Love Horoscope 2021

Love Horoscope

Love horoscope 2021 promises to be favourable with some challenges however as the 2021 progresses for new love and marriage. I have written this horoscope keeping in mind the overall trend of planetary transits particularly those of planets Jupiter, Venus & Mars covering possibilities of new love, passionate encounters, new relations & marriage possibilities and happiness that come to you with your 2021 Love & Marriage horoscope.

The Love and Marriage Horoscope 2021 states Jupiter would remain benign due to which marriages would go through better & happier times. The great trine between Jupiter & Rahu as well as Jupiter’s close run-in with Saturn would bring in good possibilities of marriage for many of us in the initial parts of 2021.

2021 Love Horoscopes is based on Moon Sign. The Vedic Astrology system prescribes predictions based on Moon Sign for more accuracy. If you do not know your Moon Sign, find it out instantly.

Love Horoscope2021: Aries

As per 2021 Love & Marriage horoscope, this year will come with mixed results. Mars, your ruling planet, will govern your instincts towards love & marriage matters at all times. With Mars in your Moon sign, which happens to be its own sign, till 22nd February from the beginning of 2021 it may make you act in an aggressive manner or make you short tempered causing misunderstandings or stress in relationship whether married or a love relationship. Therefore, the initial period will be slightly challenging with respect to love and Marriage.

Aries, your 2021 Love and Marriage Horoscope states that from 14th January to 12 February, Sun your ruling planet for love and romance will conjunct Saturn causing a sternness in thinking leading to challenges in love and romance. Rahu stationed in your house for sub-conscious thinking, expression & speech would turn you action oriented and impulsive in love life.

The 2021 Love and Marriage House of Aries sign indicates that Venus the planet of love governs you married life & controls long term relations also. Venus would bring in luck in relationships since it would be in your house of fortune from 4th January to 28th January 2021, creating a strong bonding. Venus transit in your horoscope generally would be favorable in 2021. From 11th August to 6th September you may face differences with spouse because Venus would transit the house of disputes. You have to be careful and tactful in your speech.

As per your 2021 Marriage Horoscope, Saturn with its 10th house aspect would look at your house of spouse throughout the year, creating some kind of stoic & over analysis attitude. You would need to be very practical, mature and realistic in marriage matters to ensure happiness in married life.

According to Aries 2021 Love and Marriage Horoscope, 6th April to 14th September 2021 is great as Jupiter would use it luck generating aspects on the house of spouse to create some celebrations & beautiful moments with spouse/lover and create great marriage possibilities. In this period your relationship will grow and you will enjoy quality time with your spouse. This time, your bonding with life partner will be very strong.

As per 2021 Marriage Horoscope predictions, the placement Rahu in your Horoscope may create differences between you and your spouse.

 Overall year 2021 will come with ups and downs and bring surprises in life. You have to be calm and patient in your conversation and speech for smooth sailing throughout the year.

2021 Love Reading

How the planet of Love - Venus and your 5th lord of emotions configured in the next 12 months? Will you be with the love of your life over the next 12 months or the person you are already with - is he or she a part of your destiny?...more

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Love Horoscope 2021: Taurus

As per Taurus 2021 Love & Marriage horoscope, 2021 promises to be favorable for your love and married life. There may be some challenges in the initial phase of the year but these problems will be resolved as the year progresses. Natives born under Taurus moon sign may experience a slight disturbance in their love/married life arising due to lack of communication. This can create misunderstandings, missed opportunities, and conflicts between the partners.

Taurus, your 2021 Love & Marriage horoscope states that Jupiter with its fifth house aspect would look at your house of love & romance from 1 January 2021 to 6 April 2021 and from 14 September 2021 to 20 November 2021.

This will create auspicious circumstances in your love and married life by creating an inseparable bond between the partners. You are likely to spend a lot of time together. The planetary positioning here will create some blissful moments with spouse/love. The planets are indicating marriage/relationship possibilities between 11 August 2021 and 6 September 2021.

