Cancer Man Personality

Cancer is considered one of the most emotional Moon signs since it belongs to the category of water signs which are ruled by emotions, or regarded as the most emotional ones.

Cancer Man Personality

Cancer has the added value of being ruled by Moon which gives it a level of instability in emotions since it changes its shapes regularly i.e. waxing and waning, Cancers therefore, have mood swings which they find difficult to handle. Cancers are also known as the nourishers of the zodiac as long as they’re in Pushya nakshatra which is represented by ‘cow’s udders’; in Ashlesha, it translates into a coiled-snake and his emotions can take an unusual turn.

This forecast is based on your Vedic Moon Sign. If you are not aware of your Vedic Moon Sign, find out instantly for free by filling the data below:

Cancers are generally home bodies and love their family bonds. Each and every member of the family means the world to them, and they are responsible towards their family. They are generally the ones to take up the role of a responsible father-figure and have great empathy for their parents. They are also men who their parents are proud of. They are very loyal to their parents, and their closed-ones. In personal lives, they act as crabs, crab being their sign. They stay away from limelight and seek places which make them feel at ease. A Cancer man doesn’t get flashy, for one, and second, they dislike anything that is dramatic or unsettling. This is a peace-loving sign that adores serenity. When the sign moves towards Ashlesha, they tend to get slightly shrewd and pessimistic. They tend to get more into understanding the various meaning that a small, trivial thing could have.

This might give a sense of insecurity to both the nakshatras of this zodiac sign with intuition being the underlying format. In Pushya, this gets exalted in form of wisdom, in Ashlesha, it gets slightly on the other side. On the positive aspect (nakshatra), they are very protective and nourishing to their family, and on the negative side, they might get manipulative.
Behavioral constitution of a Cancer man

Cancerians have mood swings like none other.

  • On a vacation, you will have no clue what’s next; one second he’s all happy and cheery, next second he’s grumpy because of something random like weather. He gets agitated even with slight changes in the surrounding.
  • When happy, they can be really soft and comforting, but if gloomy, then the whole place feels doomed. And these mood swings happen often with a Cancer Moon man. However, they never get angry, but they’ll show their disinterest by removing themselves from that situation altogether to avoid conflicts.
  • They are highly sensitive and therefore, require someone who isn’t impulsive or can at least balance them out, but at the same time understand what they’re feeling without them having to say it out aloud.

Style sense of a Cancer man

  • Cancerians like trying out all shades. They’re not stuck to just a few 5-6 colors. They prefer softer tones.
  • This softness represents their watery nature of the mind and the mood swings from one emotion to another.
  • These guys wont shy away from wearing soft conventionally-feminine colors either. They can carry soft yellow, or baby pink well.
  • You’d find them wearing/looking good in chequered shirts. Classic looks that men carry- either suited up, or in soft tones of chequed shirts are what they generally prefer.
  • They stay away from bold or too bright colors.

The three constellations belonging to Cancer are:

Punarvasu (first three phases): Punarvasu is represented by a quiver and arrows. People belonging to this nakshatra are goal-oriented, philanthropic, extremely honest, and have a strong sense of right & wrong, and do not fall prey to ill-means.

Pushya: Pushya is represented by a ‘cow’s udders’ which symbolizes nourishment and care. These are the motherly figures of the zodiac, and are extremely family-oriented. They respect their elders and treat their young ones with love, care and kindness.

Ashlesha: Ashlesha is represented by the ‘coiled snake’. It is a clingy constellation and is ruled by ‘Nagas’ or serpents. These people are strategic, and a manipulator of facts.

Personal Life Roles

Cancerians are responsible family men, who don’t shy away from taking up responsibilities of not just the masculine ones but also helping the other members with chores. He believes in showing his love through helping and assisting everyone at home and therefore, suits well for all household functions and duties. He is also very attached to his family, sometimes, it is just his family and few set of friends probably from childhood whom he cherishes and provides his best self to. However, due to his mood swings, he might get pessimistic, and this broodiness might hamper his other relationships.

