Capricorn are the over-achievers of the zodiac. They are immensely hard working and disciplined, which is coupled with unwavering ambition. These people are focused deeply on their work and do not consider it casually or get perturbed by distractions on the way. Their road to glory in life is through hard work which they do not shy away from. These are the people who are unafraid of getting down and dirty in the mud just to get something out of the depths of any quicksand of a situation.
They are generally seen as working over hours and learning through the process. Their work doesn’t feel like work to them but a way of life. They wouldn’t be able to recognize themselves if they are separated from their career. They need something purposeful in their life and this can come from taking care of the household as well, but only to fill up the gap which comes from not being able to work, if such a situation arises. However, these people will never be satisfied unless they reach their professional destination and utilize every bit of effort and energy into getting there.
This forecast is based on your Vedic Moon Sign. If you are not aware of your Vedic Moon Sign, find out instantly for free by filling the data below:
- They have impeccable organizational ability. They speak less and act more. They are very structured in their approach towards things. They communicate in short and clear ways. They can literally make plans and execute them in seconds, while everyone else spends days on meetings and zoom calls to finally make up their mind.
- Capricorns are serious, diligent and overtly sincere about their work. They will not let anything distract them at work. The HR activities on Diwali such as antakshari and dumb charades in the name of team building activities is likely to irritate them. However, they can go with the flow once in a while.
- They do not easily change jobs unless they feel that the organization has started missing its purpose, doesn’t have much growth or witness any sort of stagnancy. They’ll always be updated about how their company is doing in terms of market value, shares, profits and so on and accordingly decide how much to ask for in the next salary increment. They don’t work for free, in fact, they’ll ensure to get the highest hike there is.
- They do not look for fame and popularity, instead they look for something that is more long-standing and regular. A minor appreciation won’t matter to a Capricorn. If you really like their work, pay them well.
- They are earnest in their work and will put in all that they have into their profession. They tend to put others on the forefront or lead by setting an example of what it means to take the entire team forward and not just themselves. They’re the ones who, if called up on stage to receive an award, will instead call up their whole team to hold the trophy. And if someone has done it or if you witness such a person, they are a Capricorn.
- You would rarely find Capricorn employees dressing up in highly fashionable, flashy outfits. Their office wear would be neat, polished and good looking, but rarely something that grabs attention. They wear formals or anything that is simple and does not garner unnecessary attention so that they can work in peace and silence.
Capricorn Career Horoscope
Weekly Predictions (23 Mar - 29 Mar)
This week might bring some confusion at work, so it is ideal to not make any quick changes. If you’re thinking about a job change, things will align when the time is right. Just be careful to avoid office politics.
Your Key Professional Traits
- Extremely hard working
- Sincere to a fault
- Impeccable organizational abilities
- Ambitious and driven
- Proactive and goal-oriented
- Complete ownership of work
Capricorn Career Strengths
- Leadership skills: Capricorn has leadership skills which is extremely admirable considering that they know exactly how to take their entire team forward with themselves. They know how to give you what is due to you if you’re working under them and also how to train you without making it obvious. They have people skills not just with their subordinates but also everyone who comes in contact with them. They can put people at ease by speaking what is required, to the point and in very humble and kind dispositions. This makes them appear as someone who means business but also as someone who considers you an equal. This trait makes them good Managers of teams and in team-building and consistency within the team.
- Dependability: They are dependable considering they’re sincere at work, focused on quality and targets and will not serve you what you can readily find anywhere else as well. You can tell by a Capricorn’s work that effort has been put in and you can vouche for the results. They are slow and steady, and don’t miss out on the little details that can work as the secret ingredient to the entire dish. They will know how to win your trust through their work and diligence, and you will want to have them around as an employee.
- Sincerity: Capricorns are sincere to a fault. Their work is worship to them. They will feel immensely disturbed by missing a day off from work and need to ensure that there are no pressures at the 11th hour to hit their targets. They like to work at a certain pace and with a certain flow and try to keep it going.
- Extreme levels of patience: Capricorns are Saturnian and, therefore, patience personified. They have immense patience and most of the times they win situations because of this one trait. They aren’t forceful, instead they work diligently knowing that their efforts will reap rewards at the right time. Their efforts are mostly unseen by people as they work in silence and their diligence is consistent not dependent on anything or anyone but themselves.
What do You Need to Work at?
- Too Much Work & No Play: Too much of seriousness at work may mean missing out on life. While you are too busy building a life, you forget to enjoy it. You’ll hardly find a career-oriented Capricorn having an active social or romantic life. While people might wonder tens of fluffy imaginations around this person being a playboy/playgirl, the Capricorn doesn’t even know such rumors exist because they’re too focused at work. This is something we wish Capricorn would find the time to work upon, because what’s the point of all the hard work otherwise. Besides, it can become unhealthy beyond a certain point and affect your productivity when you feel completely exhausted.
- Not taking accountability for their wins: Capricorns, for reasons best known to them, do not consider any accomplishment solely their own. They find it awkward being recognized for their own hard work. They’d rather be comfortable receiving their awards via e-mail. They should learn to accept their wins just as sportingly they accept their losses. It’s important for their professional growth.
Capricorn Career Choices
Since Capricorn admires discipline, hard work and punctuality,; thus, Capricorn's career could be in the military, banking, teaching, publishing, medicine, research and architecture etc. fields.
Their desire to be at the top in the hierarchy backed with hard work and determination easily lands them at top management positions like CEO, Managing Director, etc. in the corporate world in the later years of their life.
Income From Career
Capricorns are focused on hard wok but not without the money. They expect to be recognized for their work by both promotions as well as increments. They aim for a stable and secure life financially for themselves and are ready to work for it. This ensures that they have their mind in the right place while they’re down and focused on their goals. They generally make a pact before starting a work as to what and how much they’ll be getting for it, and then chart out the entire plan accordingly. It is safe to conclude that this hard worker is smart when it comes to compensation and therefore a stable income is expected from their career.
Capricorn Career – Planets and Facts
Capricorn is Saturnian in nature, therefore their ruling planet needs to be in a good dignity for professional and financial success. A well-placed Saturn in the 10th or 11th house for a Capricorn is important and beneficial as both these houses represent profession and rewards of profession – both financial and social.
Sun in good dignity is important for a Capricorn as it represents authority and their tassel or comfort with authority or positions of authority. A well-placed Sun in their chart in the correct houses can create good chances of recognition for them. Their best placements would be 10th & 11th house for career and finances. The entire chart needs to be studied well to understand the strength of these planets.
These results can also be accelerated by the placement of Rahu in the chart which stands for recognition, foreign travels, foreign ventures and ambitions towards public recognition. Rahu in good dignity can bring all of this for a Capricorn who anyway knows how to work hard and with diligence to get anywhere.
Career Analysis Report
Career Analysis Report precisely tells you how you will fare in your career over the next 5 years and some suitable ways & means you would need to get there. more