The 2021 Marriage Horoscope of Taurus points out that the placement of Ketu in the House of spouse may give rise to minor differences between you and your spouse. However, you will find a solution to every problem and will not let these issues affect your marital happiness. You would have to be very careful and tactful in your speech. Also you would need to make a lot of efforts to maintain peace and harmony in your married life, keeping in mind that even small fights can lead to huge arguments if not resolved on time.

Taurus, the 2021 Love & Marriage predicts an unfavorable phase for the Taurus natives. 1 January to 14 April is challenging, as the planets will create some disturbance on the marriage front during this period.

The planetary positions may create disagreement between both. Moreover, January 2021 seems unfavorable for your spouse in terms of their health. This is the time where you need to take good care of your spouse’s health.

Taurus 2021 Marriage points out that Rahu will be in your First house of self, causing problems for the married natives. This isn’t a good period, especially for your spouse. The Taurus natives may feel detached from their partner and family. This will hamper the relationship with spouse and cause a lot of problems in both married/domestic life.

According to the 2021 Love & Marriage predictions, Venus will remain in the House of Fortune between 28 January 2021 and 21 February 2021. Your spouse/partner will take consideration of your feelings and emotions. Your partner may come out of their cocoon. Love and romance will flow in all directions, making your love life dreamy and blissful.

Overall the year 2021 will come with some twists and turns but will also bring surprises in your love/married life.

 Love Horoscope 2021: Gemini

As per Gemini 2021 Love & Marriage horoscope, this appears to be a testing period for both married and unmarried natives. The year will come with blended results as far as matters related to love and marriage is concerned. You are very practical when it comes to choosing a life partner for yourself. You weigh things quite seriously and believe in following a slow and cautious approach.

Gemini 2021 Love & Marriage horoscope states that Mars with its fifth house aspect would look at your house of love in the initial phase of the year, creating some problems in your love life. It is important to develop a mutual understanding with your partner and let go of minor issues. You would need to be careful and tactical in your speech. Never leave your partner in the middle of a difficult situation. Face it together and stay loyal to each other no matter what.

Your 2021 Marriage horoscope indicates that Gemini natives may face ups and downs in their married life this year. 1 January to 15 January is unfavourable, as Sun will create unnecessary problems between you and your partner. There is a thick possibility that you will suffer from ego clashes in your marriage during this period. 2021 Love & Marriage horoscope is indicating a possibility of some changes in your married life. There are strong chances that your spouse may experience some health problems at this time.

Venus, the planet of love, will be in a favourable position from 21 February 2021 to 17 March 2021. During this period, the planet of love and romance will favour your love/married life, creating auspicious circumstances for you. Your relationship will be enhanced during this period. those who have been planning to build a positive relationship with their partner will come closer to each other. Some of you may also plan a weekend getaway with your lover to spend quality time with each other.

For Geminis, 2021 Love & Marriage horoscope suggests that you should avoid exaggerating issues or arguments unnecessarily. Those who had been facing any kind of problems in their relationship need to be very careful during this period.

The 2021 Love & Marriage horoscope of Gemini moon sign points out that the placement of Saturn and Jupiter in the House of in-laws can affect your in-laws' health in many ways.

Overall, the year 2021 will create ups and downs in your love/ married life. You would need to remain calm and patient in your speech to avoid verbal clashes with your partner.

Love Horoscope 2021: Cancer

As per 2021 Love & Marriage horoscope, your love life will be challenging this year. There are thick possibilities that you may experience some setbacks in your love life this year because of your emotional nature. For those who have been planning to enter into a new relationship need to remain very observant in January 2021. There is a tendency to be associated with the wrong person.  

Cancer 2021 Love horoscope indicates that the presence of Ketu in the love house will create some or the other problem from time to time. This may be due to the general nature of Ketu that causes detachment and differences between the partners.

Mars with its fifth house aspect would look at your love house till 22 February 2021, creating differences between the partners. This will be a difficult time for both of you. You will face certain situations where your patience will be tested many a time. This is the reason the Horoscope advises you to be careful and tactful in your speech.

As per the 2021 Love & Marriage horoscope predictions of Cancer sign, the planetary positions by the mid of the month are indicating prosperity and happiness in your love and married life. Your relationship will be revived during this period and the planets will carry you both considerably closer to each other.

