World Environment Day, 2021: Type of Environmentalist you are, as per your zodiac

Each year, World Environment Day is celebrated to bring cognizance to the rapidly degrading Mother Earth and how, we as humans can help in conservation. Each year, a theme is chosen to bring awareness and action in the lives of people, regarding their immediate environment. Find out what kind of an environmental conservationist are you, based on your zodiac moon sign. Read more…

World Environment Day, 2021: Type of Environmentalist you are, as per your zodiac


Each year World Environment Day is celebrated on June 5 to spread awareness and action to protect our immediate surroundings and our environment. First observed in 1974, World Environment Day has been used as a platform to raise awareness on myriad environmental issues like air pollution, marine pollution, over-population, global warming, climate change and the likes.

It is a global platform for outreach against injustice towards unsustainable uses and discrimination of our environment. Each year, participation is ensured from about 143 countries, all over the world, where they all come together to pledge a better environmental conservation and advocate specific environmental causes.

History of World Environment Day:

World Environmental Day was first celebrated in 1972 on June 5, by the United Nations on the first day of Stockholm Conference. The symbiotic relationship of Man and Environment had been established as was the integration of human interactions with the immediate environment.

Since then, each year, a specific theme had been attributed to each year’s Environment Day celebration, with each different member country of the UN taking turns in hosting the event. Various themes have been chosen each year like Ozone Layer Concern, Desertification, Global Warming, Poverty and Environment, Melting Ice caps etc.

In 2021, the theme for World Environment Day is Ecosystem Restoration, with special focus on creating a good relationship with nature. The host country for 2021 World Environment Day is Pakistan, in partnership with UN Environmental Program (UNEP).

Zodiac signs as Environmentalists

Everyone should be concerned about the environment, given the state of our surroundings. However, certain people are more passionate about Mother Earth and environmental conservation is at the top of their priority list. The environmentalist zodiac signs, in fact, are more than just nature lovers.

An environmentalist is someone who is deeply concerned with environmental conservation and devotes his or her time and resources to trying to save the earth or bring awareness about why our earth needs to be saved.

Ways in which your zodiac sign can contribute to environmental conservation:

  • Aries – Aries are those groups of people who react with strong desire and impulse over any subject or situation, same it is with their case of conserving our planet earth. They are strong activist, who will work with strong aptitude towards fund raising for this cause. But, they will also flow with the tune of other activist friends and will glide in the same basket of efforts as their partners. Their personal connection is very less which is why they will connect with nature only when playing any out door sport, which is their passion.
  • Taurus –Taurus is a fixed earth sign, who reveals that they love to be connected with the Mother Earth in their own unique way as they have an inherent connection to nature by their natural empathy towards animals, planet earth, and all living beings. They love to be surrounded by lush greens rather than skyscrapers and they will naturally be in support for conserving the natural resources and will firmly support any motivational moves towards conservation.
  • Gemini – Gemini is the moderate sign who will connect with the nature, in comparison to many other zodiac signs. Their connection with nature is such that they remember to water their plants in time. Conserving nature on this planet has very less connection to the Gemini people. They often forget and are required to be prompted by any other nature lover for any action.
  • Cancer - Cancer natives have a very strong respect and affection for our earth, and they want to conserve it. They use bay leaves to kill cockroaches and cayenne pepper to control ant problem because their home is precious to them. Reusable water bottles, reusable sandwich cans, metal straws, and cotton shopping bags are among the items they carry. Cancers try to spend as much time as possible with nature, and when they do, they take precautions not to damage any natural resources.
  • Leo – Many Leos put their excellent leadership qualities to good use by enhancing the environment. They give speeches at rallies and fundraising events and set an example as someone who tries to live a green lifestyle. Wherever possible, Leos choose to stroll, cycle, or use public transportation instead of driving. If they do drive, they do it in an environmental friendly electric vehicle. If there is a rally to push the government to take significant environmental action, Leos will always be a part of it.
  • Virgo – Virgos help the world by putting their outstanding research skills to work. They make cleaning supplies and pet food from scratch. Virgos have a knack for recycling items. They don't want to pollute the environment or contribute to the existing garbage. They repair broken items or rent them from others so that they don't have to buy them. Also, they don't waste much water, helping in water conservation.
  • Libra –Libras seek balance in all areas in life and they are focused on making the smallest environment impact possible. Libra individuals believe that one should not take more from the Mother Nature that cannot be replaced back to the planet. This idea applies to the use of land as they favour small homes and less encroachment into nature, for providing more land for wildlife as their home.
  • Scorpio – Scorpios are great environmental activists and they cannot be stopped if they become adamant about a cause. They are particularly concerned with wildlife habitat protection and strive for increased funding to help animals. Often Scorpios don't consume meat or try to reduce their consumption of it, and actively avoid buying leather, fur, or snakeskin.
  • Sagittarius – Sagittarius natives are hardcore animal lovers and are very passionate travelers. Someone with such strong passion for exploring the world and discovering distant corners of nature should have strong connection to it. They have the capability of understanding nature on a deeper level but they are so engaged in their personal endeavor they tend to forget their connection with the planet Earth.
  • Capricorn – Capricorn is considered the least concerned zodiac sign for the planet earth. They may be least bothered what is happening to the environment due to the paucity in their life where they tend to get distracted from all matters and only avail comforts for themselves and will not put much efforts for the saving the planet earth.
  • Aquarius – The planet's sustainability is of utmost importance to Aquarius, and they are on the frontline. They help the community by volunteering, participating in charitable activities, and raising awareness. They make an effort to live a life that does not cause environmental pollution or wastage. When they can, they ride their bikes, and when they can't, they ride-share. They are committed to living a green lifestyle and try to encourage others to do so, as well.
  • Pisces - Pisces are concerned about the environment. They are conscious of what they throw in the trash, and they recycle, compost, or refurbish whenever possible. They like being around water and do their part to help clean up beaches, lakes, and streams.

