You will approach this month with a sense of enthusiasm and excitement. You may receive an offer for a higher position or new assignment opportunities from a senior officer. Your efforts towards social services like charity or donation will be recognized and respected. You will experience a surge of good luck. You will gain prominence in political endeavors towards the end of this month. There will be new sources of income. Be cautious when seeking help from others. Your rivals may try to tarnish your image, but you will effectively overcome them.
You will see an improvement in your work situation from 4th February as Jupiter progresses. You can make investment in new ventures and yield significant benefits and desired outcomes. The transit of Mars in the income house will bring good income for you. You will see progress on the work front, though it may be accompanied by increased expenses and delayed results from 12th February. This period will be favorable for making important decisions regarding career. Mars’ retrograde movement may lead to the negative results of certain proposals. There may be restlessness and a desire to escape from work due to uncertainty and confusion due to the transit of Mercury. Don’t take hasty decisions related to your career.
Lucky Dates for Career: 5th, 9th, 12th, 23rd
Love & Marriage
There will be a heightened sense of romance and desire to spend time with your partner this month. You can express your love feelings to your partner and give them surprises and gifts to strengthen your bond. In your married relationship, you can gift your partner expensive jewelry as it will bring you closer to each other. You can plan a trip together and spend quality time to resolve any existing conflicts. The conjunction of Rahu with exalted Venus may lead to complaints from your partner which might strain your relationship. Try to have an open and healthy conversation with your partner to address these concerns. The conjunction of Sun with Saturn may cause disagreement with your partner, so you need to deal with this situation with patience and perseverance.
Lucky Dates for Marriage: 6th, 12th, 21st, 24th
Money & Finance
This month is favorable for investing in land from 8th to 23rd February, and you may reap benefits from previous investments. The period from 12th to 20th February is favorable for stock market investments. You will receive maternal properties. Investments in old government ventures will garner good profits from 12th February. You will start getting income from your rental properties. The influence of Ketu in wealth house may lead to increased expenses, especially on showing off. You need to be cautious in all financial transaction. You may incur unnecessary expenses on women, due to the influence of Rahu’s transit with exalted Venus. There may be some delay in getting expected returns on new investments.
Lucky Dates for Investments: 3rd, 6th, 12th, 15th
Students & Children
Your academic performance is likely to improve. You may participate in competitions, especially from 12th February, and it can yield favorable results. You may get loan approval for students, and any government related projects are likely to be fulfilled this month. Children may experience a period of enjoyment and happiness. You may receive positive news regarding your children, like rewards or praise. A lazy approach might hinder your academic progress. Avoid spending time on social activities as it might hamper your studies.
Family & Health
This month will be special for your family life. You will receive love and support from your family members. There will be relief regarding ancestral properties issues from 12th February. You will organize a small get together in the family to celebrate your children’s birthday, fostering shared environment. There may be increased expenses related to home renovations. Health concerns may arise, especially from 22nd February which will affect your stomach and head. Be careful while driving and refrain from such situations, leading to accidents or injuries. Be cautious while working in heights.