2021 Love & Marriage horoscope of Cancer states that the Cancer natives will face some difficulties in their love/married life this year. The planetary movements are indicating an unfavourable period due to the effects of Saturn. Saturn will remain in the House of spouse throughout the year. Apart from this, Saturn and Jupiter will conjoin in the same house this year, creating a disturbance on the relationship front. There are strong chances that your spouse’s professional life will interfere with your married life. Also, their excessive inclination towards spirituality will become the reason of distance in the relationship. All these factors will affect your sexual life and create misunderstandings between both. At the end as soon the planets turn benefic, things will move slowly back on track.

The 2021 Love & Marriage horoscope points out that your spouse may experience the ill effects of some health problems during this year. The planetary movements are indicating chances of abdominal pains or kidney, liver infections. Therefore, it is important to be very careful regarding your health.

Overall, the year 2021 will come with its own shares of highs and lows. However, the good thing is that you will soon overcome all the health problems and challenges.

Love Horoscope 2021: Leo

As per 2021 Love & Marriage horoscope, the year will come with its own share of ups and downs and bring surprises in life. Leo natives might encounter the exchange of unpleasant arguments this year, as the planetary positions do not seem to be in your favour. Your communication game ought to be strong and you must spend quality time with your partner. You will have to go extra miles to make your partner/spouse know how much they mean to you. By the end of the year, you can expect the difficulties to end and can also find positive results in your romantic life.

Leo, your 2021 Love & Marriage horoscope indicates that your romantic life may not be very smooth this year. There are thick possibilities of problems in the relationship area of your life. The transiting of planets may lead to some bitterness in the relationship. Some differences may also arise between the partners, which is likely to weaken your bonding. The period after 20th November is great for all those who are planning to propose their crush/partner.

The 2021 Love & Marriage horoscope of Leo states that from 1 January 2021 to 6 April 2021 and from 14 September 2021 to 20 November 2021, Jupiter your ruling planet for love and romance will be posited in the House of Disputes. This is the reason why relationships/marriages would go through difficult times. It may make you act aggressively or make your partner short-tempered, causing misunderstandings, or stress in both love and marriage relationship. Apart from these two phases, Jupiter will be stationed in the House of spouse/marriage, creating auspicious circumstances on the relationship front. April to September will be important for your love life. There is a good chance for you to tie the knot with your partner if you are in a committed relationship.

Leo 2021 Marriage horoscope shows that the year may not be very pleasing for the married natives. Saturn the Lord of marriage will remain in the House of Disputes throughout the year 2021. This particular placement of Saturn will cause misunderstandings and stress between the couples leading to challenges in the married life. With Jupiter in the Marriage House, you may act in a logical manner which will help you in resolving conflicts and arguments.  

Ketu will be stationed in the house of happiness this year, Placement of Ketu may give differences between you and your spouse and create unnecessary issues between both.   

Overall, the year 2021 will be challenging and demanding in the matters of love and marriage. However, you will be able to maintain a good relationship with your spouse/partner by keeping yourself cool and clearing the confusion in your relationship.

Love Horoscope 2021: Virgo

As per 2021 Love & Marriage horoscope of Virgo moon sign, it can be said that the year 2021 holds some great surprises for you. Some major changes have been predicted in your love and married life this year.

Virgo 2021 Love & Marriage horoscope states that the two major planets namely Saturn and Jupiter will nest in the House of Love for most of the year. Love life, in general, would be appealing for many of us as Saturn and Jupiter remain in the Love House for quite a few months during 2021. The planet of wisdom, Jupiter, will help you in finding a perfect soul mate Those who are in a committed relationship will enjoy quality time with their spouse. The mutual understanding between you and your partner will make people envious. The planetary positions will help you build a strong bonding with your partner this year.  

