Dasamsa (D10 Chart) Report : Specialized report on your Career, Profession & True Karma Calling in life
Your profession or career is one of the most important aspect of your chart. Even if you are not working, your house of career drives success for your spouse or family. While a basic study of our birth chart is important but the actual source of success, which dasha will push your up & what would be the real source of success is achieved with a study of your D10 chart also known as Dasamsa in Vedic Astrology for the uninitiated. It is created by dividing the longitude of your planets by 10, creating a 10X magnification that is used for super specialized analysis and predictions for job, business, profession and your true karma and calling in life.
The D10 chart is one of the 32 specialized charts and the planet placements in D10 are used solely to judge how they would behave for your career & karma. You might have noticed that many times, when personal life is great somehow career is drifting without purpose while many a times exceptional growth at work finds home environment or family matters very challenging. Such diversity of effects is captured perfectly by this Vedic technique of creating sub-divisional charts for various parts of your life like career, love / marriage, family & children, money, health etc. Your birth chart’s review along with your D 10 chart and Vimshottari Dasa shows a clearer window of how all planet would individually impact your career. It is the D10 Reading that is essential to gauze the real strength of your professional potential & the level of success you would achieve in life.
The report will cover an indepth analysis that will check the strength of a planet in the main chart (D1) and add the analysis of D10 to give a clearer view on how the planet is placed to deliver results in your career. This is carried out for all 9 planets:
Here Sun is a very important planet to judge professional success in life but all other planets play very important roles when their dasha is in operation.
The report will cover a description of how your career will fare due to the impact on each planet on you and help you understand your true success triggers and the actual career you are destined for. Some of us end up with a career that is aligned with your education while the others choose a profession vastly different than what you got trained for. The report would include suggestions on how to maximize success and find the right career trajectory to help you realize your full potential considering the D10 chart & how to avoid problems & setbacks in your career.
12 Pages