Effect of Solar Eclipse on your Moon Sign
An eclipse is a special astronomical event that occurs several times each year. Moon is a satellite of the earth which revolves around the earth. During the process of Solar eclipse, the Moon’s orbit comes in between the Sun and Earth such that the moon is between the two. The Shadow of the Moon partially or totally covers the earth blocking the sunlight. as such hides the disc of the Sun from view on earth.
Eclipses have great importance in Vedic Astrology, as they represent the peaks of energy that is discharged and their sphere of influence which extends over considerable period of time.
During the solar eclipses, its effect will last as many years as the eclipse is hours in duration. But it is these powerful North and South Nodes that make the eclipses so incredibly powerful. As eclipses corresponds with these placements, they signify major changes on both individual and also at the collective level.
Eclipses don’t create new circumstances. They just accelerate the plot lines of already existing planetary positions. If anything is not in alignment like your professional arena, interpersonal relationship, health issues etc., the eclipses will ignite major changes to make room for the highest good which will shake one’s comfort zone.
As per Drik Panchang, the Solar eclipse will take place on December 4, 2021, Saturday on the Margashirsha month. The eclipse will start at 10:59 am and end at 3:07pm. The maximum effect will be on the Scorpio rashi and between Anuradha and Jyeshta constellation. It will align with the new moon.
This eclipse will be seen in Antarctica, South Africa, Southern part of the Atlantic, Australia, and South America. As this solar eclipse is considered a shadow eclipse (sutak period), the sutak rules will not be followed.
Symbolically, this means that we are compelled to change our external conditions and from an astrological perspective, this is an invitation to take proper action.
For the Aries natives, this eclipse is happening in your 8th house of suddenness, and it is in the 2/8 axis where in the Sun, Moon, Ketu, and Mercury are posited. The 2nd house is the house of family and finance. Read more…
For Taurus natives, this eclipse is happening in the 7th house of relationships, and it is in 1/7 axis. Therefore, you have to make an effort to stay away from unnecessary arguments with your spouse and loved ones. Even confrontation can put you in trouble and misunderstanding. Read more…
When there is an eclipse in the 6th house in the 6/12 axis, you become inclined towards spiritual healings and wellbeing. It will shake you out of your daily routine and put your life in a different perspective. You will strive for more productive work. Read more…
For the Cancer natives, the eclipse is happening in the 5th house of happiness and in 5/11 axis. Therefore, you might experience a major shift in your inclination and love life. It would be a wakeup call to seize the day with your creative gifts. Read more…
The eclipse is happening in the 4th house of happiness and in 4/10 axis for the Leo natives. Therefore, it is time for you to move out from your comfort zone. You might experience a major shift in your comfort and luxury zone. Read more…
You, as a Virgo native, will experience eclipse in the 3rd house of self-efforts and in the axis of 3/9. Therefore, it is time for you believe in yourself and work hard to reap results. Eclipses may jolt the nervous system and affects the networks you are plugged into. Read more…
For Libra natives, this eclipse is happening on the 2nd house of finance and in the axis of 2/8. This eclipse will give you opportunity to indulge in occult studies and you will do research work in your favourite field. Read more…
For the Scorpio, this eclipse is happening in your Lagna and its in 1/7 axis. Therefore, it will zoom out your physical and emotional aspect. You might feel a gush of energy being transformed to you, which might erupt a lot of hidden anger and distress. Make balance between interpersonal relationships and self. Read more…
For Sagittarius, the eclipse is happening in the 12th house and its axis is 6/12. It may raise your awareness and consciousness and you will feel connected with your higher self. You may experience vivid dreams and even sleepless nights. You can experience a breakthrough event which will lead to a different reality and opportunity. Read more…
Capricorns will experience eclipse in the 11th house and its axis is 5/11. Therefore, this will enhance your creative ideas and thoughts. You will expand your circle and improve your network. This connection will be professionally beneficial for you. It is time to grab the chance and flourish wealth. Read more…
For Aquarius natives, the eclipse is happening on the 10th house of professional and is in the axis of 4/10. You will feel much stretched towards work and will be burdened with the targets. This is the time when you will face challenge from family members, professionals and with your parents. Read more…
For Pisces, the eclipse is happening on the 9th house of luck and higher studies. It will give you the zeal and inclination towards higher achievements in studies, getting initiation and long travel. This eclipse has a higher purpose to shine your inner self by introducing you with evolved souls and occult followers. Read more…
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