Transit of Venus for Scorpio Moon Sign.

Transit of Venus for Scorpio Moon Sign.


Transit of Venus for Scorpio moon sign will have a beneficial impact on the love and marital life of the natives. This transit will make you quite assertive when it comes to the fulfillment of desires.

Scorpio is a fixed sign which is ruled by Lord Mars. It is considered as a watery sign and, shares a neutral relationship with Lord Venus.

Venus is the planet of love and Scorpio sign is associated with passion and sensuality. With its placement in the Scorpio sign, Venus is likely to instill heightened desire for sex, romance, sensuality and love in the Scorpio natives.

When Venus transits in Scorpio zodiac, the natives belonging to this moon sign will become truly dedicated towards their partner but, if cheated upon, they do not take a minute to develop revengeful feelings towards the betrayer and sting hard like a Scorpion.

  1. Transit of Venus in Aries Zodiac for Scorpio Moon sign

From: 29th February 2020 till 28th March 2020

The transit of Venus in Aries zodiac is likely to bring unfavorable situations in the lives of Scorpio moons. Difference of opinion with spouse will be reflected in your physical relation and sexual life.

Transit of Venus for Scorpio moons will cause arguments and clashes between you and your partner and as a matter of fact will disturb your love life to a concerned extent. This chaos created in your personal life may make you feel stressed and disturbed.

With the Venus transit in Aries, you are likely to become egoistic, which might give rise to heated arguments with spouse or partner.

When Venus transits for Scorpio moon sign, it will bring forth a challenging phase as there is an expected increase in the number of your rivals.

You are likely to go through a tough period in terms of health and this may affect your personal as well as professional life.

Long trips should be avoided as chances of mishap are likely till the time Venus stays in Aries zodiac. It’s better to call off your plans!

  1. Transit of Venus in Taurus zodiac for Scorpio moon sign

From: 28th March 2020 till 1st August 2020

Transit of Venus in Taurus for Scorpio moon sign will cause a shift in your focus from love/marital life to finance and career related matters. Your career will be on the top of your priority list and you will work towards fulfillment of your goals in order to attain financial stability and security. This transit can bring a rise in expenditure and dissatisfaction in love matters.

When Venus transits in Taurus, Scorpio moons will have to stay attentive and cautious with regards to their health. The ones expecting a baby should take all the precautions and medications without any delay.

On positive grounds, you may receive favors from government or higher authorities in the form of rewards or contracts. Your efforts will be taken into consideration and you will receive appreciation for the same.

  1. Transit of Venus in Gemini for Scorpio moon sign

From: 1st August 2020 till 1st September 2020

When Venus transits in Gemini for Scorpio moon sign, it brings success in love matters. Those who are single will get a chance of adding varied colors of love in their lives. People belonging to Scorpio moon sign will be blessed with the best when Venus makes a transit in Gemini Zodiac.

You’ll be able to pacify your partner, both physically and emotionally, by fulfilling their required needs. They will hold no backlogs against you and will be extremely satisfied being with you in this relationship.

During the Venus transit period, you will get all kinds of comforts and will be inclined towards extravagance. You could buy a new house or property during this period of time.

With the transit of Venus in Gemini zodiac, students belonging to Scorpio moon sign will perform extraordinary well on the academic front and will get new opportunities to showcase their talents and skills. This factor will boost their confidence level and they may start feeling much more active and vibrant in this time period.

  1. Transit of Venus in Cancer for Scorpio moon sign

From: 1st September 2020 till 28th September 2020

Transit of Venus in Cancer for Scorpio moon sign is likely to bring about a noteworthy improvement in your luck and fate and will help you to enjoy the benefits of life.

At this point, you will be more inclined towards religious activities and will plan to host auspicious ceremonies and events at your place. You could also plan to take a pilgrimage with your family or friends in this Venus transit period.

On marital front, there will be an atmosphere of love and peace. The feeling of enjoying blissful moments with your spouse will fill your heart with joy and satisfaction.

