July Virgo Horoscope Moon Sign based

virgo Aries
The cosmic interplay this month brings forth both challenges and opportunities. The month of July 2024 for Virgo sign promises an energetic period.
In the beginning of the month, you will focus on yourself, and foster feelings of joy and excitement, eradicating any restlessness and sadness from the mind. You will remain active and fresh.
It is likely that eventually, you may get overburdened with work, preventing you from taking time out for yourself and leading to mental stress. Your thinking abilities are exceptional, helping you take decisions quickly, which will lead to success this month.

From 16th July onwards, before starting any new work, take advice from your senior, as it will be beneficial for you. There is also a possibility of profits from real estate. This month, keep a check over your anger, and do not take any decision in haste, where anger arises, your work can get spoiled.
It is advised to maintain good relations with your relatives. This month will bring forth enthusiasm and excitement. Success will be achieved only with hard work and dedication. However, it is likely that you may get cheated by someone close to you. You are advised to be careful and avoid being too close to people or being too emotional.

Love and Relationship

This month, Saturn, the lord of your love house, being retrograde and transiting in its own sign would teach you the importance of living with discipline with your lover, especially if you showed negligence towards your relationship for a long time.

Your current love/marital relationship will foster feelings of contentment and you will share tender gestures of romance with your partner/spouse. However, you must be cautious with your words and gestures as it may disrupt the harmony owing to your rude and egoistic behaviour.
This month is a testing period for relationships. Married individuals will have to proceed with great caution this month since Rahu indicates a situation of mutual tension with your life partner due to misunderstanding.
Lucky Dates- 2, 16, 25, 29

Money and Finance
This month, Rahu indicates expenditure on unnecessary items, stemming from a desire to show-off. This month, from 7th July, Venus will be in income house, and you will be bestowed with ample luck. It is likely that you will spend money on yourself or on outings and trips.

Mercury's placement has the potential to expand your capabilities, leading to numerous opportunities and financial success. It will encourage you to think outside the box and establish innovative and creative guidelines within your organization. Your energy levels will be heightened this month, boosting your confidence in achieving financial goals.

If you are considering investing in land or purchasing property, exercise caution and proceed with care. Additionally, you may need to allocate funds for house renovations. However, this month may not be favourable for engaging in the share market.
Lucky Dates-6, 12, 28, 30


This month, you are advised to take major steps regarding work, as they can lead to sudden profits. You are advised to proceed thoughtfully. The period also indicates success in your business as you are likely to garner major projects.

Luck is on your side this month and you may even become famous and receive profits from foreign companies. This month, due to the transit of retrograde Saturn in the house of employment, the period may not be the best for those employed. Struggle and hard work is indicated and if you are planning to switch jobs, do so with caution. Furthermore, embrace vigilance in your current position and adopt a proactive approach at work.
Lucky Dates- 3, 6, 11, 24

Students and Children
In the upcoming month, you will be motivated to put in extra effort, ensuring that laziness does not hinder your progress. The retrograde Saturn transit emphasizes the importance of discipline and time management in your studies.

However, starting from the 17th of July, the transit of Sun may enhance your focus, prompting you to gear up for any upcoming competitions. If you are preparing for higher education or a government exam, it is crucial to concentrate on achieving success.

Health and Family
This month, you will be highly energetic and active. However, you may feel mental stress due to heightened workload and increased travel, which may even hamper your health. You are advised to follow a healthy lifestyle and a strict regime. Incorporate daily exercise and walks in your routine, which will reduce your stress and also improve your health, helping you focus on your work with freshness and enthusiasm.

Venus is good for family life in this month, and you will spend quality time with get together. You will go to religious places with family and indulge in charitable deeds. A joyous atmosphere at home will manifest, aiding in eradicating any negative thoughts and concerns.   

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