Virgo, your 2021 love and marriage Horoscope is indicating a thick possibility of conflicts in your love life. This is mainly due to the presence of Saturn in your Love House, which is going to create unnecessary problems in your relationship. Saturn transit in your Horoscope will create some kind of differences between you and your partner. This is the reason why it is so important to maintain a mutual understanding between both. You would also need to be very practical and mature in the relationship matters to ensure happiness in love and marriage life.

The 2021 Love & Marriage of Virgo moon sign horoscope points out that January, February, May, June, July and October will be great for you. The planetary transits will create some blissful moments in your love/married life during these months. You will witness some positive changes in your relationship at this time and will get a chance to enhance your love bond. Virgo natives will go out of the box to woo their partner/spouse and will try their best to revive their relationship.

Your 2021 Love & Marriage horoscope predicts a mixed year for the Virgo natives due to both favourable and unfavourable planetary transits that are likely to take place during this year. Jupiter with its Fifth (Love) and Sixth (Dispute) house transit will create both challenges and blissful moments in the love/married life of the Virgo natives. Jupiter which governs your marriage will create inauspicious circumstances in your married life from 6 April 2021 to 14 April 2021 and from 20 November 2021 to 31 December 2021. This planetary placement will create many differences between you and your partner and cause misunderstandings and stress in a relationship.

Overall, the year 2021 will come with its own share of challenges and opportunities. However, the degree of happiness and sorrows will depend on the placement of Jupiter in your Horoscope.

Love Horoscope 2021: Libra

As per 2021 Marriage Horoscope, the Libra natives are likely to face ups and downs in their love and married life this year. The planetary movements are indicating some difficulty in the relationship area of your life. Mars is your ruling planet for marriage and Saturn governs your Love House. Being malefic planets, both Mars and Saturn will bring problems in your relationship whether its love or married relationship. You have to be careful and tactical in your speech.

Libra, your 2021 Marriage Horoscope states that Saturn is your ruling planet of love and romance this year. It will create unnecessary hurdles and difficulties in your love life since it is a malefic planet. Saturn will conjunct Jupiter causing ups and downs in your love life. Jupiter governs the House of Disputes in your Horoscope and will be placed in the House of Love/Happiness for different periods during this year.

This lordship and the planetary placement will make the journey of your love life slightly difficult and complicated.

The 2021 Marriage Horoscope of Libra moon sign indicates that the period until 14 April 2021 will be unfavourable for your married life. This is because Mars your Lord of love will be in the House of Marriage during this period, creating unnecessary problems in your married life. Your aggressive temperament may put you in a deep ditch of problems. This is why the 2021 Marriage Horoscope advises you to be careful and tactical in your speech. You would need to remain calm and handle the problems maturely for smooth sailing throughout the year.

Your 2021 Marriage Horoscope states that Rahu will be stationed in the House of suddenness and conjunct Mars from January to 22 February 2021, creating some kind of disturbance on the domestic front. There are chances that your in-laws may experience some health-related problems during this period.

The love you have for each other will help you in overcoming all the problems and issues. Moreover, the problems will start vanishing from 14 April 2021. This transit of Mars would bring in good possibilities of marriage for many of us between 15 April 2021 and 6 September 2021.

The overall year 2021 will bring both positive and negative changes in the love and married life of the Libra natives.

2021 Love & Marriage Destiny

The planetary transits of 2021 are auguring well for love life & relationships. They are redefining the dynamics of your horoscope. Jupiter, the planet which for a female native signifies spouse would transit Aquarius but unceremoniously fall back into Capricorn. This is quite peculiar and would throw in many surprises in 2021...more

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Love Horoscope 2021: Scorpio

As per the Love and Marriage horoscope for the year 2021, the Scorpio natives may get lucky in the matters of love and marriage this year. Especially at the starting of the year, you can be very romantic and caring. Things might work well for you and your planetary movements may create a blissful love life for you this year. The bond between you and your partner would get strong and you will enjoy quality time with your lover. However, on a separate note, the married natives may face ups and downs in their married life due to the placement of Rahu in the Seventh House of marriage.

