October Taurus Horoscope


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Taurus October Monthly Horoscope 2021
Month Overview:
Planet of Influence: Venus
Predominant emotions: Graceful & Gentle

As per Taurus horoscope, the month of October will have assorted results. Career growth for people in jobs will be there. However, if you are in a government job, then you may have to face some challenges. Love birds may have to face some misunderstandings and this can be avoided if ego is kept aside. If you are married, then you may see a good relationship developing between you and your spouse along with intimate moments. Finances will be stable during this month and gains from speculative means will also be possible. Your health will remain stable and only some minor issues may bother you. Students in research may have to face some challenges to focus on studies but they will overcome this problem with hard work. Family life will be stable and there will be functions organized. Avoiding any harsh words will help in maintaining the stability in the family.

Taurus Career:
Planets of Influence: Saturn & Jupiter
Major Trend: Growth and expansion

Taurus career in the month of October will be average. In your job, there will be some growth. You will share good relations with your colleagues and there will be instances wherein you may excel. If you are in a government concern, then things may be in your favor to take any new tasks or responsibilities. Saturn, the lord of the 10th house of career will be in the house of fortune with Jupiter. It means luck will support you in your hard work and give you rewards. Business natives will have a good and profitable time. Your investments will bring gains. However, any new investments may be made with due care and diligence.

Love, Marriage & Relationships for Taurus
Planets of Influence: Sun, Mars & Mercury
Major Trend: Miscommunication and arguments

Love life will be average during this month for the Taurus native. There will be happy times too. However, to sustain this happiness there is a need to keep your ego aside and also you will have to control your speech. Married couples will have a happy and harmonious relationship during this month as Venus will be in the 7th house of marriage /spouse. You will cherish intimate moments in the times to follow. Instances of bed pleasure will bring you closer than before. Avoid any harsh words and arguments as this may spoil the good mood.

Taurus Money & Finance Horoscope
Planets of Influence: Mercury
Major Trend: Up trends in wealth

Taurus finance during the month of October will be on positive notes. As Mercury, the lord of the 2nd house of wealth will be posited in the 5th house of speculation, which gives earnings from the speculative markets in case you have invested in such activities. Financial stability will be there and wealth will grow. This is the right time to enhance your savings so that it will be helpful during the times of financial crisis. Business men would be earning handsome money and may also take some loan to expand their business.

Taurus Health
Planets of Influence: Jupiter, Mars & Venus
Major Trend: Minor health

Taurus health during the month of October will remain stable. Though there will not be any major medical issues, minor problems like indigestion, upset stomach, loose motion etc. may cause trouble to you. Physical and mental stress also may disturb you. Consult a doctor in case the situation prevails and there is no relief from these minor issues. Keep yourself safe from viral infections and follow all COVID-19 precautions.

Taurus Students & Education Horoscope
Planets of Influence: Sun, Mercury & Mars
Major Trend: Essence is hard work

Taurus students in the month of October will be focused towards their studies and also have an inclination to do hard work. Presence of Sun & Mars in the 5th house of education will give you energy, stamina and zeal to work hard. The research students may have some laxity in their studies that may bring some setbacks to them. Therefore they need to work even harder to cover up. Favorable time for students who are doing higher studies. The students should practice meditation daily as this will boost their concentration power.

Taurus Family & Health Horoscope
Planets of Influence: Mercury, Sun & Mars
Major Trend: Authoritative & harsh speech

Taurus family life during this month will see some good happenings in the family. There may be get-togethers planned and all members will come close to each other but due to your commanding nature and straightforward/blunt speech, there may be misunderstandings and chances to spoil relationships. You need to be more soft and calm in your words. Avoid any arguments during this month for harmony within the family.
