In this article, we discuss the more suitable option between job & business for the 12 zodiac signs (ascendants).
Knowing what you want to do in your life is a great feat. If you are confident which stream of career option: independent business or job will suit you in the long run then there is no doubt that you will be able to achieve all that you want in your life. Knowing your ultimate goal also helps the person to suit the right stream of higher education that will further help you with your career.
As per Vedic astrology, there are some Yogas and planetary placements that are
An indicator of a person’s career inclination: business or job. These Yogas vary from one another in many ways while they are others that indicate various fluctuations or ups and downs that a native will face either in his or her career or business.
Here we will discuss which will be a more suitable option for all the 12 zodiac signs (ascendants); job or business?
Just in case you have any trouble or worries about which zodiac sign is your Ascendant then Indastro will help you crack it! Simply click here and get to know your ascendant right away and then go ahead and get to know which will be beneficial for you: Job or Business!
As per the Aries ascendant, Venus, Saturn, and Sun are placed in the beneficial house like First House (House of Ascendant, Personality or Character), Fifth House (House of Intelligence, Study or education, Love, and Gains), and the Tenth House (House of Career). This indicates native’s bright future in business.
On the off chance that any one or two planets are not placed well or are moving in a retrograde motion then the odds of getting into a job are higher.
For the Taurus ascendant, Mercury, Saturn, and Jupiter are supposed to have a strong placement in the natal chart of a person in order to have a business profile as the ultimate professional line for the native.
In the event that any one or two planets are wrongly placed or are retrograde in nature then the whole equation changes and the native will have a job profile as his or her professional call destined for this life.
In the case of the Gemini ascendant, Moon, Venus, and Jupiter are strongly placed in the natal chart of the individual and therefore are a symbol of having a flourishing b=career in owning his or her own business as a career option.
On the other hand, just in case that any one or two planets out of the above-mentioned planets is not placed strongly or is moving in a retrograde motion then the destiny gives the native an opportunity to have a job profile as a career choice.
Sun, Mars, and Jupiter should have a strong placement in the birth chart or horoscope of an individual. This will give strong hints of the person getting into a business line for their professional career for life.
Whereas, if any one or two of the three planets mentioned above are wrongly placed or are moving in a retrograde movement then the person is said to land up in a job profile.
For the Leo ascendant, Mercury, Venus, and Sun must have a strong placement in the natal chart in order to have strong chances of getting into an independent business profile for him or her.
On the off chance that any one or two of the three planets mentioned above do not have a strong placement or are debilitated then the possibilities of the native to get into a job profile is higher.
In case of a Virgo ascendant, the placement of Venus, Mercury and Moon should be really strong in the natal chart of the native if he or she plans to have an independent business profile as his or her future career.
In the event, if either one or two of the above-mentioned planets are not placed well, that means that if they are placed in a wrong house then the native is most likely to choose a job profile for his or her future career.
As per the Libra ascendant, the placement of Mars, Moon, and Sun should remain in the stronger Houses in the natal chart so as to make it beneficial for the native who wants to pursue business as his or her future career option.
In case any one or two of the planets mentioned above are not placed strongly, then the native will probably go for a job profile as a career choice.
According to the Scorpio ascendant, Jupiter, Sun, and Mercury are the most important planets and should be placed well. This means that they should have a strong placement in the natal chart of a person so as to have a business career for the future.
Just in case that any one or two of the three planets as mentioned are not strongly placed in the natal chart then the native may want to try for a job profile as his or her career.
As for the Sagittarius ascendant, Saturn, Mars, and Mercury are the most important planets that need to be strongly placed in the natal chart of any person just in case she or he wants a business profile as a future career.
In the event that any one or two of these three planets are not strongly placed in any of the houses in the horoscope then the native may choose a job profile for his or her career choice. Mostly Sagittarius natives are known to have an inclination to be in a stable job choice over the business profile.
For the Capricorn native, Saturn, Venus, and Mars are the most important planets that should be placed strongly in the natal chart of a person if she or he wants to get into the business domain as their career choice.
If by any chance that any one or two of these three planets are not placed well, then the person will tentatively choose job profile over the business as their ultimate career option.
As per the Aquarius ascendant, the strong placement of Jupiter, Mercury, and Mars are important in the natal chart of a person so as to have a good and strong chance of having an independent business profile for the ultimate career choice.
On the off chance that either one or two of the three mentioned planets are not placed well or is weak in the natal chart of an individual then the native will probably have an inclination to go for a job profile.
Mars, Jupiter, and Saturn are the three most important planets in the natal chart of an individual who wants to pursue business as their future career goal. If these planets are strongly placed in his or her horoscope then they will surely have a prosperous business career for them.
In the event that any one or two of the three planets is not placed strongly or is weak then the native sure shot will have a job profile as his or her ultimate career choice.
Apart from these planetary placements, there are other great Yogas as well in the natal chart that give a definitive answer for which career choice will be good for an individual. For that one needs to get his or her horoscope or Kundali thoroughly analyzed. As it can only be revealed after a deep and detailed horoscope reading of the natal chart. Even if there is a detrimental Yoga in the chart then it can be fixed by applying a few remedies. However, even to apply and find a solution for the problems or flaws in the natal chart, one needs to get it reviewed properly form a well-experienced astrologer to get all the Knicks and Knacks of a person’s life.
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