Sagittarius Love - Valentine's Special Horoscope

“Love is the master key that opens the gates of happiness.”

You are humane, optimistic, open-minded, sacrificing, honest, orthodox, can’t be brought round by force but can be prevailed upon by persuasion. Romantic relations with Sagittarians can be fulfilling since they are sincere and stay committed to their partners.

Avoid an egocentric, superior and arrogant attitude toward your mate. Everyone deserves a second chance. The journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step. Mars the planets of love and emotion is in retrograde motion. This could motivate you to reconcile with someone with whom you previously had certain tension. Those who are single could find the comfort of love in a fulfilling relationship. A family celebration or a farewell party could bring you close to someone special. You could meet new people to improve your chances to find your dream partner.

You're now leaving the difficult phase of your life. Rather than trying to sort out the things that went wrong, put your time and energy into the future. A loving relationship is all about “give” and “take”. It is possible that a small disagreement or misunderstanding with a loved one could emerge, but try to soothe your spirits and control yourself. Don't make any emotional decision based on states of psychological irritability, don't argue, but simply communicate, try to create an environment of mutual confidence and don't magnify things.

You’re bold, feral, and unafraid to make the first move. This is an ideal time to reconnect and enjoy quality time. You will start fresh and make a serious, long lasting commitment. Focus on having quality one-on-one conversation. If you are usually shy and unassertive, this is your moment to come out and take a risk even if you're a bit awkward. Happiness in your relationship, the integration with your loved one, and your personal accomplishment depends a great deal on the respect you have for each other.

It is necessary that both of you go hand in hand, jointly experience the new encounters that are opened to you on this Valentines Day. You're feeling playful, flirty, and above all, confident. You’re in the mood to glam up, flirt and go to parties—and to make heartfelt connections with people. Dressing up a little more or just spending more time on your appearance can be a good idea to impress your loved one at this Valentines Day.
