Weekly Scorpio Horoscope January 19, 2025 till January 25, 2025 Moon Sign based

There may be confusion in your love life due to the transit of Rahu in love house. If you are alone, then you may meet a partner after 24th January, alleviating your loneliness. You should take care of your spouse's health, and don’t discuss any old matter with them.

Your investment will give you financial benefits through which you can continue your work and complete any pending task. You can make investments with your partner and benefit in near future.

If any government work was stuck, then that will be completed during this period. You will meet new people and build a better connection with them, benefiting you in your business. This week will be better for the people who are employed to get a new job. However, there may be office politics against you.

You need to be prepared for any competitive exams, if pursuing as there will be more competition.

You may remain troubled with blood pressure, heart issues and migraine. You may suffer upset stomach which will demand you to be careful about your food habits. Yoga practice, meditation and exercise will help you keep healthy and fit.

This forecast is based on your Vedic Moon Sign. If you are not aware of your Vedic Moon Sign, find out instantly for free by filling the data below:

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