Christmas has arrived once again with its tingling bells of joy and hope. December has knocked the doors of the last month of the year with the well woven dream of gifts under the tree, the lights on the windows and porch, cards in mail, joyous dinners with family and friends, and cheery shouts of ‘Merry Christmas’.
But is this real Christmas?
Christmas is Faith where love unites mortal to mortal and the pure emotion binds mortals to God. The real meaning of Christmas is personified as the personal belief is in the existence of God, accepting and obeying the basic principles of love, peace and equality among all, in the festivities of the festival.
Insights of Christmas
Lord Jesus came to this mortal world to heal the sinner, lay the solid grounds of love and peace among all, and banish fear from all mankind. The real purpose of Christmas, amid all fun and festivities is to understand the depth of love and give love and joy to deprived and less privileged people. The real message of this bright and energetic festival is to procure its Christmas content clearly -that where there is hope, love and purpose of life, it will attain the blessing of God.
Astrological semblance of cosmic transit on Christmas according to Vedic Astrology
25th December is marked as the birth date of Lord Jesus Christ and this important day coincides with the coming back of the Sun on winter solstice. The winter solstice confirms the entry of the Sun into Capricorn sign that has Saturn as its ruling planet. The captivating factor of this movement is that the Sun appears to be stationary over the Tropic of Cancer before marking its starting journey towards the North.
Glimpse of Special Christmas horoscope for all Moon signs:
Aries are bold individuals with challenging competitive spirit, who will start the festive day with dedication and enthusiasm by searching for a real Christmas tree or an artificial one to decorate the house.
Taurus are ruled by sensuality and luxury due to the planet Venus. So, they would love to receive love and expensive gifts from their loved ones and appreciate anything which would give them the feeling of coziness and warmth of feeling of extravagance.
Gemini is one of the most social and witty signs of the zodiac who always love to mingle and meet new people which makes Christmas party an ideal place to hang out on Christmas eve. The twin sign of the zodiac is ruled by the planet Mercury which makes them grounded and practical.
The Cancer natives are very sensitive and nurturing souls with strong sentiments of taking care of others as they are ruled by the planet Moon. They would love to take care and pamper all their family members with love but would like their efforts to be honored by all.
Leo natives is one of the dynamic signs in the zodiac panel and Christmas is an excellent time to be the charming star of everyone desires as they have the ability of churning a small dwelling home into grand party with their Christmas cheer.
Virgos are ruled by the intelligent planet Mercury which makes this earthy sign optimize both work and play with equal inertia and are generally cool in temperament. Christmas is the perfect party time to exhibit your party talents and presenting the gifts to others.
Libra sign is ruled by the planet Venus, and it is characterized by the term balance in their ability to give and receive love. Christmas is the best time for captivating the love and beauty of this festival and capturing the essence of seeking peace and harmony in your routine life.
The Scorpios are very philosophical with strong will power despite belonging to the water sign family. So, their best way to execute the Christmas festive day will be spending quality time with their partner or partying with family and friends in front of roaring warmth of logs.
Sagittarius natives belong to the adventure species of the Zodiac as they love to socialize and party hard on Christmas. Christmas spree gives them the chance of exploring for gifts for family and friends as they love to give and receive gifts.
Capricorn sign is ruled by Saturn the realistic, practical, and hard task master of the zodiac who appreciates tradition and love to follow the entire Christmas scene including the singing crowd of carolers.
Aquarius is the eleventh sign of the zodiac, but it will be the foremost sign to spread love in general, but more on Christmas. You can expect this airy sign to work tirelessly for the betterment of the society and moreover they will try to make the Christmas a bright festival of hope and become the blessing for others.
Pisces is a watery sign with sensitive, timid, and sympathetic attitude towards others and Christmas is a very auspicious occasion to share these gentle attributes of donating gifts in cash or kind to fill others world with happiness.
Christmas is the season of joy, when we celebrate the birth of Lord Jesus, the son of God who was born in this mortal world to give love, healing, and renewed strength to one and all without any discrimination of any creed and caste.
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