Libra Love - Valentine's Special Horoscope

“Life is a flower of which love is the honey.”

A Libra is the master of being light-hearted and reasonable. You are charming, easy going, peace-maker, sensitive, warm, diplomatic and agreeable person.

The charming Libra knows a lot about love and passion. Blessed by Venus and Mars, the zodiac has not much to worry though, indecisive nature may often cause trouble. When it comes to home and personal relationships, Libra is reflective and patient.

You will be diplomatic, fair, and gentle with your loving partner. Follow your dreams; you are on track to make them a reality. You’ll have no problem attracting admirers—or igniting the spark with your current love.

You want what's best for you, but you also don't want to hurt those you love. It seems you cannot do both. Yes, you can, however, be more honest with yourself, as close ones know what you should do, better than you know yourself. It’s all in how you represent yourself. Say what you mean and mean what you say. Be clear about your boundaries and stick to them. Whatever you do, your heart and soul will get as involved.

You could find a soul-mate through a social networking site, matrimony web portal or web-chat. Freshen up your profile, adding some wit and personality can be a good idea. Saturn is in Libra your sign, you could find attracted to someone older, rich and well-established.

You may proceed to the next level with a special someone, getting engaged, moving in together, or deepening the connection. You may need to “try before you buy,” even if you tend to favor more permanent and intense relationships.

You may strive to express emotional feelings in a more honest manner. A meeting of the minds could spark a heartfelt connection. You could feel a great desire for love, laughter and expansion. This is the time to party, dance with your loved one, dining out, going to a club and prepared for an exceptional Valentines Day.
