Transit of Sun will influence the loyalty, generosity and practicality of a Taurus moon sign. As Sun spends nearly 30 days in each house of the Taurus ascendant it gives results basis the kind of influence it is having on them. If it’s benefic you will witness an enhancement in knowledge and mental strength and if malefic it can make you stubborn, unreasonable and overindulgent.
The challenge here is to stay stable and practical, both at the same time, to make Sun favor your destiny. Challenges are the part and parcel of life and it will be the same for the transit period of Sun in Taurus. But you can work out the adversities by being alert, rational and staying focused on your career goal.
Your capacity to work will diminish as Sun starts its transit in your 6th house. You will be a perfectionist but will lack decisiveness and confidence. Thus, you will not be able to utilize opportunities in this period. Add to this your increased arrogance, which will further disrupt your career and financial prospects. Things will be more troublesome as your colleagues will not be supportive. In fact, they may try to pull you down for their own benefit, lowering your motivation to perform well at work. You will find yourself amidst piles of work, but you will not be able to meet your targets and deadlines with your disturbed state of mind.
Discord in marital life will reflect badly on your career, as Sun marks its entry into your 7th house. You will see a visible ruckus in your comfort zone which will demand more hard work from you to embrace success at work. Hastiness should be avoided, as it will do more wrong than good to you. So, if you are contemplating job change don’t do it in a jiffy, analyze all the options and make a wise decision. Likewise, any decision relate to accepting or rejecting a new assignment or linked to finances and investments, must be taken with an open mind, else it may backfire.
Sudden issues on professional front may surface as Sun transits in your 8th house. Being a little wise, pragmatic and humble may help you sort out these issues with ease. Unnecessary expenses and unexpected losses may lower your morale. Health will need greater focus and any minor illness should not be avoided. Loss of physical and mental energies will disturb your pace of work. Frequent work-based travels must also be avoided in this period. You can schedule important work related meetings over call or for a better day to stay safe in this period.
The more you work hard the greater the chances of your success, with Sun transiting in your 9th house. You need to maximize your efforts in this period, and if you can do so destiny will also favor your work endeavors. Hard work clubbed with professional manipulation will clear any hurdles that might arise in the way of your career progression. Any partnership projects that you embark on, in this period, will be fruitful. Your decision making capabilities will be enhanced and this will help you in making better investment and career related choices.
The sun is quite strong while transiting in your 10th house. Your hard work and determination will not be wasted here and you will get due returns in terms of career gains and financial stability, in this period. There are indications of improvement in your professional status – do not be surprised if you get a promotion in the upcoming appraisals. If you are a business professional your productivity will improve and you will be able to establish your name in your area of expertise. Good relations with professional associates are foreseen. You will be able to meet desired outputs and achieve preferred results with the help of your colleagues and business partners.
The transit of Sun in your 11th house will bring you unexpected gains. It will also be a period of increase in unearned income. This implies that your income from other sources - such as inheritance or through spouse will ascend, but your earnings will not improve much. You will enjoy a sound health in this period. Improvement in health and wealth will keep you motivated and this will further boost your career prospects. You will enjoy good rapport with your boss in this period. Any work related travel taken in this transit phase will prove beneficial.
Your spouse’s health will be a matter of concern as Sun begins its journey in your 12th house. You will be in a perpetual state of anxiety and worry regarding your spouse’s health which will diminish your focus on your career. You may also become a little egoistic, in this period which can further dampen your chances of success at work as your self-centered approach will not go down well with your staff members. You must also be aware of your rivals and competitors as they might deceive you or try to cause you professional harm. Expenditure will register rise in this period, it would largely be on taking care of your spouse’s health. Foreign travels related to work, pleasure or spirituality will prove to be beneficial. Chances of abroad settlement are meek, though.
Transiting in your 1st house, Sun will brighten up your ‘self’. This would essentially mean that you will have a strong sense of self in this period which will positively reflect on your career. You will exude with confidence and wisdom. Your sharp memory and forthright attitude will further aid your professional accomplishments. Destiny will make note of your efforts and you will duly rewarded fir your competency and hard work. You will be quite articulate, fluent and dignified in your speech, which will help you do well in your business and professional work dealings. Your workplace and domestic relations will flourish, in this period.
Avoid any excessive indulgence when Sun transit in the 2nd house of your birth chart. Your wealth will be steady but will not increase, in this period, so it is advised that you must stay away from any unnecessary or surplus expenditure. Though some unexpected monetary and career gains are indicated but that will only come through some intelligent decisions and steps that you might take in this transit phase. So, you have to be wise and sane when making a career move or finalizing an investment plan, for it to give you desired results. Your family will be supportive of your career endeavors, and that will give you much needed strength to face challenges, in this period.
During this period, Sun will be transiting in your 3rd house. Your income gains will alleviate in this period and your siblings may play an impotent role in augmenting your wealth. The guidance of your parents will help you get success in business deals and will prove beneficial for your trade, in the long-term. You may undertake short distance travel for professional growth and will also share good relationship with your boss and managers, during this period. You might get spiritually inclined, and this help you in looking at life from a different and more refined perspective.
Your focus will shift from career to personal matters and thus, you may experience a decline in professional gains. As Sun begins to transit in your 4th hours, your attachment towards your mother and motherland will grow stronger. You will share a good rapport with your mother, in this period and will be able to spend quality time with her. You will be domestically inclined and find solace in the harmony of your home. There will be a certain decline in income gains but you will still be able to succeed in your professional endeavors with your mother’s guidance and support. This period, will bring you a sudden or unexpected good news from your native land.
As Sun will move forward to transit in your 5th house, your creative abilities will experience a positive shift. Anything creative will help you get recognition in the professional field. Income gains will be good and can further multiply in you invest well in safe options. Avoid being impulsive but don’t take too long to make a decision, either, else you may lose out on profitable opportunities. This is a good period for your love and social life. Your social circle will expand and this may help you prosper in your professional endeavors, also. Children will bring in happiness and your bond with them will strengthen further. Contentment from personal life will help you concentrate better on your career and you will be able to maximize your income gains.
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