2021 Marriage Horoscope is indicating the good possibility of marriage for the Scorpio natives in 2021. Those who are in a committed relationship will get a chance to revive their love life this year. Jupiter your ruling planet for your love and romance will nest in the House of communication and happiness during different periods of the year. For those who have been planning to start a new relationship, the year 2021 will bring great surprises in your life. Love partners will get a chance to rekindle the spark in their relationship by spending quality time with each other. The position of Jupiter in your Horoscope seems to enhance the love factor in your relationship during this year.

Scorpio 2021 Marriage Horoscope predicts a favourable time for all those who are planning to marry the person they are dating at the moment. The planetary placements are in your favour this year. You will not face any kind of difficulty in convincing your parents. Things will work in your favour and you will easily get a green signal from your parents and relatives. However, the first quarter will be slightly challenging concerning these matters.

There is a tendency of you being carried away by other men/women. Chances of extramarital affairs can be made for you during the time of Rahu’s transit. The trouble-making planet will remain in your House of Marriage throughout the year. Therefore, you need to be very careful in these matters. You would need to remain loyal towards your spouse and maintain a harmonious relationship with them. Along with that, you would also have to have enough physical intimacy in your relationship.

Overall time, the year 2021 promises to be favourable however some planetary movements will create challenges in your love and married life. This is the reason why married natives will have to put in extra efforts this year for a happy and peaceful married life.

Love Horoscope 2021: Sagittarius

As per Sagittarius 2021 Love & Marriage horoscope, the year appears to be favourable with some challenges. However, when the planets get into benefic position, there will be a relief for you.

Your 2021 Love & Marriage horoscope points out that the Sagittarius natives will become playful and romantic this year. Your bond will be even stronger than before.

The 2021 Love & Marriage horoscope od Sagittarius states that Mars will enter its own sign, Aries, making you short-tempered and aggressive. Your love life will become inauspicious. There are chances that you may face a lot of difficulties in your love life till 22 February 2020. This is mainly due to the unfavourable placement of Mars in your Horoscope. This placement would create differences between you and your partner. Your relationship may improve after 14 April as the planetary transits would turn the situations in your favour.

Your love life will take a new and positive turn in April, July, and September. However, on a separate note, you may get entangled in fights and arguments with your beloved in March.

As per your 2021 Marriage horoscope predictions, your married life will be great this year. Jupiter with its 7th House Aspect would look at your House of Marriage, which is a good indication for your married life.

You will enjoy quality time with your spouse. Some of you may even plan a weekend getaway with your life partner. Spending time with spouse will not only strengthen your bond but also carry you both considerably closer to each other. From 14 April to 2 June is unfavourable as it may create problems between you and your spouse. Sagittarius 2021 Love & Marriage horoscope advises you to be careful and tactical in your speech. Keep your cool and remain calm, especially during difficult situations. Also, try to maintain peace and harmony in your married life.

Overall, the year 2021 will bring both challenges and opportunities in your life. The second quarter will be very favourable as your relationship will grow during this period.

Love Horoscope 2021: Capricorn

As per Capricorn 2021 Love & Marriage horoscope, love/married life, in general, would be exciting for the Capricorn natives. The planetary placements will create auspicious circumstances for you this year. Saturn will be your ruling planet this year which is in Capricorn sign as per your 2021 Love & Marriage horoscope. Jupiter will conjunct Saturn from 1 January 2021 to 6 April 2021 and from 14 September 2021 to 20 November 2021. This combination brings a lot of problems in the married life of Capricorn natives.

2021 Love & Marriage horoscope states that love and romance will flow in all directions but your relationship may not last for a very long time. This is because the trouble-maker Rahu will be stationed in the House of Love throughout the year. The placement of Rahu in the House of Love will not only give multiple relationships but also cause instability in your love life.  

According to the 2021 Love & Marriage horoscope of Capricorn Moon sign, Jupiter with its 5th house aspect would look at your House of love from 1 January 2021 to 6 April 2021 and from 14 September 2021 to 20 November 2021. There are thick possibilities that some differences may arise between the partners during this period. You need to be very careful between 22 February 2021 and 14 April 2021 since Mars would be in your Love House during this period.

