Astrology is a science of guidance for the mankind. The Vedic ways of leading life are the righteous methods of karma correction acting on your freewill. Vedic scriptures are the store house of Vedic wisdom which not just help refine your karmas(actions) but also bring about karma correction in the process of changing your destiny by a bit. Even a 2 percent destiny change is huge!
An expert Vedic astrologer would read from your horoscope the areas of concerns and bliss. He will also correlate them with your personality, your actions, reactions and conduct. The life key events will be strong indicative of the good and bad in your horoscope. For instance if one is into straight talk without hurting others will have a strong Mars. On the other hand, the act of stealing and causing hurt to others will merit working on your Mars, which seems to be afflicted. A weak Mars on the other hand could also mean lack of motivation and poor ability to work. All the three cases merit a set of changes which can be on the lines of:
Karma Correction & Vedic Remedies Reading:
12 Pages