Weekly Libra Horoscope March 02, 2025 till March 08, 2025 Moon Sign based

Your love will be put to the test this week due to the transit of Saturn and Sun in your love house. But if you pass the test with flying colours, the future is bright. If you have a crush on someone, keep your lips sealed. This is not a good time to express your feelings.

This week, your financial condition will improve due to the transit of Mars, the lord of your wealth house. The planets are blessing any land or vehicle related investments so it’s a good time to buy that car you’ve been dreaming about or that house in the mountains you’ve dying to have. You might lose money due to a sudden expenditure so be extra careful and don’t show off your wealth. March 5th to March 8th are favourable if you want invest money in the stock market.

It's a good time to change your job and even if you decide to keep your job, this week will be positive. Any new work also has planetary blessings, but working with a partner may lead to an excessive workload to achieve success.

Students and children – remember that confidence is an asset while overconfidence is a liability. So keep your confidence up, but don’t play around and avoid studying because you think you already know it all. Only hard work will lead to educational success and there’s a good chance that a competition will yield a positive outcome.

You will be filled with energy and vigour this week which will boost your confidence and mitigate the effects of overthinking. But insignificant problems might cause you stress so make sure you incorporate walking and yoga in your daily routine to maintain your equilibrium.

This forecast is based on your Vedic Moon Sign. If you are not aware of your Vedic Moon Sign, find out instantly for free by filling the data below:

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