October Libra Horoscope


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Libra September horoscope 2021
Libra Monthly Horoscope: Overview
Planets of Influence: Venus
Predominant emotions: Creating harmony and charming
As per Libra horoscope, the month of October will face some challenges in their professional arena. However, their promotion may also be there on the cards. Business will largely remain average. Hence it is better to wait for a favorable time to come. Love and marriage will be on a boom and there will be love and harmony all around. Adequate finances will be there to sustain you during this period however huge inflows may come in near future. Hard work and a busy schedule may take a toll on your health. Hence, resorting to regular exercise and meditation will keep you physically and mentally fit. Students will have to boost their concentration power as there may be chances that they may deviate from their path. Family life will see some ups and downs and some friction with elders may also be there.

Libra Career
Planets of Influence: Moon, Saturn & Jupiter
Major Trend: Ups and Downs
Libra career in the month of October will need a good amount of hard work from you and in return, you will be blessed with rewards or promotion. A new higher position in office may also be given to you. Saturn and Jupiter both will aspect the 10th house of career and will bless you with success. There may be some delays but the reward of your hard work definitely will be on your side during this month. Your opponents may not like your prosperity and try to create some hurdles for you in your office work. However, you should keep calm and converse very politely with everyone. Business may remain average during this period as growth will be little that too with a lot of effort. Hence, it is better to wait for a favorable time to set in. Keep it on hold, if you are planning on starting any new ventures.

Love, Marriage & Relationships for Libra
Planets of Influence: Saturn, Jupiter, Mars & Sun
Major Trend: Disagreements & Aggression
Libra love birds will undergo a happy and loving time during this month of October. Time may not be favorable for singles to find their lucky one, so you need to wait for them for the right time to come. Love will be blooming all around and together you will enjoy life with your love partner. However, do not let any misunderstanding take place in your relationship as small mistakes may turn into big problems. Married native will also have a memorable time and intimate moments of bed pleasure will also be there. However, you must keep trust in your spouse and do not use any harsh words. Be cool & calm.

Libra Money & Finance Horoscope
Planets of Influence: Venus & Ketu
Major Trend: Financial challenges
Finance for Libra during the month of October will bring some mixed results. Venus & Ketu will be posited in the 2nd house of wealth which will bless you with good monetary gains and help you to accumulate wealth. But you will not feel the enjoyment of that wealth due to the presence of Ketu in this house. There may be some gains from your in-laws or from your spouse and this will come at an appropriate time when you need it the most. Overall, there may not be any dearth of money and you will have adequate finances to see you through the month.

Health Libra Horoscope
Planets of Influence: Rahu & Jupiter
Major Trend: Physical and Mental Stress
Health for Libra during the month of October will remain good and there will not be any problems that may worry you. Busy schedules and heavy work-loads may bring some physical and mental stress and strain. Back pain may also be there. Taking adequate rest will recoup you from this. Regular fitness programs including mediation will help you maintain a good physical and mental state.

Libra Students & Education Horoscope
Planets of Influence: Students & Jupiter

Major Trend: Concentration and Focus
Libra students in this month of October will have to follow some meditation techniques to achieve better concentration and focus on their studies. There are chances that they may get deviated towards other things in life. In case you feel that there is a need to resort to extra tuition, then you must plan for the same and identify a good teacher. For research students, this time is favorable.

Family Horoscope: Libra
Planets of Influence: Venus & Ketu
Major Trend: Detachment from relations
Libra family during this month of October will see some ups and downs. Largely, there will be good relationships with the family members, though some arguments with elders especially your mother may take place. You need to be careful and restrict your speech so as not to use harsh words with anyone. You will take care of the needs of all the family members and help them whenever they are stuck. Your children will bring some good news, maybe they will excel in their studies and earn good results.
