Weekly Taurus Horoscope March 09, 2025 till March 15, 2025 Moon Sign based

This week things might get spicy at work as you may start fancying one of your colleagues. You will be in the mood for romance with your beloved partner and your trust in each other will also increase. You might lose your cool which will create tension at home but try to stay cool and keep only the flames of love hot and burning, especially from March 12th to March 14th. Children will bring harmony to the home this week.

Things are looking up moneywise for you this week as the transit of Jupiter will lead to an improvement in your financial condition. Any old investments will yield good returns this week and you can use that money to complete any outstanding projects. It’s a good time to invest in real estate.

This week calls for caution from a business point of view. A third party might enter your business and cause some upheaval, so tread very carefully. Expenses are also forecast to be high since Rahu and Venus are together. Think very carefully if you’re considering changing your job and don’t rush into any kind of change from March 14th to 15th.

It's a good week for students and children as your hard work will pay off and you will get the performance and results you want. If you’re preparing for higher education or seeking a government job, then it’s an advantageous time for you.

This might be a good week to go for that yoga class you’ve been planning to. Work might cause you stress and something might cause you depressed so you should avoid doing anything troubling this week. If you have any tension in your stomach, make sure you’re extra careful about it. (Doesn’t it sound like a perfect time to start that yoga or meditation class?)

This forecast is based on your Vedic Moon Sign. If you are not aware of your Vedic Moon Sign, find out instantly for free by filling the data below:

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