Capricorn 2021 Love & Marriage horoscope predicts an unfavourable time for the married natives belonging to the Capricorn moon sign. Saturn with its 7th house aspect would look at your House of spouse throughout the year, creating a lot of problems between you and your spouse. Your 2021 Love & Marriage horoscope also indicates that the Capricorn natives will face differences and misunderstandings in their relationship this year. However, on a positive note, you will see improvement in your married life between 28 January 2021 and 21 February 2021 as Venus will remain in your Self house during this period.

Overall, the year 2021 will bring a lot of challenges in your love and married life. You would need to handle the situations tactically and maturely for smooth relation throughout the year.

Love Horoscope 2021: Aquarius

As per Aquarius 2021 Love & Marriage horoscope, the year appears to be favourable for the Aquarius natives. There are positive chances that the single natives may find your perfect match this year. Those in a committed relationship will enjoy quality time with their partner. There will be instant magnetic chemistry between you and your lover/spouse. Married natives would do their best to keep the spark alive in their married life. The planetary positions would bring in good possibilities of marriage for many of us in the initial part of 2021.

2021 Love & Marriage horoscope states that Jupiter will transit in the House of self from 6 April 2021 to 14 September 2021 and would look at your House of Love and Marriage by aspecting the 5th and 7th House. This planetary position would create auspicious circumstances on both love and marriage front.

Your 2021 Love horoscope indicates that your love life will be fine in 2021 but you need to make extra efforts to make your partner believe how much you love them. For some of you, work may take a toll on your relationship this year due to which you’re likely to face separation with your partner. However, on a positive note, the period would be great for all those who have been planning to tie the knot with their beloved.

The 2021 Love & Marriage horoscope of Aquarius sign says that the married life of Aquarius natives will get a chance to revive their relationship this year. Keeping the same in mind, you’re advised to be very careful and tactical in your speech. You may need to weigh the facts about a situation and then take actions accordingly.

Aquarius, your 2021 Love & Marriage horoscope indicates that 2021 will be great for your partner/spouse in terms of their professional life. There are positive chances that your partner will make good progress this year. They are likely to receive beneficial opportunities at their workplace, which would increase their chances of promotion/appraisal.

The 2021 Love & Marriage horoscope advises you to be careful in your speech. Sun will be your ruling planet for love and marriage from 17 July 2021 to 17 August 2021. It will likewise transit in the House of disputes, causing unnecessary problems in your married life.

Overall year, the year 2021 will come with its own share of ups and downs. You would need to keep your cool, especially during the difficult situations.

Love Horoscope 2021: Pisces

As per Pisces Love & Marriage horoscope 2021, this year is expected to be quite challenging as far as your love and married life are concerned.

For those who have been planning to start a new relationship, the planets do not seem to be in a favourable position in the initial phase of the month. However, on a positive note, the married natives will receive favourable results from 1 January 2021 to 6 April 2021 and from 14 September 2021 to 20 November 2021. Jupiter which governs your self house will aspect the House of Marriage during this period.

Pisces 2021 Love & Marriage horoscope states that love life will not be very existing this year as Saturn will look at your House of love and romance throughout the year. You may not receive a very good response from your partner, which will make you aggressive. However, you keep your cool and try to manage these situations maturely.

Your 2021 Love & Marriage horoscope predicts an unfavourable period for the natives who are in a long-term relationship. You may face differences with your partner because of the communication gap. Moon, your Ruling Planet for love and romance will be in the House of love, making you emotional and sentimental.

The 2021 Love & Marriage horoscope of Pisces moon sign points out that Jupiter with its fifth house aspect would bring in good possibilities of marriage for the single Pisces natives in the initial part of 2021.

Your 2021 Marriage horoscope is indicating a good time for the married natives as the Lord of wisdom Jupiter will bless you this year. Jupiter with its Ninth house aspect would look at your House of Fortune for a few months in 2021. This period will be great for the Pisces natives as you will get a chance to sort your resolved issues. This would also help in maintaining a mutual understanding between you and your partner. Along with this, new relation and marriage possibilities are there in October and November 2021.

Overall, the year 2021 will bring problems in life. However, these issues will be resolved as the year progresses.
