Next 100-120 days Reading of 2022

Next 100-120 days Reading



Planetary movements change the overall vibes in your day-to-day life.

Transit of planets shows the events with promise and challenges in your life. In the year 2022, you will see many momentous transits of planets and various blend of energies in them, that will cover 100 days over the period, which will start from January and extend to April 2022.

Important thing is to remember here is that slower moving planet like Jupiter and Saturn's transit are more influential and perceptible. Transit of all planets include Rahu- Ketu and are capable of giving long term influence which may affect all spheres of your life.


Mapping of planets over the next 100 days


Major Transit of planets in 100 days - It will cause significant effects 

Jupiter - Jupiter will transit in Aquarius till 13th April. In general, it will give you the feeling of positivity. After 13th April, it will move to Pisces, which is its own sign, making this transit strong and giving you a bent of spiritualism, growth, and wisdom.  

Saturn - It is transiting in Capricorn in the initial few days of the year. It gives you high objectives in life and the capability to do hard work to the fullest. Saturn is the natural ruler of Capricorn, and transiting therein, enhances the best that you can offer.

It is a time to do groundwork and make your base strong. On 29th April, it will move to its another sign Aquarius, where it will give you independent thought process and make you broad-minded. 

Rahu - Rahu is transiting in the sign of Taurus, here Rahu is exalted. Along with challenges, it will bestow you with wealth and prosperity in all spheres of life. After 12th April, it will fall back in Aries. Rahu in sign of martial feature, makes you daring and a risk taker. This combination may increase your courage and help you to move forward without reluctance. Prosperity will be there but with tests and trials in life. 

Ketu - Ketu is transiting in the sign of Scorpio. Here, Ketu gives you courage and a brainy mind. It also gives you strong determination and good endurance to achieve your objective. After 12th April, it will move backward and sit with Libra. It again will make you hardworking and firm, which may lead to success and prosperity. But, during this transit we can't deny difficulties or challenges that you will be facing in your life.

Venus - The planet of love, romance, creativity, and wealth will travel through the signs of Sagittarius (till 27th February), Capricorn (till 31st March), Aquarius (till 27th April) and Pisces (till 23rd May). You love socialization and mingling with new people. Due to this transit, you will be free and an open-minded person. There may be desires to explore the knowledge and intelligence to move forward with your objective. You will become generous in money matters, intuitive in nature, gifts, social gatherings, and parties. Love and romance will be in air. 

This is the period when all planets move in transit on one single side of Rahu-Ketu till End of April. This may give blockages and hurdles in specific fields along with some great opportunities. You will overcome all challenges and adversities or may suffer from some emotional setback.  

During this period, we see one solar eclipse on 30th April, which again may give influential effects on all transit of planets on different zodiacs. After this eclipse you feel relief from blockage of Rahu-Ketu and breathe freely.


Next 100-120 days Reading:

2022 Predictions and Reading for the next 100 to 120 days, covering the special transits of planets till April and the effect each individual transit of the particular planet will bring on your moon sign.



Moon Sign wise: Analysis of next 100 days



You will see gains in many ways in life during this transit. This is a crucial time to take important decisions in terms of personal as well as professional front. You will see your life in a better way, since you are better equipped with your enhanced awareness and intelligence. Your creative approach will give a different perspective about the things and thus prompt you to think and act in distinct and exclusive manner. You will be able to apply your ideas and planning, which you have conceived in the recent past.



You will be overcome hurdles and difficulties in professional journey as well as personal. If you are expecting some hike in salary or promotion, this period will be able to bring that to you. You will see gains in many ways in life during this transit. You will be capable of maintaining balance in your actions and your objective. You always are in desire of appreciation from others and when you get that, your productivity will increase during this time.



You will be overcome hurdles and difficulties in your professional journey as well as personal.  You need to channelize your energy and focus to your objective. If you are expecting some hike in salary or a promotion, this period will be able to bring your desired changes. You will see gains in many ways of life during this transit. You will be capable to maintain balance in your actions and your objective. You always desire appreciation from others and when you get that, your productivity will increase during this time.



You will see challenges and happy time in both personal and professional front. This transit will demand hard work and sincerity and you will surpass all the difficult time with all sincere efforts. No need to waste your time in thinking or execute your planning. Boost your confidence and aim high, you will see the results. 



You will see highs and lows during this period in terms of personal as well as professional front. There may be possibility to change your job or get a change of place. You will face challenges and delays in your work. You should plan properly every step taken by you may turn your life. You should avoid negative thoughts and be positive for better time. This transit may bring good amount of wealth.



You will see challenges and hurdles, but you will overcome all adversities during this period. Health will be weak and need extra care. You will be very active to achieve your objectives in your professional life. You would give more attention to household things. You may remain worried about your parents’ health. During the initial days you will be busy with finishing your backlog of work and responsibilities.



You will see positive and happy time in all spheres of life during this period. You will get favourable results of your efforts and hard work. You will see good time with your near and dear ones. You will meet many new friends. You should be careful in documentation. There may be journeys related to work. You will meet your soul mate; love and romance will prevail. This period indicates successful relationship and a good married time.



You will see ups and down and you need to be careful and cautious. You will go on travels with your family and friends and have work related trips. You will see growth and prosperity during this period. You may plan to purchase a house or change your rented house; this is for better options. You will have some workload which will give you pressure on your mind.



You will see ups and down during this period. These days will be full of get-together, traveling for work or enjoyment. Generally, planetary position will be favourable but with some flaws like huge expenditure or some loss of money will be there. You will get happiness from family and friends. You should focus on your objective and put efforts accordingly. You need to mellow down your ego and aggression for better results in any relationship. You will see unpredicted events in initial days of this period.



You will see that this transit will be on positive notes and give you all comforts in life. Patience is the key to success; you need to be cool and calm. You should do proper planning before starting anything in profession and at a personal level. Keep a check on your expense and save money for rainy days. You will be emotional in your love life. This is the time which will give you personal growth in professional front. You will get many opportunities to excel and shine in your career.



You will see challenges and hurdles in the upcoming time, though your dedicated efforts would help you tide over these. You would be inclined towards spiritualism during this phase. Work related journeys may prove beneficial for you. Financial gains would be on cards but there will be financial imbalances attributed to your unplanned expenditures. There may be foreign travel due to personal or professional reasons.



You will have high spirit and enthusiasm during this period. You will see some changes in your job or profession in the form of promotion or transfer in job. This period will prove very influential in your life for long term. You must remember that this change would be towards the betterment and growth in career. You will see gains from many sources in personal as well as professional front. Health of parents may be a matter of concern, especially of your father. This transit will bring benefits from overseas.
