World Polio Day 2020: History, Astrological Significance and Facts

2020 theme for World Polio Day is “A win against Polio is a win for global health.” This day is celebrated every year with the objective of making the world “polio-free.” Here are some interesting astrological facts about this day.

World Polio Day 2020: History, Astrological Significance and Facts


World Polio Day is celebrated every year on 24 October 2020 to raise awareness about the Polio disease and the efforts for elimination.

Polio is a highly contagious disease, which can lead to some serious health problems. In medical terms, it is known as poliomyelitis. Polio can occur with or without symptoms. Let us tell you that around 95% of Polio cases are asymptomatic and between 4 and 8 percent of cases are symptomatic.

World Polio Day emphasizes the significance of polio vaccination and the methods to eradicate this infectious disease.

Important Facts about Polio

  • Polio is caused by poliovirus and most of the cases are asymptomatic.
  • Pregnant women are more susceptible to polio.
  • Polio spreads through person-to-person contact.
  • There are two vaccines for polio namely, Inactivated poliovirus (IPV) and oral polio vaccine (OPV).
  • Polio or Poliomyelitis is an infectious disease caused by viruses. Its effects may range from very mild illness to moderate to very severe paralysis of limb(s). It is also known as infantile paralysis since it mostly affects the small children upto the age of five years. This is very infectious disease and has tendency to inflame the central nervous system. This disease becomes fatal when the virus affects the breathing muscles and this leads to death.

Astrological Significance of Polio Infection

  • Affliction of Mercury, Sun, Moon and lagna are the main causes for Polio or poliomyelitis or infantile paralysis and Paralysis disease.
  • The ninth house in the horoscope is connected with the limbs and any affliction to this house or the lord of ninth house and the Dhanu rasi (the ninth house of natural zodiac) causes polio or paralysis.
  • Mercury is the primary cause of this disease and any planet or house connected with this through situation, conjunction, aspect etc, gives rise to paralysis in that part of the body, which is governed by that particular planet, or house.
  • If Sun is heavily afflicted in a malefic house and lagna and Mercury are also afflicted, then such a situation may cause paralysis.
  • If Saturn is in airy sign and sixth house, and the lagna & Mercury are afflicted, then this combination may give rise to paralysis.
  • Planetary combination that causes Paralysis-
    1. Moon and Mercury joins Saturn or Rahu OR
    2. If Moon and Mercury are aspected by Saturn or Rahu OR
    3. If lagna/Lagna Lord is afflicted.

If Mercury is weak OR lagna/lagna Lord, Sun, Moon are afflicted, they are capable of producing similar diseases.

Exact location of the disease can be indicated by the following -

  • Left side of body is ruled by Eighth to Twelfth Houses.
  • Right side of body is ruled by Second to Sixth Houses.
  • Right leg is ruled by second house
  • Left leg is ruled by twelfth house
  • Right hand is ruled by Third house.
  • Left hand is ruled by Eleventh House.
  • Third house rules the right hand
  • Eleventh house rules the left hand
  • Face, tongue etc. are ruled by the second house

Horoscope sketch of Franklin Delano Roosevelt (Polio affected)

Franklin D. Roosevelt was born with ascendant Leo, which is aspected by Atamkarak Jupiter. This particular planetary position made him a notable personality.

The Planetary Pattern:

  • If AL (Aruda Lagna) falls in Kendra, Trikona or Eleventh from Lagna, one becomes wealthy. In his horoscope, AL is in 11th house, which indicates sound wealth in his life.
  • In the Natal chart of Roosevelt, Rahu is debilitated and posited in the Sixth house from AL (Aruda Lagna)
  • Rahu also aspects Pisces, which is in the 8th house, through Graha Drishti.
  • Saturn, which is associated with the lower body parts, is posited in the ninth house with Jupiter. It is debilitated and aspected by Rahu through Rashi Drishti.
  • Venus is posited in the sixth house of diseases.
  • This paralytic illness was caused during the main period of Rahu, Sub period of Venus and Sub-Sub period of Venus.
  • Transit Moon was in Scorpio over natal Rahu as Rahu and Saturn conjoins in Virgo and Saturn, and aspects the AL.

In his Natal Chart, Pisces is in the Eighth House and the nodes afflicting Venus are placed with Sun (significator of the body) in the house of disease, which indicates strong odds of a permanent incurable disease.
