Vastu Yagna wards off bad energies from our homes & workplaces by realigning these sites with the universal energy of abundance, prosperity, happiness, & positivity. How is this Yagna performed? What is the science behind this Yagna? Read the article for answers.
Vastu Yagna is mainly conducted at home or office to remove bad energies and realign the entire geometric system of the site to resonate and bring abundance in our life. This Yagna is performed to appease ‘Vastu Purusha’, who is the universal architecture and balances the energy of earth and humankind. The technique followed in Vastu Yagna allows us to reorient our house and workplace as per the universal positive alignment to bring prosperity, abundance and happiness in our life.
This Yagna is mostly performed before moving to a new house or office, dedicated to Vastu Purusha and the Gods of direction: Indra (east), Agni (southeast), Yama (south), Pitru (southwest), Varuna (west), Vayu (northwest), Kuber (north), and Brahma (center). Each God of direction is a symbol of elements, prosperity and our karma (deed).
Vastu is a traditional Hindu system of architecture where the orientation, alignment of designs and patterns play an important role in integrating quality energy into the constructed site. Vastu Purusha is represented in the mandala or architectural form and structure. Through this diagram all the elements and high vibrational energies are captured and distributed as per the need of the place.
This Yagna is performed to appease all the specified 45 energy fields of Vastu Purusha, who resides in the building where we live and work. We spend hours under the roof of the building where we live and work; and we expect prosperity, abundance and well-being for our family members and co-workers from the building. This Yagna is performed so that the 45 energy fields resonate with your body and energy, which is crucial for you to progress in life without many obstacles and mishappenings.
Everything that is functional in the universe has to be geometrically in sync, otherwise it will cause disturbance. For instance, the shapes and forms of human beings have a certain impact because we are also a physical form. So does a building – it has a form and structure. If you look at the physical world, at planets, each and every thing has a shape and form. The whole universe has a geometric shape for as long as something stands and functions. The way we walk, run and carry our posture is aligned with a larger cosmic geometry so that we can function with the least amount of friction.
Similarly, the geometry of a building makes a difference. But when you are a little sensitive, it makes a huge difference. Some people might not be aware about the energy but can understand the consequences - you will feel good or not good about a place. But you might not know the reason why you don’t feel good about it. The shapes and forms around you have a certain impact because you are also a certain physical form and this creates a geometric impact. For instance, you may look at some beautiful Indian temples and marvel at how geometrically perfect they seem. And when you go there, you do feel some kind of positivity. Even if you don’t believe in energy or if you are not aware about it, yet you can feel the space around you and how it makes you feel.
Our homes and offices have the power to make us feel a certain way. They should be built to make us feel good because the habitat is the most important factor to thrive in. If you just want to live and die for the sake of living, you can live anywhere. But if you want to thrive really then it’s important how and in what kind of spaces you live. There is a whole science to this. Going back to the example of a temple, the space is built with such care that you want to sit there for some time.
Hinduism believes in ‘Pindeshu Brahmande’, which translates as ‘whatever is found in the universe is found in the body.’ The physical processes of the universe are parallel to the biological process in the human body. They are also parallel to the physical processes of our buildings. There are 45 energy fields which are governed by 45 Gods (Devatas), and we align these energy fields in each building by conducting the Vastu Yagna. These energy fields emerge with human consciousness; they blend and influence our life. The presence of these Devatas is felt at the specific place of any building, where this Yagna is conducted by constructing a grid, which has been termed as Vastu Purusha Mandala.
Brahma - the supreme creator (center) |
Bhudhar - the power of manifestation (north)
Aryama - supports growth & connects to the material world. Helps to get a companion (east)
Vivaswan - controls change & moves the manifestation process (south)
Mitra - the motivator (west)
Apaha - the healer, strengthens immunity & grants long life (NNE [N7], NE [N8])
Apavatsa - carries power of medicine from intuitive body to mind body (NE [E1], ENE [E2])
Savita - bestows the power of meditation, provides money & support (ESE [E7], SE [E8])
Savitra - grants the power for luxuries, strength & nourishment (SE [S1], SSE [S2])
Indra - primary Devata to safeguard money, childbirth, longevity; ruler of 5 senses (SSW [S7], SW [S8])
Jaya - keeps all books /tools related to one’s performance of skills.
Rudra - generates tears to detoxify the body and emotions.; the channelizer. (WNW [W7], NW [W8])
Rajyakshma - the holder; it stills the mind (NW [N1], NNW[N2])
Aditi - the peace maker; protects against fear of unknown (NNE [N7])
Diti - the visionary; gives clarity of mind (NE [N8])
Shikhi - source of all powerful thoughts & ideas (NE [E1])
Parjanya - the insights granter; grants fertility (ENE [E2])
Bhrisha - the gravity; power of bringing out new thing (ESE [E7])
Aakash - the inner space (SE [E8])
Anil - the uplifter (SE [S1])
Pusha - the strengthener, nourisher & promoter (SSE [S2])
Bhringraj - the discriminator, it’s the element of being genius (SSW [S7])
Mriga - the initiator of curiosity (SW [S8])
Pitra - the ancestors (SW [W1])
Dauwarik - the doorkeeper, has infinite knowledge, helps in deciding the subject, bestows power of discrimination (WSW [W2])
Shosha - the dryer, dries up unwanted emotions (WNW [W7])
Papyakshma - the addictor, gives disease, drinking habits, etc. (NW [W8])
Roga - the weakener, weakens the strength but also acts as a supporter (NW [N1])
Naga - the craving, power of granting emotional enjoyments (NNW [N2])
Jayant - the success maker (ENE [E3])
Mahendra - the administer, develops power of association amongst people (East [E4])
Surya - the controller; gives farsightedness & power to observe (East [E5])
Satya - the creator of goodwill (ESE [E6])
Vitatha - the pretender, relates to the unreal world (SSE [S3])
Gruhakshata - the definer; defines the boundary of your mind (South [S4])
Yama - the maintainer / the order, the God of death (South [S5])
Gandharva - the preserver, preserves the nector & manifests all kinds of creativity (SSW [S6])
Sugreeva - the receiver of beauty & knowledge (Wsw [w3])
Pushpadant - assistant, vehicle of Lord Kuber whose attributes are blooming & expanding
Varun - the observer & controller of the world (West [W5])
Asur - the illusionist who has mystic powers (WNW [W6])
Mukhya - the caretaker, head of all energies which manifest the power of the building (NNW [N3])
Bhallat - the power of abundance (North [N4])
Soma - the treasure, seat of Lord Kuber, gives profits in business & safeguards from enemies (North [N5])
Bhujanga - the immunity; preserves; life-saving medicines. (NNE [N6])
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