Indu Lagna

Indu Lagna


Precise point of Financial Success in a Vedic Horoscope

Indu Lagna - the source & time of generation of wealth

What is Indu Lagna?

In astrology, great importance has been attached to the rising sign - the lagna or the ascendant. As your ascendant reveals a great deal of information about you, similarly Indu Lagna is a special Lagna that is an ascendant for wealth and helps us assess the wealth potential of a person. It is the zodiac sign calculated in your horoscope which in association with other planets can make you a billionaire in the dasa/ antar dasa of those planets and the Indu Lagna Lord.

How is Indu Lagna Calculated ?

Indu Lagna is all about luck that translates into money & affluence. Due to this the planets that own the house of luck (9th house) from your Vedic Moon Sign & Your Vedic Lagna ( ascendant) are added and taken through a complex Vedic mathematical calculation to reach a specific degree in your horoscope is most sensitive to wealth & money generation. All the planets that are associated with this degree & as and when they travel over these degree, effect your wealth potential.

The source & timing of wealth

The source of your wealth is coded in your horoscope and is indicated by Indu Lagna. It could be investments, business, job, real estate, creative power or plain ability to communicate and impress others. An unblemished planet in the Indu Lagna can make one a multi-millionaire and when several planets associate with Indu Lagna, high financial status is granted during the dasa & antar dasa (main & sub period) of those planets.

Further, the Dhan Yogas (wealth generating combinations) reckoned from Indu Lagna grant prosperity in their periods. Not assessing wealth from Indu Lagna can be highly misleading. There are horoscopes which do not look promising enough unless analysis is not combined with Indu Lagna

Indu Lagna & Dhan Yoga reading

This report will help unlock the ways as well as the timing when you would reach your true potential of wealth & prosperity.

  • The report will calculate your Indu Lagna and explain the planets that are associated with the Indu Lagna and trigger wealth or losses for you.
  • The report would cover your potential of garnering wealth and the timing/age beyond or upto which your income flow would be positive.
  • Sources of money flow and areas in which work should be done to accumulate wealth are also arrived at.
  • Your success in investments and the periods of highs & lows will also be made known.

Helpful Tips:

  • Ancient hidden secrets of wealth decoded from Indu Lagna
  • Understand why certain periods bring gains & others create losses
  • Your overall potential for wealth
  • Methods of wealth creation
  • Timing of wealth creation

Report Size:

12 Pages


