Sanjay Dutt's Court Case?

Bollywood actor and politician, known as Sanju Baba, Deadly Dutt and now famous as Munna Bhai-- Sanjay Dutt is again in headlines for  judgment on 21st March 2013 bomb explosions that took  place in Mumbai. The single day  series of attacks resulted in over 250 fatalities and 700 injuries. Sanjay Dutt was convicted for illegal possessions of arms by Supreme Court of India.
Born to well known Indian film actor, producer and politician Sunil Dutt and mother Nurgis Dutt, a well known Indian film actress who was famous for her generosity and kind heartedness.  What stars foretell about Sanju Baba this year. Whether he will face these impediments boldly or just give up in despair.
He was born on 29th July 1959, 14-45, Mumbai, India. Scorpio rising with Sun in Cancer and Moon in Taurus in Krittika Nakshatra.


After the series of bomb explosions on 12th March 1993, the problem started when Sanjay Dutt was arrested on 19th April 1993 under TADA, for illegal possession of a 9mm pistol and an AK - 56 assault rifle. Astrologically, then he was running under the period of Rahu-Venus - Rahu.

The sixth house governs quarrels, court cases and also diseases. The twelfth house is confinement.  In the above chart, the sixth lord Mars is conjunct with the twelfth lord Venus. these two planets are conjunct in the tenth house [karma].

He then spent 18 months in jail until he was granted bail in October 1995 by Supreme Court of India. Then the antardasha of Moon was running. Moon is exalted in the seventh house. But later on Sanjay Dutt was re-arrested in December 1995 and then re released in April 1997 on bail. Then sub period of Mars was running. 

Again during 2006, the case opened for sentencing for all accused and then Sanjay Dutt had to spend seven months in Jail again. Though Sanjay Dutt was acquitted of TADA offenses but then he was charged for keeping illegal possessions of Arms Act. This was the period when Jupiter with Venus was going on. Jupiter is placed in the twelfth house [confinement] and Venus rules the twelfth house of the chart. Jupiter and Venus both are liable to make him face jail again.
On November 2007, when Venus was at its ending phase, Sanjay Dutt was out from jail on bail.

Now again, he is going through the sub period of Rahu. The sub sub period of Venus will start from 12th June 2013 which is enough for sending him jail for sometime.

Venus is followed by Sun, the planet of authority and placed in the ninth house that represents law too. Then there is possibility of attempt of pleadings or review of the case that may show its effect during Moon sub sub period from December 2013.

Mars sub sub period is following from 22nd March 2014 which favored for Sanjay Dutt earlier -- could make him come out from jail- but this time, the attempts may turn futile too because Mars sub period is then followed by major period Saturn. Earlier Sanjay was very much busy in sub period of Saturn when his eight films were released in year 2000 when Saturn was active in sub period.
The change of mahadashas always bring changes in all directions- here the changes includes change in environment, routine activities that will make him busier than before. A planet when comes as sub period under its own major period never gives good effect. Therefore, Saturn is not expected to give him peace. So, will the period of Mars again show positive aspect towards Sanjay this time or the following Saturn [also included in Bandhan Yoga] gives imprisonment for him- for which the chances are more!
