Indatsro test product

Test Detailed Horoscope Reading assesses:
  • The basic strength of horoscope & your level of luck
  • How the 9 planets effect your life
  • Results of 12 houses of your horoscope.

What is Detailed Horoscope Reading?

A horoscope is drawn as per the time, date & place of your birth to unravel the mysteries of your life. It’s a key which can unlock the reason behind all events that have happened in past and are going to take place in future. It's interpretations by an expert Vedic astrologer can give you a wealth of information on just about everything of your life. It can give you not just the reason behind why the things are, the way they are and how they will continue to shape up in future but also the 'ways & means' to correct them if some of them happen to be not so favourable. So if you want to understand more about your life and what’s in store for you, Detailed Horoscope reading with predictions is the most suitable for you. 


Report Size:

12 Pages




USD 1 / Rs.2