October Leo Horoscope


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Leo October 2021 Monthly horoscope
Leo Monthly Horoscope: Overview
Planets of Influence: Sun
Predominant emotions: Confident & attractive

As per Leo horoscope, this month of October will witness an average time. The career of natives in government jobs or linked to the government will be on an up-trend. Business will also bring good profits and new avenues may open up. Love and marriage will not be very smooth but there will be intimate moments between the partners. Financial state would be an area of concern wherein avoiding any over expenditure would be the need of the hour. Some minor stomach related health issues would trouble you else health would be under control. Students will have to study hard and avoid any shortcuts in their studies which may harm them in the long run. Family life will be generally smooth, health of some elder members of family may need some extra care.

Leo Career:
Planets of Influence: Rahu & Venus
Major Trend: Smooth sailing

Career for Leo in this month of October will be good if you are a government employee or engaged in some government related task. Your peers will provide the all needed help and support to complete tasks entrusted to you. Business will prosper and grow with profits flowing in from all the ventures but you need to be careful of your competitors as your business lord Saturn is in 6th house of enemies and disputes. Even partnerships will yield gains for you. You need to be careful with the documentation part of the business and read before you sign.

Love, Marriage & Relationships for Leo
Planets of Influence: Jupiter & Saturn
Major Trend: Love and Harmony

Leo Love in the month of October will be on good notes. There will be opportunities when you may enjoy loving times with your love partner. There will be good coordination among the partners and they will be closer than before. Married couples will have good relations as well, though they need to be careful to keep their egos aside when they converse with each other or have any difference of opinion. Health of your spouse will be a matter of concern.

Leo Money & Finance Horoscope:
Planets of Influence: Sun, Mars & Mercury
Major Trend: Restricted Expenditures

Leo finance in this month of October will see some high and low trends. Inflow of money will be there. However, your concern will be the expenditure that may outrun the inflows at times. Hence you need to avoid such situations that will drain your savings and bring you financial troubles. Savings also need to be increased whenever financial condition permits. Plan your unwanted expenses at some later time when the financial condition improves.

Leo Health
Planets of Influence: Jupiter & Saturn
Major Trend: Stomach problems
Leo health in this month of October will be under a bit of stress and there will be minor health issues that will be creeping in every now and then to frustrate you. Indigestion and an upset stomach will be frequently causing problems to you. Hence eating healthy and nutritious food will help you avoid these ailments. Be careful while driving as Mars aspects the house of accidents which may give accidents during this period.

Leo Students & Education Horoscope
Planets of Influence: Jupiter
Major Trend: Hard work for success
Leo Students in the month of October will have to put in more dedicated efforts and study hard for getting good results else they may be deprived of success. This is the time that they must develop a habit of reading the complete material and avoid taking shortcuts or any unprecedented means for getting good results. In case you are appearing for some competitive exam, then you need to be very careful and make efforts to cover the entire syllabus.

Family & Health Horoscope: Leo
Planets of Influence: Sun, Mars & Mercury
Major Trend: Arguments & aggression
Leo family life in the month of October will not be smooth. Relationships among the family members will not be optimal. The Sun & Mars both will be in the 2nd house of family with Mercury, which may lead to harsh or straight forward speech. This may at times bring misunderstandings within the family members. You will respect your elders and there will be a need to care for their health as there are chances of some health issues. Caring for each other will further strengthen the bond between the family members. Keeping ego a bay while interacting with the relatives will be advisable.
