Find my Love Match
What is Love Match?
The stories about ‘love at first sight’ evoke a lot of interest. There’s a scientific reason behind the interesting phenomenon of love at first sight. We naturally know when we come across a person that he or she is the one we have been dreaming all our life. This feeling needs no logic or explanation as your heart feels the instant connect with that person. Genetically, you are engineered to know the ‘type’ of person you get attracted towards. The outward stimuli of a ‘Love Match are many including the eyes, hair, body type, just about anything that clicks in that person and makes you feel an instant connection with him. The connection that is so rare doesn’t happen with anyone or everyone! Vedic astrology can decode all such stimuli of a Love Match for you with which you can find your 'special someone' and know that he or she is the one!
How it works?
Your horoscope holds vital clues to your Love Match. The planets Jupiter and Venus govern the physical aspects of your ‘Love Match’ like - the body type, eyes, mannerism. The 7th house of your horoscope describes your life partner fully. Navamsa chart, a special divisional chart can tell you the finer details of this relationship, marriage, the quality of married life, longevity of your relationship and many such aspects that can help you be sure of the person. And know if the person you are with is part of your destiny or you are yet to find him or her?
What to expect from your "Find My Love Match" Reading?
Find my love match reading on occasion of Valentine’s would tell you if you are with the person of your dreams or the wait is still on. This reading would give you the vital Vedic clues to spot that special someone based on very specific guidelines like:
- Physical traits - general height, body type, complexion
- Profession / education
- Specific mannerisms
- Chances of finding your match in a specific Vedic sign
- Other very special clues