March Sagittarius sagittarius Horoscope Moon Sign based

sagittarius Aries


This month is favourable for relaxation, spirituality, and religious trips, but avoid overspending on luxury items and on friends. You’ll gain recognition for your work in design and for your creativity. However, the transit of Rahu and exalted Venus may make your mind restless. Visiting religious places can help calm your thoughts. Mercury will retrograde from March 15, so try to avoid conflicts with friends or others, as this may cause confusion as well as obstacles in your decision-making powers.

Think before you speak, be polite in your communication, and stay away from harsh language. With the Sun entering Pisces on March 14th, it’s a good time to start new projects. However, you might feel less confident due to Rahu and the Sun’s eclipse. Focus on improving your skills this month. Short trips may cause stress. From March 29th, the transit of five planets in Pisces could create some problems between your mother and her siblings.



This month, the transit of Rahu and exalted Venus may cause problems in your relationship. A misunderstanding or the arrival of someone could cause discord. Focus on maintaining harmony by spending quality time together. If you're single, Mars' transit may bring a new relationship your way. Your married life will improve this month, leading to greater happiness in the home. A new guest or event might bring joy. At the end of the month, you can plan to go out somewhere with your life partner.

Lucky dates: 2, 3, 12, 15, 24, 23



Saturn, the lord of the money house, is transiting with the Sun, indicating minimal spending. Still, there might be some financial loss. If you need to invest, consider doing so before March 15th, as that will be the best time to make wise choices. Travel expenses may increase this month. Due to the transit of Jupiter, it’s a good month to invest in land and you will also benefit by buying or renovating a new house. After March 29th, with the transit of five planets, be very careful when it comes to any land-related disputes.

Lucky dates: 5, 15, 24, 27, 28



If you’re planning a significant business investment this month, it might be better to wait, as Ketu's transit could lead to your making poor decisions that you will regret later. If you’re considering a partnership, doing it before March 15th will be best. At this time, you’ll make new contacts and may even land a big deal. Work-related matters will improve this month. You will have the support of your coworkers and you will also have a good chance of a promotion. Your relationship with your boss and seniors will also improve. With the transit of exalted Venus with four planets from March 29th, avoid making any major job-related decisions.

Lucky dates: 1, 10, 21, 28, 29



This month, Mars may cause children and students to become restless and distracted, negatively impacting concentration and potentially leading to missing golden opportunities. If you're interested in seeking new knowledge or doing some type of research, you’ll have the chance to pursue it until March 15th. If you're thinking of studying abroad, this is a good time. This period is also favourable to succeed in competitions. If you're preparing for a government job, it will require a lot of hard work.



You may plan a family trip to spend quality time together, and you’ll also try to save money for your children. Try to avoid conflicts with your father and be mindful of his health. Your health will improve this month, but if you have diabetes, thyroid issues, or any chest-related concerns, you must take extra care of yourself. Stress from chronic illnesses may negatively impact you, so make sure you get proper and timely treatment and be careful. Pay special attention to your diet and avoid any skin or stomach infections.


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