


How will it impact the career of Capricorn moon sign

When Sun transits in Capricorn, it is not considered a very auspicious placement. Since, Capricorn moon sign is governed by Saturn and Sun and Saturn are inimical to each other, this transit comes with its fair share of trials and tribulations. Success will not be denied but will be a little delayed and will come through by putting in extra effort, hard work and determination.

For the 30 days that the Sun will transit in each of the 12 moon signs in the birth chart of a Capricorn native, they will go through recurrent periods of interruptions and deviations. However, Sun will also bestow them with the required amount of dedication and strength to contest the adversities that will emerge in the way of their career goals.

  1. Sun transits in Libra from 17th October to 17th November 2019

Where? Transits in your 10th house

Career: Needs review and check

Sun is debilitated here and thus, will demand more efforts from your side. However, your gains will not be correspond to the level of effort that you might put in here. You need to reconsider and reset your career options for better results. Influence of Sun can also make you manipulative and dishonest. Do check for these tendencies as it may harm your career prospects. Stay focused on your career goals and don’t lose hope, as this will be a momentary phase and shall pass soon.

  1. Sun transits in Scorpio from 17th November to 17th December 2019

Where? Transits in your 11th house

Career: Needs new connections to flourish

Your enhanced interest in social activities may give you positive results, which can be beneficial for your career. Parties, outings, social gatherings will be a common thing in this period, and if you can make the most of these community associations by expanding and strengthening your network it will help further your profession. There are chances that a social relationship may turn into a fruitful business association. Besides, some sudden gains are apparent in this period and your effort can also help you make some quick profits.

  1. Sun transits in Sagittarius from 17th December 2019 to 17th January 2020

Where? Transits in your 12th house

Career: Needs patience and perseverance

The buzz in your social circle will be put to rest in this period. Your social activities will come to a standstill and you will feel a sense of detachment from personal and professional relationships. Play safe with finances in this period and avoid any major investments. You need to think of ways to improve on your career options and family relations. Self-evaluation, financial evaluation and assessment of domestic life becomes necessary here to bring back things on right track and to minimize the probable losses.

  1. Sun transits in Capricorn from 17th January to 17th February 2020

Where? Transits in your 1st house

Career: Needs honest efforts

It will be more about ‘self’ in this period and whatever you will do in this period is for personal gains. You will be less impulsive and more stable minded here. You will have the required vitality and positive energy to think through professional gains, wisely. You will need to conserve this physical and mental energy to step back, review and assess the available and prospective career options. You must also ensure that honest efforts are put in to reach career goals and to maximize professional gains.

  1. Sun transits in Aquarius from 17th February to 17th March 2020

Where? Transits in your 2nd house

Career: Needs steadiness and eloquence

You need to utilize your refined sense of speech to gain success in your career, in this period. You will be blessed with the gift of gab and if you can combine it with your intelligence you will be able to touch new heights of success in your career. Keep a steady and sturdy approach towards work here and never deviate from the righteous path. This period may also give you some sudden gains – which would mostly be part of the unearned income.

  1. Sun transits in Pisces from 17th March to 17th April 2020

Where? Transits in your 3rd house

Career: Needs intellect and insight

To get success in your professional endeavors you need to apply your intellectual and perceptive capabilities, in this period. You will be able to figure out your true career calling, but it won’t come easily to you, as Sun’s aspect on your 9th house will increase your efforts but diminish the related gains. Some short trips are on the cards, but they can best be avoided, as chances of them developing into something significant are meek. Watch out for your relationship with your siblings, in this transit phase.

  1. Sun transits in Aries from 17th April to 17th May 2020

Where? Transits in your 4th house

Career: Needs force and discipline

Sun will be exalted in this position but an aspect on your 10th house will not give very positive results in career. Your domestic life will be cordial but you need to find a perfect equilibrium to settle your career relations. Whichever domain you are working in right now will not give you job satisfaction. But hastiness will make the matters worse. So, be where you are and don’t take any impulsive decisions to quit or rebel. Property related matters may turn in your favor and that may give you a sense of financial stability in an otherwise challenging period.

  1. Sun transits in Taurus from 17th May to 17th June 2020

Where? Transits in your 5th house

Career: Needs time and patience to thrive

Your financial position may settle down a bit in this period. But you must avoid speculations in any form, as they will not give you any benefits. Even if you are a king of the stock market, stay away from it for a while. Any investments that you have planned on career, education or family must be postponed for a better time period. Relationship with juniors at workplace may strengthen and you will get their support in day-to-day workings of the business. Your social activities will enhance, while they will not have a direct influence on your career, it will help you stay in the eyes of your seniors and managers.

  1. Sun transits in Gemini from 17th June to 17th July 2020

Where? Transits in your 6th house

Career: Needs unwavering thoughts

Focus will intensify on professional aspects and work life. There could be a period where you may be deviated from your career goals. But your success lies in your resolve to stay focused and committed to your career aspirations. You will gain enemies and professional rivals in this period. But, Sun will give you the power and courage to outperform them. You must have a steady and strong mindset to push things ahead and work them out in your favor, to outpace your competitors, in this transit phase.

  1. Sun transits in Cancer from 17th July to 17th August 2020

Where? Transits in your 7th house

Career: Needs creativity

This will be the period to bring to front your creative side, after all, that is what is going to bestow you with grander success and professional gains, in this period. Whether you are a business professional or employed with an organization, you will be able to experience success through your innovative approach, when Sun will be moving in your 7th house, during its transit. You will get to start a new business or project, which could be with global client. Your spouse will be a strong source of support and will help in achieving greater heights of success in your career.

  1. Sun transits in Leo from 17th August to 17th September 2020

Where? Transits in your 8th house

Career: Needs sense and sensibilities

You might encounter a sudden change in job, in this period. Whether this change will be good or bad, can only be ascertained by delving deeper into your birth chart and assessing the planetary positions in there. There is a possibility of starting a new business venture or getting a new business proposal, in your home town, in this period. This will particularly be a good period for freelancers and consultants, who will get to receive good assignments and projects that will help them maximize their income. You need to avoid getting into arguments, in this period, especially with government officials.

  1. Sun transits in Virgo from 17th September to 17th October 2020

Where? Transits in your 9th house

Career: Needs focus to get to the aim

This is a learning phase for most of you, where you will have opportunities to upskill and learn new technologies that will benefit your career. If you are planning to pursue an online course or a regular course for knowledge upgrade, you can grab the opportunity right away, as it will be fruitful for your career in the long term. Those into research related work will experience a good period, with success and income gains. You will share a good rapport with your boss and managers, in this period. There could be some short distance travelling that you need to undertake for business or job related purpose. Just stay focused and do not deviate your professional aims, as you encounter minor challenges on the way.