As a Son:

Cancers are very attached to his family and therefore, make for a great son. They are especially attached to their mothers and look for their nurturing love throughout their lives. As for their fathers, they carry a deep sense of shouldering his responsibilities.

  • They are very sensitive, emotional and caring towards their parents.
  • These sons are over-pampered sometimes, and therefore, can be spoilt or have a baby-like attitude. Generally, their grumpiness or moodiness stays unaddressed.
  • They expect a lot of affection and attention from their parents and would do everything to stay in their ‘good books’, or be the ‘most-loved child’.

As a Brother:

  • An elder brother with Cancer Moon is one who lives as per the wishes and jollies of his younger one. He simply cannot not fulfil the demands of his little born sibling. They’ll always be little to him and therefore, their wishes should be fulfilled, and it’s imperative that they be looked after well.
  • For an elder Cancerian brother with a younger sister, these are the most caring elder brothers one could ask for. They’re not dominating, super-loving and protective, but not possessive and understand them and stand up for them as & when required.
  • A younger Cancerian brother is very dutiful, obedient and takes their elder sibling’s word as their bond, and lives up to it. They respect them and place them highly in their eyes. They will never cross a line with them, no matter what.

As a Friend:

Cancerians are easy-going friends who’ll be there for you. They’ll be your friends only if you form an emotional connection with them. They’re not very vocal about it but generally keep their friends close to their heart. They’re reliable and dependable, and can give you practical solutions or understand your emotional upheavals and at least will sit there with you while you feel down or low.

  • If you ever wonder that this man will forget their guy friends after having a love interest in their lives, then you’re wrong. These men simply gauge their bonds on the level of emotional attachment they have and respect their friendships and don’t give up on their life-long friends for any date, or new love interest.
  • A Cancer man will stand firm with his friends and is not manipulated by anyone in terms of friendships. They do not appreciate anyone crossing lines with their friends which makes them highly dependable and loyal friends.
  • To earn a Cancer’s friendship is a gem. This is because this man wants nothing from you in return. He isn’t forging friendships to gain anything out of it or with any ulterior motives (Pushya Nakshatra specifically). They do not socialize much anywhere with any or everyone and their friends are chosen ones who’ve earned their friendship.

As a Lover:

Their love language is not steamy or rough, rather soft and gentle. Slow burning passion is more their style. They cherish every moment with their partner and prefer home-dates.

  • This would mean cooking together, watching a movie cozying inside a blanket and falling off to sleep or having conversations in the bed. It might lead to a gentle love session, but its slow-paced.
  • You need to understand and connect emotionally with this man to get anywhere with him, especially, unspoken communication- a kind which relates to subconscious bonding and reading him mentally before him even expressing it in any way.
  • Emotional as they come, their love life is mostly emotionally rich or tumultuous than sexual. They would therefore be attached with their partners emotionally even before you get physically involved. This guy is okay with waiting before sex, or might make you wait, which is not very common with men.
  • They are insecure in relationships and clingy as well. They might irritate you if your attention goes away from them. They need to know they’re on your mind.

Most attracted to: Scorpio, Cancer

As a Husband:

Cancerians are the kind of husbands that no woman would have any complains with. He’s devoted, kind, compassionate and there to help out with the chores as well. You’ll never find his wife complaining about- “I’m the one who does everything around the house by myself”, because that’s not the case. He will assist her, and his marriage is all about partnership. He will be an equal contributor in all. He’s not the one to over-power you anywhere- either in the bed, not in general life scenarios. He’s all about ‘creating an experience together’.

  • He’s affectionate and appreciative of his wife for the way she takes care of the house, even though he’ll be equally contributing. He also appreciates her for the level of understanding that she has towards ‘getting him’ without a single expression of it.
  • He is subtle in his expressions of love. Flashy is not his style. Its something solely between him & his wife. He’s private that way.
  • He expects to still be respected as the man of the house and would assert his power in ways that do not come across as harsh.
  • He’s insecure in his relationship and his wife needs to assure him time and again that he means the world to her and possibly the best man alive and he’s the center of her universe. While he doesn’t expect it to be literally like that, he likes to be adored.