On academic front, the period will be immensely successful and you are likely to attain excellent scores in your exams. Keep working hard and you will find yourself being a step closer towards your goals and objectives.

During the transit period of Venus for Scorpio moon sign, remaining active and eating judiciously will keep you in the best of your health.

Your hard work and performance will be perceived by your boss and seniors and you are going receive a lot of appreciation for the same.

  1. Transit of Venus in Leo for Scorpio moon sign

From: 28th September 2020 till 23rd October 2020

Transit of Venus in Leo is considered to be inauspicious for Scorpio moon sign. The negative expression of this placement will overstate your feelings.

There is a possibility of being dragged down into legal issues. You will have to be more careful about your activities.

With the transit of Venus in Leo for Scorpio moon sign, financial matters are likely to give troubles. Papers pertaining to property should be handled with care. Also, be prepared to face some complications on the family front. All of this could give mental stress and worries but we would suggest you to maintain your calm and will-power and to fight back against the difficult circumstances.

Keeping harmonious relations with spouse will enable you to maintain happy and healthy atmosphere at home. A romantic outing will be the best way to enhance your marital relationship and life.

  1. Transit of Venus in Virgo for Scorpio moon sign

From: 23rd October 2020 till 17th December 2020

Transit of Venus in Virgo for Scorpio moons sign will introduce to you great comforts of life as you will be able to reap personal as well as monetary benefits in this period.

Luck will favor you immensely and you may buy new vehicle or expensive ornaments during this Venus transit period.

During transit of Venus in Virgo zodiac, family comfort and love environment both will blend beautifully. You would want to spend more time at home with your spouse and family members.

Your bond with your family and friends will deepen when Venus makes a transit in Virgo zodiac and you will share an increased sense of affection towards each other. You will have a lot of fun and enjoyment with your people, during this Venus transit phase.

Small things in life will give you greater sense of joy as Venus enters the 11th house of Scorpio moon sign.

When Venus transits for Scorpio moon sign, you will prove a great asset to seniors at work and get rewarded for the same.

Along with it, you will also be focused to fulfill the needs and desires of your family and maintain peace and harmony at home.

  1. Transit of Venus in Libra for Scorpio moon sign

From: 17th November 2020 till 11th December 2020

The special impact of transit of Venus in Libra will be visible on the economic life of Scorpio moon sign. You will witness inflow of money from various sources and will thus, be able to enjoy all sorts of materialistic comforts and worldly pleasures.

At this point of time, your expenses will be on the higher side and this could have a negative impact on your monetary status. Thus, it is advised to spend your resources wisely so as to avoid any unnecessary problems.

With the transit of Venus in Libra for Scorpio moon sign, your inclination will be chiefly towards sexual activities, which will make your sexual desires active during this period. You’ll experience bed pleasures and will take a keen interest in physical intercourse.

Spending quality time together will carry you and your partner much closer to each other and this will take your love relationship to a serious level.

Those of you who are still single may get to initiate a romantic and sensual relationship with someone during the Venus transit period.

  1. Transit of Venus in Scorpio for Scorpio moon sign

From: 11th December 2020 till 31st December 2020

During the transit of Venus in Scorpio zodiac, you will undergo some clear-cut changes, which will mostly be positive in nature.

During this Venus transit period, you will be able to enjoy all kinds of worldly pleasures.

Scorpio natives who are associated with business may receive some amazing opportunities and growth points during this period of time.

Your analytical abilities and accurate decision making skills will bring success on academic and job front. Each and every effort of yours will be taken into consideration and you will be able to achieve your academic goals.

With the transit of Venus in Scorpio zodiac, a causal acquaintance with someone may turn into romantic relationship and, this could be your golden ticket to ‘Happily Ever After’.

On personal front, you expected to socialize with a lot of people but, will spend most of your time with the people of opposite gender, entertaining them and being entertained in return!

