2023 predictions for Virgo Health, Family & Children indicate varied results. Health during the year 2023 will generally be on better notes and no major health related issues may be there. On the family front, things would move smoothly but at times there may be some obstacles that may lead to some stress. Virgo children horoscope for the year 2023 may see some ups and downs in terms of their studies and personal matters.
Saturn will be transiting the place of children, creativity, and wealth till 17th January and after that it will move to the house of competition, disputes, disease, and enemies. This will bring good opportunities for children to get good marks and expected results in exams or any competition. Chances to go abroad for studies may also get developed. Saturn would bring some respite in your ill health in 2023.
Jupiter will be transiting the place of marriage and partnership till 22nd April and after that it will move to the place of suddenness and secrecy. It will conjunct with Rahu here when Rahu moves in this place in May to form the Guru Chandal Yoga. Before this conjunction, Jupiter would bless you with favourable results on all fronts.
This conjunction may bring some health issues to you and problems related to mental stress may trouble you. This may also bring sudden changes in your life including family life. This conjunction may also lead to strain in the family and relations among family members may get spoiled.
Sun will form a conjunction with Rahu from 14th April to 15th May in the place of suddenness and secret incidents and here Jupiter will enter on 22nd April in conjunction with Rahu and Sun.
Mars will bring happy moments in the family in the initial months of 2023. Opportunities for journeys to distant places and even to foreign land may be there that would bring better prospects for children in case of plans for studying abroad.
Mercury transit may lead to good opportunities for travelling to foreign land for personal as well as professional matters. This transit may also bring some health issues especially to females, related to the reproductive system. This will also lead to better chance for you to settle your children and incur expenses related to such activities. Mercury Rahu conjunction would take place in the place of suddenness from end of March till 7th June and this may bring some health-related issues to your parents.
2023 is going to be an exciting year with Saturn’s journey through Dhanistha Nakshatra shifting from Capricorn to Aquarius after 29 years, making you begin your professional journey or relationships anew... more
The year 2023 will have some health-related ups and downs due to the planetary transits and formation of some strong combinations of planets. This year your health would face some difficulties under the influence of conjunction of Rahu. Jupiter between 22nd April to 30th Oct.
Saturn-Sun conjunction from 14th April to 15th May would make things better on the health front. But mental stress due to personal and professional problems may be there that may impact your health. Issue with your parents, spouse and children’s health may face some minor troubles. You need to be careful and maintain your health through regular exercise and healthy diet.
Sun’s position from 18th Oct to 17th Nov, may create some family issues due to your ego and controlling attitude. On the family front there may be some misunderstandings with your siblings and property related issues may also be there. Health of family members including your parents and spouse may lead to some troubles. Need to take care.
Children would have good opportunities to travel abroad and pursue their studies after 17th January with Saturn’s movement and aspect on your place of foreign. Their performance in competitions may however need a lot of dedicated efforts due to the presence of Saturn. However, good openings for settling your children will come your way in 2023 and this would bring positivity and happiness in the family.
2023 is going to be an exciting year with Saturn’s journey through Dhanistha Nakshatra shifting from Capricorn to Aquarius after 29 years, making you begin your professional journey or relationships anew... more
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