
one of the auspicious and important festivals is celebrated by colors mainly in Northern and Western parts of India, besides Nepal and Pakistan too. It is religious festival of Hindus and known as festival of colors. Known as BasantUtsav meaning Spring Festival in the Eastern parts of India. It is celebrated with the great enthusiasm in BrajBhoomi – Mathura, Vrindavan,Nandagaon and Barsana locations connected to Lord Krishna. It is the most important tourist centre during this festival. People visit here to enjoy the great festival and also to be blessed by this sacred region.


Holi means – burning. There are many legends related to this festival and one of the famous and well known legends connected is related to the demon king- Hiranyakashyap- who was enemy of Lord Vishnu and wanted to take revenge for his brother Hiranayaksha’s death- who was killed by Lord Vishnu when in ‘matsyavtar’ while bringing the Earth out of the water.
Hiranyakashyap was blessed by demonic qualities- ego and proud etc. He ruled the major part of the Earth and passed the strict rule to worship him as a Lord and not Lord Vishnu. But his wish was never fulfilled as his own son Prahlad was ardent devotee of Lord Vishnu. He refused to worship his father Hiranyakashyap as God. Consequently, Hiranyakashyap attempted several ways to execute his son Prahlad but he was saved by Lord Vishnu every time.When all of his attempts failed to kill his own son Prahlad then his sister Holika- who was blessed by the boon that fire will not do any harm to her – suggested to kill Prahlad by  entering a blazing fire with him. This time also Lord Vishnu saved Prahlad’slife and Holika was burnt in that pyre. Next day, people played with the ashes of that pyre by throwing it on each other there by celebrating victory of good over evil. Now that day is celebrated as Dhulendi or Holi.

Mostly people keep fast to pay respect to Lord Vishnu on Holi i.e. on Full Moon of Phalguna month [February]. The fast is observed either by taking nothing or just fruit the whole day and it is then break opened after the blaze of holika known as HolikaDahen- Burning of Holika.
The days to avoid burning the holika during Bhadra that leads to mass death. It should also be strictly avoided to burn the fire of holika on a day before the full moon or a day after the full moon, bhadra and during the daylight. This leads to loss to the kingdom, city or people residing that place due to natural calamities or terrorism.

Other than glory to Lord Vishnu and Prahlad the respect is given to dhunda[for creating peace and prosperity throughout the year] for eternal peace. Apart from this ‘ navaanneshtiyagya’ [nava + anna+ aeshti means offering of new grains]  also culminates this day. That is why earlier the kings or respectable persons of the city along with other people visit the near forest and bring a branched tree.That is then worshipped and planted it on the western part of the city – then known as ‘Holidand’ [stick of holi] and also by the name of Prahlad or navaanneshti. The sacred fire of the Holi is being lit by the splinter brought from a low caste or sootika[ a house where a baby is born]. When the fire is high in flames is then worshipped by incenses, flowers etc. The three roundabouts are taken around the sacred fire by the mantra:

Asrikpaabhaysantrastaiyakritatwamholibaalishaiyh |

Water is then oblated to the holika and to that tree known as ‘navaanneshti’. Offered with some sweets. The awns of barley, wheat and grams are roasted in that fire and taken as a prasadam. By this people welcome the new harvest of the season. By this way holika and new harvest both are worshipped.

You will observe many contrast scenes on this festival where it differs from place to place. In Barsana the holi is famous as Lathmaarholi where women chase and beat men with sticks. There in Kumaon it is celebrated in very much sophisticated manner. The Baithki Holi, the Khari Holi and the MahilaHoli which starts fromBasantPanchmi. It begins with the classical songs based on ragas sung by Holiyaars. Holi is played by natural colours made from flower extracts, ash and water.

Other than that you will find different flavours of different states in India celebrated by their own rituals. In all this day is also known as to promote children for being bold and courageous against evils.

Apart from that this day is observed as fasts for different purpose too. Ashok Vrat is for keeping peace and prosperity for the coming generations too. Lakshmi NarayanaVrat for prosperity. Koorchavrat for eliminating bad karmas done earlier.

In all, this day is observed for welcoming the new season, offering the new harvest and victory of good over evil by all throughout. There is certain type of happiness spread all over by colors that are extended throughout - to the sky.
