Venus Retrogression & 2 Eclipses in March 2025
March could be disruptive with many major changes in planetary positions. You need to be cautious and weigh your options well.
1st March will see Venus move on its head and commence retrogression. It is a once in two year event but this time it is very significant since Venus is also in its exaltation sign leading to massive changes in our love life & lifestyle. Further Venus also become a part of the 6 planet combination at the end of the month, transferring a huge amount of energy to the conjunction.
A lunar eclipse takes place on 14th March in Leo and a very powerful Solar eclipse takes place on 29th March in the company of a 6 planet combination. Both these eclipses will change many things in our life, that we should be prepared for.
This major shifts will occur with Saturn & Rahu also moving closer, creating friction, stress and an increase in war challenges, instead of settling of things as was widely expected. This will create a huge amount of negative energy in everybody’s lives.
Mercury would shift into retrogression on the 15th, complicating things and Mars move into Cancer will see a shift in love matters.
The has been created keeping these factors in mind so you can anticipate and plan for the changes Venus and the eclipses will bring into your life, especially in love / relationships as well as major professional changes that are expected.
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