July Sagittarius Horoscope Moon Sign based

sagittarius Aries
The cosmic interplay this month brings forth both challenges and opportunities. The month of July 2024 for Sagittarius sign promises an energetic period.

This month brings forth a good period for success in politics, Government jobs and work, and in attaining other high posts. You may make expenditure on travels and foreign work. You may spend money on vehicles and on religious places. You will get income with the help of your friends and relatives.

The Retrograde Saturn's placement in the third house may result in feelings of laziness, anxiety, and instability. It is advisable to refrain from making any significant changes or decisions in your life this month. Unnecessary travel should also be avoided. It is important to maintain control over your voice and refrain from using abusive or rude language without consideration, as it may damage relationships.

If you encounter obstacles in your work, you may feel irritation and mental tension. It is recommended that you reach out to new companies. However, it is best to avoid making decisions regarding new work due to a sense of persisting confusion in making major decisions.

From July 16 onwards, it is crucial to be cautious about any blame or criticism, especially if you are involved in politics or the government sector. Note that engaging in illegal activities should be strictly avoided.

Love and Relationships

This month, due to the transit of Mars in the love house, there will be a surge of energy in love. Expect heightened romance in your relationship. If you love someone, you are advised to express your love this month, and they will understand the value of your love.

This month, it is likely that your ex-partner will contact you or you may bump into them. Till 16th July, due to the transit of Sun in the marital house, you may experience inflated ego in your relationship. In order to maintain mutual love, you should work with patience. After this period, you will experience peace and relief in marital life.

Lucky Dates- 6, 15, 18, 24

Money and Finance

This month, Saturn, the lord of the money house, is retrograde and indicates an increase in your expenses, which may hamper your financial plan. You need to be considerate when it comes to your savings and indulge in preparing a long-term finance plan.

It is also likely that you will incur financial losses in this month. However, this is an exceptional period for investing in land and ancestral property. Due to the transit of Rahu, you should avoid making deals for land or property. You may be able to invest in lottery and share market. It is advised that you do not take any step by getting influenced by anyone, regarding investment. Your risk-taking appetite may bring losses.

Lucky Dates- 3, 16, 29, 30

During this month, the transit of Mercury into the 8th house till the 19th of July initiates you to refrain from making any investments during this period. Additionally, it would be wise to avoid initiating any new partnerships at this time. However, starting from July 20th, you can anticipate reaping the benefits of your hard work and you will receive new exciting projects.

This July 2024 miscommunication and lack of resources may create hurdles. You might have negative thoughts about your ability to carry out plans. However, there are chances of good opportunities at far off places. You are advised to be patient and maintain a positive outlook to execute the plan. Creative skills and implementing a disciplined approach will help you to get the expected growth and success. There may be unexpected challenges in the work plan, which may result in some new responsibilities.

This month, you may proceed with making changes regarding job and wherever you work, positivity will remain. This is a good period for freelance work.

Lucky Dates- 2, 5, 15, 20, 25           

Student and Children 
This month, it is likely that students may not be able to concentrate on studies and indulge in excessive social media usage owing to the lord of education, Mars, placed in Aries and Saturn aspect over Mars.
You must stay vigilant and grab all opportunities as a golden opportunity is soon to knock on your doorstep. If you have been interested in new knowledge or research for a long time, this month you will get an opportunity to delve into it. This period will also be good for government competition, so keep working hard.

Health and Family
This month, you will feel active due to the transit of Sun and your immunity will improve.
If you have any health issues like diabetes, thyroid or chest pain, then you should take care of yourself and keep it under a check.

At this time, you will have to take care of your mother, and inculcate hygiene practices to avoid any issues. Furthermore, to foster a loving and harmonious atmosphere at home, you must avoid delving into debates or adopting a rude speech. Embark on a family trip to strengthen family ties and create a balanced life.  

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