Discipline will bring you success this month with Saturn and the Sun transiting in your sign. You may face some obstacles and setbacks, but don’t lose courage. Instead, get ready for the challenge! Be honest and get your work done on time. This month, you will be more attractive thanks to Venus being exalted, so you’ll meet new people and start new projects. After setbacks, Mercury will turn retrograde from March 15th and cause you to gain a new position or project.
You may also have to travel abroad for business or settlement. You will likely resolve legal disputes this month. You’ll control your expenses this month. You will also spend some quality time with your parents at a religious place. Starting March 29thh, with Saturn transiting with four planets, be very careful with how you use your money and words.
This month, Mercury, the lord of your love house, will be in a low position, leading to some potential ego clashes. There’s a chance of separation due to mutual tension. Mars' transit will keep the passion alive in your relationship, and you’ll plan to go out with your lover. Thanks to exalted Venus, you will want to meet and romance your partner, but you will not be able to do so. Make sure you set aside your ego and focus on your relationship. In your married life, you might have some disagreements with your spouse at the beginning of the month due to ego clashes. Problems and a challenging time will also remain until March 15th because of Saturn and the Sun’s influence. The transit of five planets from March 29th could also bring problems for your family.
Lucky dates: 3, 6, 15, 21, 24
With exalted Venus, Rahu, and debilitated Mercury transiting your money house, your financial situation may be up and down. Overall, your finances might be better, but you will not be able to save money. You’ll benefit from old investments. If you’re thinking of investing in property this month, use your money wisely from March 12th onward, as you may end up overspending. From March 18th, you’ll probably spend money on religious places and on decorating your house. If you're confused about investing in the stock market, it's best to avoid it after March 15th.
Lucky dates: 2, 3, 6, 15, 24, 30
This month, you might be ready to take a bold step in business that you’ve been hesitating to take for a long time. Mars’ transit will boost your enthusiasm and help you arrange the funds. Make sure to seek advice from a senior before taking any risks. There’s also a possibility of receiving a new project from a foreign company after March 20th. If you're employed, it might be a good time to think about a change. Not only will you get to try something new at work, but you will also earn praise from your boss as well as a salary increase.
Lucky dates: 3, 6, 9, 18, 27
Hard work and challenges will be the hallmark of this month. You’ll be spending time studying and it’s best to keep your focus and avoid distractions from outside activities and friends. If you're thinking of pursuing a professional course, this is a favourable time for you. If you’re engaged in research, you might face obstacles which will lead to mental stress. However, if you're preparing for competitions or a government job, then success is likely this month.
This month, you'll spend both time and money with your family. You might go to a religious place with your parents. You will be bouncing with enthusiasm regarding your health this month. You will go for morning walks which will help you feel refreshed, making it easier to start your day enthusiastically and focus on your work. If you have any skin or nerve issues, don’t neglect them. Also, if you have an old injury, its pain may bother you this month.
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