Mars in Eighth House


Natal Mars Report

Mars plays a huge role as the male and dynamic energy form in a horoscope. It shapes our destiny since hard work, dynamism, physical power, sports, and various forms of aggression are connected with Mars. That is the reason why all areas of our life connected with Mars come up as heated, energetic and result oriented as it is Mars’s nature to test the limits, fire up things, use aggression to get the results and blaze a trail wherever it shows up.

How does Mars in 8th House help YOU progress in life?

  • Mars in eighth house makes you passionate and ambitious about attaining huge success; it also accentuates your instincts.
  • A positive Mars in the 8th house will make you spiritual and connected with your true self.
  • Retrogression of Mars in the eighth house will affect your inheritance and accumulation of wealth.
  • Mars in the 8th house can form Guru Mangal Yoga, which makes you very rich and prosperous.

Famous people with Mars in 8th House

  • John F. Kennedy (American Politician)
  • Albert Einstein (German Physicist)
  • Warren Buffett (American Business Magnate, Investor & Philanthropist)
  • Amitabh Bachchan (Indian Actor)

Why should you order the Natal Mars Report?

This is one of the most useful reports which is prepared after lengthy research, focusing on the following elements:

  • Acquaint yourself with the energy that Mars brings to your horoscope & your character.
  • Identify areas of strength & weaknesses associated with Mars.
  • Understand whether the time to deliver has come for Mars or not.
  • Identify special yogas that Mars participates in your horoscope (both positive & negative).
  • Identify the number associated with Mars’s strength, the waxing & waning strength.
  • Identify aspects of your life that will grow or face challenges due to Mars (this gives you a good idea whether to give Mars more power or subdue it with your Karma).
  • Provide cautions & remedies to mitigate Mars’s effect on you.


Helpful Tips:

  • Acquaint yourself with the energy due to Mars.
  • Identify aspects of your life that will grow or face challenges due to Mars (this gives you a good idea whether to give Mars more power or subdue it with your Karma).
  • Suggestions on how to use Mars’s energy for yourself.

Report Size:

12 Pages


