Saturn Venus Conjunction
Saturn Venus Conjunction in Scorpio
Saturn is a well known karmic influencer and a hard task master. It makes you take up the challenges in life, pushes you into pursuing till the very end and take learning from these experiences to make life better. On the other hand, Venus is a mark of opulence, luxury and financial gains. Together, these two planets are known to facilitate the professional life of a native when in good strength in the horoscope doing their respective roles to the optimum level. But not all of us are fortunate enough to have Saturn and Venus conjunct in our natal (birth chart). The almighty has its own way of doing the balancing act by way of bringing these two planets together in transit.
Saturn and Venus will be coming together in the sign of Scorpio in the month of October and November. This will create a phenomenal window of opportunities, which would guide us to much financial gain and professional progress in the coming time. The exact Saturn Venus Conjunction would take place on 30th October, when the two planets would be in the same degree in Scorpio, bringing excellent opportunities for
finances and career enhancement. This transit has a greater significance for two reasons. First is the special super-benefic combination of Saturn & Venus which is a limited time window of opportunity. The other being Saturn, which till now was under a very strong influence of Mars, when the two planets had stayed in Scorpio for nearly 7 months this year. With Venus coming in with Saturn and Mars having gone away, Saturn combining with Venus is benefic than it was with Mars.
Understanding results of Venus-Saturn Conjunction
Saturn Venus Report will cover the following for you:
- The special effects of this transit
- The opportunities which will unfold
- The suggestion on how to handle this transit
- Remedies for the best results.
We have just come out of a rough transit of Saturn-Mars in Scorpio. We, as individuals tend to get over-defensive and somewhat non-assertive, even suspecting with equal measures all goods coming our way! So there is a strong likelihood of missing the opportunity knocking at our door as the super positive Saturn-Venus Conjunctions operates. Though a short, but it’s a very positive transit which could bring in very interesting gains. You can ask for your report to ensure not missing the good fortune.