Most compatible for marriage: Scorpio, Cancer, Capricorn (Shravana constellation- ruled by the Moon).

As a Father:

Cancers are the most gentle fathers of all zodiac signs. He takes as much pride in his role of good parenting as much as he does in bringing food to the table.

  • He’s loving, caring and very understanding. He’s the one that a kid can freely talk to in their confusing growing up years. He can help them through it and be a best friend to them. He’s been through it and is very much emotional and therefore, will be a great guide to them.
  • He will be a joy to be with on family vacations and make memorable moments with his children. He will fill their child’s imagination with heart-warming stories from his own childhood which are very pictorial in description. He will read to them during bed-time or camp around with them. He will ensure that his kids grow up to be empathic humans through their experiences out in the nature rather than just being devoted to their books.
  • He is thoughtful and will be protective of them, just like any other relationship and much like any other father, but these are the ones that are less likely to have the issue of ‘generation-gap’ with their children.
    Professional Life Roles

Cancer Moons are nurturing on one side and have properties of healing on the other. They do well in industries which deal with roles like this. One of the nakshatras deals with healing the hard way as seen in terminal diseases and therefore, they can work in fields like medicine. On the other hand, Pushya deals with gentle healing and therefore, they can be suited to natural methods of healing like- Ayurveda, Yoga, Therapy, Meditation and anything that blends Psychology and healing. They are loyal and meet their deadlines and do not get distracted or complain about work pressures at all.

As a Student:

Cancerian tend to suffer from mood swings and therefore, lack concentration and have a very short span to focus. He will be distracted by conversations and get into a world of his own imagination.

  • They’re average in their studies.
  • They are the shy and quiet kids of the class who’re aloof and go unnoticed. They try to stay away from involving in sports or being in limelight for good reasons or bad.

As an Employee:

For a Cancerian, stability is important, but this does not mean that he’ll take up any job. He will only give his time, energy and loyalty into a place which pays him well, as well as brings a sense of security. He needs to make good money that is enough for his entire family alone by himself.

  • They are loyal and dedicated but do not take criticisms well, even if its constructive.
  • Their spirits dampen when someone tells them something negative about their work.
  • They are good at managing their money and can save and splurge both. Even if they splurge, it would be more on experiences than on commodities.
  • He cannot cope in stressful situation or highly-demanding work areas. Stressful situations make him gloomy at work and under-perform.

As a Boss:

Cancerians leadership quality differs from the rest of the signs.

  • He’s not bossy, instead, he’s the one who observes everything in detail and expects his employees to work proficiently and honestly instead of trying to get smart with him.
  • It’s not easy to fool a Cancerian boss. He’s kind and compassionate and generous as well, but his managerial style means that you live up to your word and be honest and focused on what you’re doing.
  • He can smell office politics from a mile away and knows who’s actually working and who’s just trying to be to play around with words, and will reward or disregard you accordingly.
  • The only way to get in his good books is by working more efficiently and showing-off less.
  • Their only mantra is- Do you work efficiently, and do not get the company in trouble. Expect brash escalations if that happens since this is not the man who can save the day, he’s the one who, if stressed, will push the blame on you.

As a Business Professional:

Cancers are not risk-takers and therefore, not very good as business professionals. They can manage money well, but as far as investments and risks are concerned, he tends to get all over the place and lost. Business is not best-suited to him. His creativity is more on the empathetic side than one which requires to build an empire all by himself from scrap.

  • He can work well in partnerships, M&A, and collaborations with a good staff in place to assist.
  • His investments could be good or bad depending upon the quality and time taken to decide. Any investment that requires risk, is not for him. Any investment that he can take his time to think over, suits him better.

