Weekly Aries Horoscope January 26, 2025 till February 01, 2025 Moon Sign based

You will enjoy the company of your partner, but because of your dominating nature, your partner might not feel comfortable with you. If you are married, then you need to have a healthy conversation with your spouse to iron out misunderstandings.

There may be some money related problems due to the presence of retrograde Jupiter in the wealth house. If you are thinking of buying your own house, then check the papers properly. A hasty decision can cause loss for you this time.

People associated with automobile, banking sector, engineering and real estate will get progress. You can change your job or can have a discussion with your boss about your promotion. From 28th January onwards, the period will be positive for your work.

At this time, if you are looking for a change in any subject, then you should take advice from your senior. If you are trying for any research, then this period will be better for you.

Be mindful while driving. Avoid junk food and include meditation, walking, and yoga in your daily routine. These good habits will help reduce your mental stress.

This forecast is based on your Vedic Moon Sign. If you are not aware of your Vedic Moon Sign, find out instantly for free by filling the data below:

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